Re: ez money Account Talk
So why are we complaining about our government. We complain about our jobs over seas, complain about our economy, complain about immigration, complain about crime, complain about our retirement, complain about our tax laws, complain about the lavish retirement all our elected officials in D.C. have created for the elite. So what have the politician really done for Americans nothing absolutely nothing but create problems they have not solved one DAMNED thing if they wanted to change it they have the power to change it they don't have to accept lobbyist or special interest money. They just don't do anything that they were elected to do except create a burden for AMERICANs. Like DAMNED Fool's we Keep putting these same one's right back in office. How many congressmen/women, senators, and judges are in office. Out of all the people in the United States we can not seem to vote these individuals out of office; I'm not talking one or two states I'm talking every one that is currently serving bring them all home. I don't care what they are for or against all the voters in AMERICA and we tolerate this mess. Like I said we have not had an effective government in over 50 years. Suffer America we haven't had enough yet. How many times have we got to listen to them tell us what we already know and not do one DAMNED thing about it. The taxes, war, economy, gangs, immigration, social security, health care, jobs, and let us not forget that elite special retirement that they and they alone get. Now just what do they do except create not solve any problem. Every government controls it's people ours is no different. Tired of paying for that DAMNED TEA!