Thanks Cheapshot, I'll be keeping that in mind. The F Fund seems to have fallen out of favor on this board and fast becoming more and more of an afterthought.
What's going on here? NK missiles, job reports, we've been warned about this before. But after seeing how Thursday is shaping up, I was perplexed as to how my trusty tracker can possibly misfire two days in a row.

I double-checked Wednesday's input and output, same result, my tracker simply misfired (no big deal). Checked for Thursday's and it's giving me a different output (F Fund for safety), but I got a clear signal for the I Fund before! I said to myself, maybe instead of typing July 6 as the target date, I mistakenly typed in June 6. :embarrest: Sure enough, that was the problem, besides me being careless and stupid, of course. Dang, I just hope it doesn't cost me that much for Thursday. No worries though, it's still early in the month, so recouping losses for this week should be easier. I've already pegged next week's Monday and Tuesday as very good days for the market. I'll be back in the hunt by then, but in the meantime, I'm moving to the F Fund for Friday as planned. Good luck everyone.
Just for fun and to give people an idea on tracking cycles and how important it is to target the right date, I remember coming across this nifty biorhythm program (don't take it seriously now), so you might want to check it out. FWIW, maybe you can try excusing yourself from work using the chart's printout result instead of a doctor's note. :cheesy: Click
here for the link.