DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

No entry today. Waiting for this downturn to sort itself out a bit. Market seems to do good in morning and then fades into the noon cutoff.

S fund was up higher and now a +.73... Less than half of yesterday's loss, although C fund is close and I fund is jus recovering yesterday's loss. Humm...will see what happens into the close.


Wrong chart...discard


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I am tempted to enter 30% (with thought of dollar cost averaging in) but still thinking about it.

Looking at Highs of September in comparison to prices as of a few minutes ago, the market has dropped:
5.94% for S fund
5.17% for C Fund
6.67% for I Fund
1.22% for F Fund

Not sure but talking heads talk about 10-20% drop...hummm... Not sure it drops that much, but with the Debt limit drama going on, will see how it goes. More Unemployment numbers come out Friday and should be good considering the numbers that came out thus morning. I tend to think the very long (10-20+ year) secular bull market is still on going, but looks like we are in a short-term downtrend (a couple months???) but could it turn into a few years....eeee.don't know :confused:... But don't yet hear talking heads saying the downtrend has started to happen yet.

Best wishes to you All! :D:D:D
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Still sitting on the Lilly Pad.. OIP (5pp).jpg. Oh gosh and just for the record, the debt ceiling drama is just that... We will meet our debts. I think what is really moving markets is talk of adding massive debt to an already massive debt! This has got to weigh on markets. Plus our not producing oil (I.e. Think US pipelines disapproved/halted) makes us once again dependent on foreign oil and they are Not our friends. Higher oil prices means all product prices go up ...causing inflation. So with that I am thinking higher interest rates and the faster and higher the interest goes on existing debt and what we must pay each year to service our U.S. Loans/bonds. It's a dangerous path to self destruction. Gosh... Someone please cut up Uncle Sam's credit card cuz he is drunk on "free" money! Someone eventually will have to pay the tab...and it will be us or our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc....
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....and then tomorrow comes the FOMO crowd that pumps it up into next week (I hope).
That would be nice, but I honestly have no idea what I'm talking about. :blink:
Yes it is! Wooo..hooo...here are charts as of a few mins ago. They kicked the Debt ceiling can down the road... Out to December...
Also, I understand Congress is taking a week off so that should be good. Unemployment numbers come out tomorrow.... Hoping good news is not bad for market as supposedly the numbers will be good ... Best wishes to all...


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Tired of waiting but not buying today. Too many jumping in at one time...:rolleyes:
Issues averted for now so will see how it goes tomorrow...ugghhh

I and C funds continue to look best....hummm... Ok ...buying 30-I fund and 15 C fund which let's me buy more later in month.
Tired of waiting but not buying today. Too many jumping in at one time...:rolleyes:
Issues averted for now so will see how it goes tomorrow...ugghhh

I and C funds continue to look best....hummm... Ok ...buying 30-I fund and 15 C fund which let's me buy more later in month.

I would breathe a lot better knowing you were in. 😬😬👍 Entering some risk day or two but middle month appears favorable. Maybe just maybe we can get a few up to sideway days?
So just wondering....does the gap up today close the gap down that happened in Sept for S Fund???

Eventually, but in August the rally did last a couple of weeks before peaking.

Yes it is! Wooo..hooo...here are charts as of a few mins ago. They kicked the Debt ceiling can down the road... Out to December...
Also, I understand Congress is taking a week off so that should be good. Unemployment numbers come out tomorrow.... Hoping good news is not bad for market as supposedly the numbers will be good ... Best wishes to all...

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Hmmm so now that pushes this out to Dec to go along with the Dec date for the next GovShutdown vote. Dec is starting to look interesting. Could be a bad December or if they played well together could be a great Santa rally. American people to our elected leaders "Let's all line up now children, stop moving around. Billy quit pulling Mary pig tails. There is work to be done":rolleyes:
December could be looking poorly not because of a possible government shutdown or the debt ceiling but supply and demand for Santa's gifts under the tree. Of course the other two won't help either.
Charts as of few mins ago...
Not sure what to make of market... Will continue with current flight pattern... Looking for a change in direction, one way or the other. Sad to hear Congress still in town this week...Pelosi looking for a vote could impact the stock market sentiment...which way? Unknown... Right now Stochastics all turning down...except F fund...

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