ebbnflow's Account Talk

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I'm already finalizing my moves for next week, I only need Friday's result to close the deal. There are two clear cut days to avoid being invested on stocks: Tuesday and Wednesday (I'll be seeking sanctuary on the F Fund). So far, two entry points looking good for the I Fund are Monday and Thursday. In the meantime, here's hoping the last day of the week (today) goes out with a bang. :D
The week in review:

Monday - F Fund - even...................stocks took a pounding, I Fund was -.06 cents
Tuesday - F Fund - lost .01 cent........S Fund was down, but the I Fund was +.04 cents
Wednesday - I Fund - won .17 cents...stocks were all up
Thursday - F Fund - lost .02 cents......stocks were down, but I Fund was +.01 cent
Friday - I Fund - lost .08 cents...........only the S Fund was up

Not bad, I gained +.21% for the week. At least, I did better than the G Fund.
Overall, I was mostly in sync with the direction and pulse of the market. Next week, the best days for me to be in stocks are Monday, Thursday and Friday. Bad days for the market would be on Tuesday and Wednesday. Good luck everybody. :D
It seems like my ebbnflow tracker is on the money again. Stocks are up, but not much for my I Fund (+.01). It looks like I'm riding the wrong horse with the dollar up! If I'm to switch horses, the S Fund (+.12) should be it. Anyways, I'll be keeping an eye on the situation. Good luck everybody. :D
Going down memory lane:

"Trying to anticipate the ups and downs of the market, an Army civilian employee transferred his entire $200,000 federal Thrift Savings Plan account balance between funds more than seven times in 1998..." Read more here.

Only seven times? Heck, in my estimation, I'd have more than 100 IFTs this year. Times a changin'.
ebbnflow said:
There are two clear cut days to avoid being invested on stocks: Tuesday and Wednesday (I'll be seeking sanctuary on the F Fund). So far, two entry points looking good for the I Fund are Monday and Thursday.

Yep, that's exactly what I said last Friday. I would have been licking my wounds instead of collecting my two cents on the F Fund today. I couldn't have been more clearer. So far this week, the ebbnflow tracker is two for two, and come Thursday, a prelude to the Fourth of July fireworks might be in the offing. Good luck everybody. :D
I was just thinking about the same thing. But then I thought, I got to bring attention to my tracking system first. Let people see that they can make some good decisions if they take the time to look around and check. And besides, it is all done in good fun, we all know that. I know what you mean though, the market can be very humbling, it's just that it hasn't happened to me yet. Oops, there I go again. :nuts:

I'm telling you, a lot of people got so much pride when it comes to trading. I have a cousin who has lost big time already sitting on one stock waiting for it to go back up again. I know it takes a lot of convincing to make people make up their minds. I'm just trying to sell my philosophy right now, and hopefully some people can see the light. :D

I'm also trying to dispel the notion that market timing doesn't work. With more than two IFTs a week, no one can tell me that I would be caught with my pants down when a rally comes in, or that I'd sit on my hands while the market plummets. Since everything has a cycle, I track the market from day to day and try to get its pulse. By the way, I can see you're still p***ed off for not listening to my advice after telling me you would. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. ;)
Good words ebbnflow, I think you've got it! I only get mad at myself when I do something stupid. You know it's so easy to lose your butt by making the wrong move at the wrong time, and sometimes i'm a little too conservative and miss a chance to make money. Nobody is perfect i'm just Chicken!!:D
Good luck with your investments.
Ate some humble pie :sick: yesterday (lost -.01 cent), but we're back with a vengeance today. Our cup overfloweth with three out of four days on the plus side. We've been patient all month long and got rewarded with a whopping 3.40% or +.63 cents. Let's hope the gravy train hasn't run out for Friday. :D
Hey Ebb. Nice hit today. You may want to seriously consider getting out of the I for Monday. They applied FV to the I for like the 3rd day in a row. It is currently overpriced by roughly 40 cents. They will be taking that back soon, but they don't always do it the very next day. It would be cool if you could escape with some of that 40 cents still in your account!!

