ebbnflow's Account Talk

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Saw your morning move. In most cases... very risky to place an IFT to the I Fund for COB on a Friday. Lots can happen over a weekend. Good Luck :)
Thanks Fivetears, FUTURESTRADER. The I Fund should be in good shape for Monday and Tuesday, especially with the dollar down. I don't think the market is going to be blindsided by North Korean thingydong missiles :blink: anytime soon, so that's one less distraction to worry about. Some quarterly reports are due out this week, but that's about it. :D

The ebbnflow tracker actually showed some profit for the week (+.07%) with three of four days on the plus side, thanks to a fortuitous mistake on my part (I'm not ruling out divine intervention). :nuts: Since my 6/07/06 post, I have gone to the F Fund (for safety) a total of eight days and is in the black with a profit of +.02 cents, thanks to Friday's gain. I also stayed on the I Fund a total of 14 days and shown a healthy gain of +.95 cents. By comparison, if I chose to ride each fund exclusively for that time period, the results would be: for the F Fund -.03 cents, the I Fund +.33 cents. So far, four of the five weeks I've tracked have shown a profit. One thing I like about the strategy of day-to-day trading is the ability to accumulate not only profits, but actually gaining more shares in the process. Staying and waiting for one fund to go up and down won't do it for me because I'm trying to maximize my profits as fast as I can. :)
The market was good for Monday with only the S Fund showing a negative return (-.02) and Tuesday was also good with only the I Fund this time showing a loss (-.02). Staying put on the I Fund for Wednesday and Thursday, but going for safety to the F Fund on Friday. Good Luck. :)
Mama told me there'd be days like this. :mad: Moved to the F Fund for Friday as planned. I should be back on the I Fund by Tuesday when the dust clears. :notrust:
Haven't been updating lately, but the ebbnflow tracker is still on top of things. While the I Fund is taking a beating (-3.71%), we're only down -1.51% for the month. All the bobbing and weaving through potholes seem to be paying off. We still have +.20 cents coming to us courtesy of the FV this Friday. I hope we get it today because I've put an IFT to the F Fund for Monday already. Good luck all. :)
ebbnflow said:
Haven't been updating lately, but the ebbnflow tracker is still on top of things. While the I Fund is taking a beating (-3.71%), we're only down -1.51% for the month. All the bobbing and weaving through potholes seem to be paying off. We still have +.20 cents coming to us courtesy of the FV this Friday. I hope we get it today because I've put an IFT to the F Fund for Monday already. Good luck all. :)
I see that you only trade the F & I but you may want to consider going to the G today instead of the F with the penny being paid Monday.
ebbnflow said:
While the I Fund is taking a beating (-3.71%), we're only down -1.51% for the month. :)


Congrats you hit the I fund perfectly the other day. While you referred your EBB tracker as "we", are you working this tracker as a group and one day you may provide some advice on a fee base?

Thanks for the heads-up Gilligan, but the last time I tried to pick up a penny, it was stuck on the floor with a hardened chewing gum. :o Besides, I wouldn't want to change my sig to: "Playin' only the I, F and G Fund." :p

Hiya, Ocean! It's alive I tell ya, the ebb tracker has begun to take on an entity of its own! :blink: And no, we don't need the added pressure, but if someone wants to give me some money, I wouldn't turn it down. :D
Finished plugging in the variables to track next week's cycles to the ebb tracker. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are definitely not looking good (staying on the F Fund). A good entry point to go back to stocks is Thursday (back to the I Fund). :)

Folks, I guess those Israeli reservists coming to Lebanon are not just background noise. They are there to stay for a while and it's going to take some time for that noise to die down (talk about half-life). :blink: I'm only behind by -1.03% for the month, so recovering the loss can wait. :D
Can't wait for EWGUY's TSP tracker for this week. By the way, you're doing a great job. I want to compare it with my excel input (I think I erred). I may be down less than -1.03%. :nuts:

Before I forget, congrats to Nnuut, our new Moderator. Got some big shoes to fill (Godspeed to Rod), but I'm sure Nnutt will do fine. Nnuut, when do you get to have your 'Club TSP' title changed to Moderator? Now that you've become a made man, you better watch your back. :blink:
Thanks a bunch EbbnF, I'll do the best job I can without gettin' MAD! The other day I was listed as a Moderator, Just disappeared? Who, cares? Just here to help Tom and Spaf they ARE doing a GREAT JOB.:D
Change of plan because of change in data.
Tuesday - I will be on I Fund (only change from original plan). :D
Wednesday - I will be on F Fund (no change).
Thursday - I will be on I Fund (no change).
Friday - I will be on I Fund (no change).
I'll be on the I Fund Tuesday and be back on the F Fund (for safety) on Wednesday. I hate missing good rallies like Monday's, and I don't miss much of those, but...

"...We can't control the markets just as we can't control the future. So, the winners are simply those best positioned to benefit from a future not yet seen"...Jonathon Hoenig :)
Have to wait tonight to see if the I Fund beat the F Fund. I sure don't want to be in stocks tomorrow after two days of rally. :blink: The ebb tracker is seeing profit-taking in the works. Trying to read the market, gestalt and all, is what it's all about, and having fun while doing it, of course. :D
As far as market direction goes, the ebb tracker is right on target again, but it looks like the FV is going to hand me the short end of the stick for the second time also. :mad: We only have 3 days left to make up ground for this month. It's been brutal, but hopefully with the dollar down, tomorrow will be the day. :D
The ebb tracker got blindsided by the FV two days in a row. Today the I Fund's strong showing prevailed with a gain of +.10 cents, despite an FV correction of -.14 cents and another FV of -.16 cents being assessed. I just hope they give it back by tomorrow because I would be back on the F Fund by Monday. :)
Retire, I'm answering your question from my Account thread on this thread (Account Talk) because we're not supposed to put anything besides our IFTs on that thread. You're right about me making an IFT (interfund transfer) from the I Fund before noon Friday in order to be on the F Fund for Monday. I track the market through it's cycles from the previous week and that gives me a day to a week in advance on what to expect of it. No need for me to watch how it goes til 12:00 noon because I'm all set by then. :)
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