You have the right to spout because of the vet. Not because you have the ability simply because you were fortunate enough to be born an American. Vets do not necessarily agree with war though they (we) are trained for that possibility. They (we) swore to obey the orders of our president. Though it may be an all volunteer force they are subjected through the course of their career to endure the hardships of the Nation they are sworn to protect. War is ugly and most vets realize it is a business and political in nature but we have sworn to follow the orders of our president and our commanders.
If we could all just sing the little coke jingle (I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony). It would be a nice world to live in, unfortunately we will never be able to get all nations to agree to live in a perfect world. I think maybe we should be under the rule of the Taliban; oh lets say for maybe 10 years so that they could cut your head off every time you spouted a disagreement or maybe rape your wife, daughter, sister with no retribution. Keep the women footstools, yes then and only then will Americans know the real sacrifices of the American veteran and the horrors that they will endure for a life time as his brothers/sisters scream with the agony of pain and death in mortal combat.
Yes it would be nice if we could just stand up walk to the other side shake hands and say "Hey lets just call this silly war off". It will never happen so the vet has to continue to protect his brother/sister's backside praying to God that they can get out of this thing alive. Some will never understand and yes I'm sure their are some of you that might be more qualified at a job than the vet that got the job. But you and others were just as qualified to carry a rifle and throw a grenade but you chose to let someone else protect your sorry A$$. You act as if we didn't have a military that nations would just leave us alone. Vet's don't start wars they have to clean up the mess the politicians start. Yes you have the right to spew your disdain for the vet and because you are blessed to be an American and the blood that was shed by those who gave all; you can spew that garbage. Most vets would like to vent a little Taliban justice on America and silence those like yourself and watch you and your family beg for their life.
As American veterans we refrain from doing that because of the principles that are instilled in us "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness". May you and your family have a blessed day and New Year because of the sacrifices made by the American Veteran.
This is a post I made to a blog in reference to an individual who, because of the American Veteran spouted off his mouth about Veterans being welfare recipients. I just could not let him make those remarks, thank God we are beyond NAM were we were spat on and called baby killers. The American Vet serving today deserves our respect and gratitude.