Re: Still Clueless?
S-fund goes kerplunk! Today, the ebbcharts had pattern 2/grn-grn-red which is the worst pattern for the S-fund (-1.16%). It has a winning percentage of only 52% (see chart above). Remember, since 2007-2014 (ebbchart years), the S&P 500 has had a win percentage of 54.9%, so anything below that number means selling pressure.
S-fund goes kerplunk! Today, the ebbcharts had pattern 2/grn-grn-red which is the worst pattern for the S-fund (-1.16%). It has a winning percentage of only 52% (see chart above). Remember, since 2007-2014 (ebbchart years), the S&P 500 has had a win percentage of 54.9%, so anything below that number means selling pressure.