Thanks for the heads-up, Wheels. The FV sure is weighing heavily on my mind, but since I'm still on the I Fund for today, and there's a good possibility the FV would come into play, I'm thinking of rolling the dice (getting too greedy, I know). Everything would be copacetic just as long as we have a repeat of yesterday's action. :D
We asked for it, we got it -- a repeat of yesterday's action. :D We ended up with a gain of +.26 cents for the day, even though an FV of -.42 cents was taken off the top. :blink: We end the month (6/07/06 start) with a profit of over 5%. :nuts:
The Week in Review:

MON -- I Fund -- won +.01 cent......F -.01 C +.07 S +.12 -- got it right, but only got a measly cent
TUE -- F Fund -- won +.02 cents.....I -.16 C -.13 S -.20 -- called it right again, bad day at the market
WED -- F Fund -- lost -.01 cent.....I +.11 C +.08 S +.05 -- missfired, missed out on I Fund's +.11 cent gain
THU -- I Fund -- won +.63 cents.....F +.02 C +.29 S +.49 -- tracker expected fireworks, it delivered in spades
FRI -- I Fund -- won +.26 cents.....F +.04 C -.03 S +.26 -- best weekly gain for the month

Up +4.935% for the week, picking four out of five days right.
For the month (I started posting at 6/07/06), I was 61% (11 out of 18 days) right. I know I mentioned before that I get over 70% of my picks right, but that's from the start of the year to now. Last month (May), the figure was at 72% (16 out of 22 days). Here's hoping July brings more of the same. For next week, I expect the I Fund to outperform all the other funds. The only thing I have to watch out for is Friday's bump. :blink: I may have to switch to the F Fund for that day. Good luck everybody. :D
Just to be clear, you're right/wrong scorecard is only comparing F and I, is that correct?

That's correct Wheels, even if I guess the trend of the market for that day, if I don't beat the F Fund/I Fund, I count it as a loss. I'm harsh on my tracking system. :D
Leafing through the MB, I came upon a TSPer making more IFTs (3-5 in a week?) :blink: than...well myself! This guy reminds me of a kid in a candy store the way he trades. Compared to the Wizard of Oz :cheesy:, I look like an old guy in a wheelchair, and I make two IFTs a week on average. And guess what, so far he's fared better than anybody on this board managing his TSP. The WOZ leads the way in giving us a new perspective on how to beat the market. Yeah, kind of makes you think out of the box, doesn't it? And that ain't a bad thing. :D
That's correct Wheels, even if I guess the trend of the market for that day, if I don't beat the F Fund/I Fund, I count it as a loss. I'm harsh on my tracking system.
Just go opposite of me when ever you catch me in the F Fund I don't beleive I have ever made a penny in that Fund.
Thanks Cheapshot, I'll be keeping that in mind. The F Fund seems to have fallen out of favor on this board and fast becoming more and more of an afterthought.

What's going on here? NK missiles, job reports, we've been warned about this before. But after seeing how Thursday is shaping up, I was perplexed as to how my trusty tracker can possibly misfire two days in a row. :rolleyes: I double-checked Wednesday's input and output, same result, my tracker simply misfired (no big deal). Checked for Thursday's and it's giving me a different output (F Fund for safety), but I got a clear signal for the I Fund before! I said to myself, maybe instead of typing July 6 as the target date, I mistakenly typed in June 6. :embarrest: Sure enough, that was the problem, besides me being careless and stupid, of course. Dang, I just hope it doesn't cost me that much for Thursday. No worries though, it's still early in the month, so recouping losses for this week should be easier. I've already pegged next week's Monday and Tuesday as very good days for the market. I'll be back in the hunt by then, but in the meantime, I'm moving to the F Fund for Friday as planned. Good luck everyone. :D

Just for fun and to give people an idea on tracking cycles and how important it is to target the right date, I remember coming across this nifty biorhythm program (don't take it seriously now), so you might want to check it out. FWIW, maybe you can try excusing yourself from work using the chart's printout result instead of a doctor's note. :cheesy: Click here for the link.
Lady luck happened to smile upon the I Fund today, even though it had the early markings of doom and gloom written all over it. I'm taking today's mistake (I should have been on the F Fund) in stride. I figure the market still owes me 70 cents (now it's 14 cents less) :cheesy: for the couple of times I forgot to switch funds and got burned for it. Everything evens out in the end, and as the old saying goes, "never look a gift horse in the mouth." :D
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