Glad to finally find a site where the TSP is discussed


New member
You can call me Midge. I am a 68 year old FERS retiree with a retirement commencement date of July 2, 2014. I took a 100% withdrawal from my TSP with a 3 way split of a lifetime annuity, a lump sum payment to pay off the house, and a monthly disbursement in January 2015 which I never stopped even though the law now allows me to do son if I wanted. I know that most here believe that an annuity purchase was not one that I should have chosen but it's too late and the monthly income over the last decade has been a nice extra to have after my Federal retirement annuity and social security. At times, particularly when the market has gone kaka, it was needed believe me. Anyway I am glad to be here and am looking forward to conversing with you all.
We're happy to have you grammymidge!

It's great to hear your strategy you've used with your TSP into retirement. Is there anything you would have done differently in retrospect?
Welcome Midge!

Thanks for joining us. If you have any questions, please let us know, and hopefully we will be able to pick you brain about some retirement questions.

Greeting Midge! Glad everything is working out for you. I do like the Life Expectancy option, did it for 6 years and had 18% higher balance at the end of the period. Just recently switched to small fixed payments.
Happy Trails!