ezmoney's Account Talk

Our Government "Your nothing but natts, you are a spinless bunch of wimps and a bunch of ignorant fools. As soon as you re-elect us all and we know you will, we will crush your spineless back once and for all and have total control of you forever":mad: Go ahead you know you are going to vote Snowe, Barney, Nancy, Harry and the rest of the crowd back in you know you are. Suffer America you ain't had enough yet!
I don't believe World War I or anything associated with it happened, or World War II. I know for sure that there was no Korean or Vietnam conflicts. The Bay of Pigs, Grenada. Absurd the Twin Towers what a story; never happened. Did you hear them tell the one about how America was discovered and the imagination to come up with slavery the civil war(War between the States.) A person has to be ignorant to believe any of these tales. Of course abortion is a complete fable. If you want to really know the facts talk with the Bill Ayers, Michael Moore and the Hollywood crowd and you will really learn something. America is sick are we going to heal it? Suffer America we ain't had enough yet!:mad:
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When we take to the streets. I wonder if the military will side with the citizens and over throw this government or will they fire on us to protect the criminals that got us into this mess. Very Interesting. Al Copone "More can be done with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone". I don't need a gun to kill, I need a gun to keep from being killed.:mad:
Our Government "Your nothing but natts, you are a spinless bunch of wimps and a bunch of ignorant fools. As soon as you re-elect us all and we know you will, we will crush your spineless back once and for all and have total control of you forever":mad: Go ahead you know you are going to vote Snowe, Barney, Nancy, Harry and the rest of the crowd back in you know you are. Suffer America you ain't had enough yet!
The citizens won't vote them back in, but illegal immigrants will! DEMAND PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP PRIOR TO VOTING!
That raschal; I didn't know that was what the advatar he gave me was for. Maybe he can tell me how to get my crumbs back. I asked that no one sweep the floor cause my pie crumbs (Money) had fell to the floor. Now my crumbs are gone. So nnut should know where they are at and how long it will be before I can get them back. Heeeee! Heeeee!:D
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That rascal;
I didn't know that was what the advatar he gave me was for.
Maybe he can tell me how to get my crumbs back.
I asked that no one sweep the floor 'cuz my pie crumbs (Money) had fell to the floor.
Now my crumbs are gone.
So nnut should know where they are at
and how long it will be before I can get them back.
Heeeee! Heeeee!:D
Okay - that is the chorus for our TSP song - someone write some verses to go with it !!:cool:
smoking_baby.gif I surely can't tell how you are doing sense you don't post your moves on the FREE TRACKER. If you did I could tell if you were ahead of me because the crumbs would be hitting me on the head as they fall to the bottom of the tracker, their probably right at my feet. We at the bottom can always see to the upside but not to the bottom, only one way to go.:D
I had some of those crumbs raked up and had them on the table in a pretty bowl now someone has come along and knocked the bowl off and scattered my crumbs. There going to be trouble if I catch you!:D
Election time again and the republicans are stepping up with the old rhetoric "We can fix this mess". What they are really saying is we can't wait to get our hands on some of that union and special interest money. That my friend is why we need term limits. That won't stop it but it will limit the number of years they can get their ugly hands on it.

We need someone who is in tune with the constitution, and stops the political hand outs to all these groups (Acorn etc.). It's the Party; It's the Party sounds like something from communist Russia (PARTY PARTY). We are just simple going to vote republicans to replace republicans and democrats to replace democrats and very few if any that will disassociate themselves from the party.

I would venture to say that what is going on in the White house and both the houses are in the most part in direct opposition to the constitution of the United States and is illegal and therefore the CIA and the FBI needs to get off their butts and start some internal investigating as to why this illegal activity is allowed to be perpetrated on the American people.

Then turn it over to the Department of Justice to have those responsible for subversion and subjugating the civil liberties of the United States for prosecution. The enemy of the United States is amongst us and they are within our own federal government wearing fancy suits and shiny shoes. They are politicians who are selling all the citizens of this great Nation into bondage.:mad: