And that is why I'm not sure what I want to do today.....I was ready to go 100%G, even put in IFT but thinking of pulling it for the exact reason you posted. Even had my comments ready to go and mention the breakout lol. UGH September coming lol....where is that crystal ball :blink::laugh:
LTJPFED, I am certain I exited too early last Thursday due to fear (Kabul) and what would happen this week plus I was going to be too busy on Friday to watch market. My exit parameters had not hit yet. Exit has always been tough...either get out too early and miss further run up, or exit too late and lose the gains.
I like to look for exit only after price hits Slow Stochastic 80. But I am now trying to decide on the exit trigger. Which is best? Signal line cross down on the DAILY chart's MACD 5,9,2 setting -OR- Signal line cross down on the HOURLY chart's MACD default setting (12,26,9) and TRIX.
Based on daily MACD5.9.2 I would have stayed in today (my current exit trigger), but watching as it looks like MACD default & TRIX are crossing down on Hourly chart today. Will be interesting to see which one wins out to provide best outcome. Humm... Of course, always working to tweak exit strategy! :smile:
Here is the S fund COB Daily chart followed by Hourly chart. Shout out to the Blackbird! Hope your well!
Daily S Fund (5.9.2 still up)
Hourly S Fund (both MACD & TRIX crossing down -remember just testing to see outcome, and only looking at it AFTER Slow Sto first reaches 80 having come up from a level below 20)
Charts...sorry but charts will be intermittent for next couple weeks.
Here are charts for today as of a few mins ago.
S Fund. :..MACD 5.9.2- continues to move down..
C Fund
below...This is old chart'''...discard. I tried posting C fund twice and finally saw tge download from Stockcharts did not work...twice! but its working now! :smile: ... Or maybe the user finally woke up...
Slo Stochastic for C fund showing daylight and headed down? I jumped out today anticipating the monthly plunge. Ready to get back in with my second IFT if it heads back up.
Hi Flawlaw97, The price dropped in morning for C fund, but then recovered some. But, was still down when I posted charts earlier today.
MACD 5.9.2 momentum indicator is pointing down even though Slow Sto is still above 80 (embedded). It could turn around and go back up, but a little birdy whispering in my ear says its doubtful. ...would expect a little move downturn before it reloads! I will be ready as well to jump back in. I will try to stay light on my toes :dance: for rest of this year as it seems it should be time for a little correction, but who knows!
Charts - So market continues to be in an overall uptrend, although we are having a short term down trend. Just curious as to when we will get a large correction...????
Waiting for the RSi trough to turn green along with SloStochastic to start uptrending with daylight. 50MA as the resistance? Might be a little longer turn than the past three months. Thanks for the charts! Good luck to all.
Waiting for the RSi trough to turn green along with SloStochastic to start uptrending with daylight. 50MA as the resistance? Might be a little longer turn than the past three months. Thanks for the charts! Good luck to all.
Hi Flalaw97, yes..definitely agree the 50 day MA is acting as support although the intraday price did pierce the 50 day MA and got close to the 100 day. Also, looks like 10 EMA is getting closer to crossing below the 20 DMA as price continues with its recent overall down movement. Will see when it turns up. ... For now just watching..:smile:
Good morning! Here are today's charts as of a few minutes ago.
Best wishes to you on your investments! :smile:
C Fund - Stochastic is now below 20 for possible entry, but watch ingfor MACD 5.9.2 to cross positive. will see...almost same thing for S fund, but looks like it's a few days slower as it is approaching the 20 line.
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