ebbnflow's Account Talk

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Personally, after watching the ebb system fror just a short while, I would pay a determined amount for the service. With that said, I do have a concern over the way TSP flexibility is at risk and may only stay flexible, with a fee. i.e., set IFT transfers for free then additional charges thereafter. It's a prime example of enterprise. If you are making money you can bet someone want's a peice of it.

I used to be in a 'buy and hold' pattern back when I was on travel all the time. Since recent developments allow me to stay at the office more, I have become a day trader if you will. I would venture to guess that if fees start materializing for various aspects of the system, many will go back to buy and hold.

With my respect you are WRONG !
Just yesterday the efa went up 0.12% the I Fund went down .998
The I Fund closed $24.62 instead of $24.68 costing everyone on the
I Fund $.06 per share... Some may have 10,000 shares or more...
It cost us $600 per members.... The mangers of the fund packet
about $600,000,0000 that is not penny a piece...
FAIR VALUATION MY FOOT ! not a complain... nothing we can do...
Just be aware... we making $$$$$ they are having their piece too....:):):)
You did your part ! the "Fund Managers" reap us from our gaining...
The EFA went up and the I - Fund went down... it cost us $.06 per share
Nothing we can do about those guys (AH) just keep trying and continue
making more $$$$ to be able to grease their hands too... FAIR VALUATION MY FOOT !
I am ready to compensate you and Tom for all your sharing with us...
$15.95 per month... $162 a year is just a token for your outstanding
finding and daily job of sharing with us. You Both Deserve it.
Just moved back to the I-fund. Looks like I've missed out today, but no worries -- there are more fish in the sea. This day could have ended differently if it occurred to me that I have already adjusted the ebbchart's results for this lunar week's cycle. I've been successfully following it the last four months. I shouldn't have played today's pattern as contrarian because that would have defeated the purpose of the adjustments (live and learn). Added this to my ever-growing checklist. :)
I am ready to compensate you and Tom for all your sharing with us...
$15.95 per month... $162 a year is just a token for your outstanding
finding and daily job of sharing with us. You Both Deserve it.

Thanks and you're welcome, ekatteng! We've been pouring energy into this, so we should be ready for prime time soon. :)
I am ready to compensate you and Tom for all your sharing with us...
$15.95 per month... $162 a year is just a token for your outstanding
finding and daily job of sharing with us. You Both Deserve it.

Did I miss something, $15.95 per month?
Just moved back to the I-fund. Looks like I've missed out today, but no worries -- there are more fish in the sea. This day could have ended differently if it occurred to me that I have already adjusted the ebbchart's results for this lunar week's cycle. I've been successfully following it the last four months. I shouldn't have played today's pattern as contrarian because that would have defeated the purpose of the adjustments (live and learn). Added this to my ever-growing checklist. :)

??? -- The Ebbchart even takes into account the lunar cycle? You have the economic data, the trends data, the lunar data and I'm assuming this thing also has solar data. If you tell me this system has a flux capacitor and it's been talking to you in HAL's voice, then I'm sold!!!:D

BTW .... anybody get the 11:36 am MSCI EAFE today?? I'm counting G-pennies w/you today Ebb... so, I'm just looking (with a great deal of greed and remorse mind you) for the afternoon sell-off before I follow you back to the "I."
Minnow, the final MSCI EAFE comes up around 2:00 PM EST.

It's a long story about the lunar cycle. I tabulated the ebbtracker's performance a while back and found out I was taking the most hit during the fourth week of the month. Griffin pointed out that those times coincided with the full moon. I then looked at 2005 and found the same pattern. The full moon moved to a different week and the ebbtracker got smacked on the same week. I have made adjustments since then. To give you some perspective -- I gained +3.00% and avoided a loss of -2.41% with the adjustments I made during the lunar cycle for last month alone. :)
I don't know why it happens. All I know is I deal with trends and cycles and the ebbtracker has a down cycle which coincides a lot of times with the lunar cycle. The thing to remember is -- everything in life has a cycle, go figure. :)
Minnow, the final MSCI EAFE comes up around 2:00 PM EST.

It's a long story about the lunar cycle. I tabulated the ebbtracker's performance a while back and found out I was taking the most hit during the fourth week of the month. Griffin pointed out that those times coincided with the full moon. I then looked at 2005 and found the same pattern. The full moon moved to a different week and the ebbtracker got smacked on the same week. I have made adjustments since then. To give you some perspective -- I gained +3.00% and avoided a loss of -2.41% with the adjustments I made during the lunar cycle for last month alone. :)

ebbnfllow--- people who listen to you remember you HAVE talk about the lunar cycle before--- so you newbee you must take ebb seriously.
ebbnfllow--- people who listen to you remember you HAVE talk about the lunar cycle before--- so you newbee you must take ebb seriously.

easy there pogo... thought Ebb would appreciate a little humor and that was my only intention-- I'm already sold on Ebb and his system and have spread the word about this to others -- just trying to learn a little more from Ebb.

p.s. if you wish to talk down to me, please use the proper spelling of the TSP levels properly -- it's newbie, NOT newbee.
I don't know why it happens. All I know is I deal with trends and cycles and the ebbtracker has a down cycle which coincides a lot of times with the lunar cycle. The thing to remember is -- everything in life has a cycle, go figure. :)

definitely effects the 'ebbnflow' of the tides :)
Ok, now you are starting to scare me. Lunar cycles trump economic data? Or is that overstating it?

I have to agree with your questioning jello. Ebb, if you're going to be asking people to pay you to get your financial advice I don't think I'd be telling them you use lunar cycles to make some of your financial decisions. It's a bit out there.
Hey Ebb:

Better not let any more secrets out ..... you may put yourself out of a job if I can duplicate......

(turns back to the pencil and paper, scribbles "full moon corelation tables", and rufles through the time of high tide chart, and the swallows to capistrano factor chart......)
I have to agree with your questioning jello. Ebb, if you're going to be asking people to pay you to get your financial advice I don't think I'd be telling them you use lunar cycles to make some of your financial decisions. It's a bit out there.

Who cares what he uses as long as it works.. Don't fix what is not broken!
Friends, you'd be surprised how many reputable astrological seers there are out there. When ever one publishes I always provide time to read their thoughts when I find them. Don't prejudge in the investing environment.
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