So now the current administration must get busy on getting those undocumented democrats registered (illegal immigrants). To make sure they regain the POWER. So maybe Massachusetts has decided to rejoin America. The only problem is America can not for the life of them get beyond democrat or republican you just swap one for another; what we need is to throw them all out and have that third party take control with term limits at eight years no more than twelve and then you are out. That want stop labor unions and special interest courtship but will make them have to start the process over again to see who they can get on the payroll. That is half the problem in itself. The FBI is always setting up stings but they sure don't seem to catch any of the union,special interest and politicians in their bribery scams. Know telling how many would be serving time if they would try to get the real crooks in DC. What they are doing is unconstitutional and down right illegal but everything seems OK with the feds. The justices too! if they would get off their duff and have the whole thing investigated most of those in DC would be charged with treason based on their complete disregard for our constitution. Yes we are going to really show them something in November. The republican will get there POWER again and go in with nothing but lip service and no real plan just like the democrats. We will swap parties and nothing more. The parties will be fighting amongst themselves just as they have always done. They are so self serving. They can not get past party politics and do what is right by the American citizens and the good of the Nation. Of course I hope I'm wrong but I don't think so, they will have to prove otherwise.:notrust:
Preach it EZ!! Preach it.