Grandma, not sure what the trouble could be. I usually listen to it live on the radio because its a local broadcast as well as being on the internet. I work the night shift so I am usually listening to it on the radio and not the internet. The only advise I could give not knowing the real problem; is to email them directly and see if they can help you. I'm sure John Moore (the DJ) and others would love to hear from you as they are getting listeners from all over the country listening live on Friday nights starting @ 6pm or so thru the internet. I have it loaded on my desktop at home and I just click listen live and usually have no probem. Let me know if you can't get it straighten out I will be glad to call or email them myself on your behalf to see if there is something that could be done. I know lots of folks enjoy that kind of music myself included. Let me know if you find out anything, or if you would like me to contact them on your behalf although I'm sure they would love to hear from you personally as John Moore reads some of the emails he recieves from listerners in far away places. Hope you have a fantastic day/weekend. From EZM 73's.