Elgallo's Retirement story

Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Thanks Elgallo. I'm looking to take out a partial withdrawl somewhere around late summer early fall.

Roll it all!! Don't subject yourself to the unecessary BS, and quite costly limitations to your ability to manage YOUR money. Remember, with them gubmint suckas it ain't about you!
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Thanks, Elgallo ! Gives me some ideas to watch out for when MY time comes !


You can watch for the pit falls all ya want , they are there for a reasons not not in our best interest. The most frustrating part of all of this process is there is very little one can do about any of them. I'm just letting go and letting things roll out as they will.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Roll it all!! Don't subject yourself to the unecessary BS, and quite costly limitations to your ability to manage YOUR money. Remember, with them gubmint suckas it ain't about you!

Thanks Elgallo, I haven't done enough research yet and if it stays in TSP for awhile I still have some control over it. Right now I'm looking at the partial to buy a new vehicle. So we will see how things shape up.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Watch out for Mr Tax man!

Thanks Zebra. I'm a little less concerned about the fed's. I claimed "single no deductions" on my W4. State and local taxes will nail me.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Thanks Zebra. I'm a little less concerned about the fed's. I claimed "single no deductions" on my W4. State and local taxes will nail me.

NO Bitchin,,,,,,,,, Come on up to wonderful NY. We'll show you taxes as bad as our legendary weather. Say, while I'm at it how's the Cape Region doing these days? Is there enough umph with the current space program to carry it over or is it going into atrophy like it did after Apollo closed down? Could it be that the bluehairs and snowbirds will tide you folks over?
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

NO Bitchin,,,,,,,,, Come on up to wonderful NY. We'll show you taxes as bad as our legendary weather. Say, while I'm at it how's the Cape Region doing these days? Is there enough umph with the current space program to carry it over or is it going into atrophy like it did after Apollo closed down? Could it be that the bluehairs and snowbirds will tide you folks over?

Not sure what you mean by "you folks" since I don't live in Florida. :blink: Heck I live on the North Coast just a couple hours from NY. I could talk your ear off about lake effect and wind chill. :D In general the NASA budget is getting cut all over the place and brain drain getting worse. Have a good one driz.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

I am still waiting.........

It seems that I overlooked having my wife signature noterized on the TSP form which delayed this transaction a second time. Had to arrange a conference call with the TSP to discover this.

After being informed, that I failed to check a box on the TSP form after my first submission, I was not also informed of the need to noterize the signature.

If these are the only problems, I'm still some # of days away from Fidelity recieving the funds. You see the..."The Checks in the Mail".

BTW.... The letter from the TSP informing me of the need to noterize came yesterday AFTER I had already jacked them up and corrected the problem.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

I am still waiting.........

It seems that I overlooked having my wife signature noterized on the TSP form which delayed this transaction a second time. Had to arrange a conference call with the TSP to discover this.

After being informed, that I failed to check a box on the TSP form after my first submission, I was not also informed of the need to noterize the signature.

If these are the only problems, I'm still some # of days away from Fidelity recieving the funds. You see the..."The Checks in the Mail".

BTW.... The letter from the TSP informing me of the need to noterize came yesterday AFTER I had already jacked them up and corrected the problem.

TSP makes OPM look pretty efficient. :D
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Well well well..............

One would have thought that once all adminestrative objections had been mitigated, which they had been over a week ago, that the TSP would have dropped the ol check in the mail rather quickly. That turned out not to be the case after my Fedility rep and I jacked them up again and inquired as to when the funds would be released.

After identifiying myself and explaining the situation, I was put on hold for a few minutes and then subsequently informed that the check would go into the mail COB tonight it just so happens! What a ko inkee dink!

Some process eh. My advise to anyone persuing this form of transfer is to stay on top of them because there exists NO sense of urgency what so ever on the part of the TSP and you are on you own to keep things right side up and moving along.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Funds were withdrawn COB yesterday. The large thump you hear is the rather large check hitting the USPS. BTW there was no way TSP would priority mail the check. Regular mail was the only option. Now ain't that special...............
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl


Keep the experiences coming, for those of us following in your footsteps !!!!

Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Funds were withdrawn COB yesterday. The large thump you hear is the rather large check hitting the USPS. BTW there was no way TSP would priority mail the check. Regular mail was the only option. Now ain't that special...............

They can't do an electronic transfer?
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Now that the TSP oddessy of extracting my ,money is over I wait, and wait, and wait.

I'm now in my 5th month of retirement, and still on interium pay.

What will be the indicator that they (OPM) have finished with my case? I understand they send some kind of document laying out, and explaining, the determination.

Retired and lovin it! Couldn't go almon fishin on Saturday so we went Hog Huntin and dropped four in less than an hour. Life is good!
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Elgallo, You may have mentioned it earlier and you don't have to say, but what percentageis your interium pay to your final pension? My paperwork said 57-70% but my HR person said because NSSC has gotten pretty good with their calculations the interium paycheck has been closer to 80-90%.
Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

Hey Elgallo or NASA can you change this: Re: Bquat - have a question again about your monthly withdrawl

I keep thinking I need to answer each time.
ElGallo's Retirement Story

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