DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Hi RangerRay, So it does looks like the candle at mid-day changed to where it ended looking much better. It actually showed some strength. Its promising, but will see how each day goes. Often June starts strong, then drops and then picks up again during last part of month. But just because that happens "often" doesn't mean it will happen this time. I will try to stay focused on multiple indicators and criteria to decide when its time to exit. I had looked at other charts too and they all started the day with some weakness. The I fund seemed to look best early on, but will look them all over tonight. :smile:

Same thoughts as you today, but since I'm diversified I'm holding fast too. I hate to use an IFT on the first day of the month.
Looked at COB charts. Parameters not yet hit for exit out of S fund, but seems very close. Today's price action (closed at bottom of dark filled candle) is right at upper trend line and a longer term resistance area. IF it breaks through tomorrow, next resistance would be at upper Bollinger band, but would not be surprised to see it touch and drop as rising wedges are supposed to be bearish.

I fund looks to be in same position as S fund to some extent. It touched the upper Bollinger intraday, but dropped and closed at bottom of its solid black candle today. So price did not close above either the longer term (blue) or short term (purple) trend lines. Still shy of upper Bollinger band.

C fund is just holding steady and both Bollinger bands are flat. Looks like it will start to consolidate further and drop some as RSI 2 dropped below 70. Will see...

The Dow and Mini Russell 2000 futures are slightly up right now, so maybe a continuation of slow melt up for the S fund. Futures in S&P mini slightly down at this time. Well... glad to see the futures looking steady. Market is waiting on news and we should get some economic numbers tomorrow. Best wishes to everyone*!!! :smile:


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I am thinking to exit after looking at some weekly charts. Still thinking on it.
Just looks like S fund is going into a pipe. C fund is tapping on bottom of narrow trend line. I guess I fund looks best on weeklies. Humm....


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Thanks RangerRay! Yep... that is why I hesitated to exit. This economy is going to explode to upside! Need more Chips, materials and people to join workforce. Very curious to see this Friday's job report. Could send market up, but at same time the market fears inflation and interest rate increases. Just gotta keep on our toes. Buy dips... but once it takes off it might be hard to catch the train! :D :D :D
Thanks RangerRay! Yep... that is why I hesitated to exit. This economy is going to explode to upside! Need more Chips, materials and people to join workforce. Very curious to see this Friday's job report. Could send market up, but at same time the market fears inflation and interest rate increases. Just gotta keep on our toes. Buy dips... but once it takes off it might be hard to catch the train! :D :D :D

Well, the train hasn't left the station yet.
This is true RangerRay... and it looks like Good economic news is Bad news for the market due to fears of higher inflation, which could trigger the Federal Reserve to increase (Fed funds) interest rates in the Future.

I know Fed keeps saying they will not raise interest rates until they know inflation is more than "transitory"/temporary, but seems the market is not buying it. So, if the unemployment numbers are good tomorrow I should think market drops more. Only think that because last month the numbers were expected to show high employment increase (good) and instead came out very short (bad)! But...Market was happy about it.

I think the reason Market is not buying the thing about inflation not rising is because we can see the price increases at the pump, grocery store and in lumber and cost to build homes, etc. Plus if your looking for graphic cards or chips for cars, good luck! Not many to be found...Supply Issue is causing price increases. Son looking to upgrade graphics card and even used ones are 2x, 3x higher on Ebay.

Also, I am getting offers to buy our Used cars for very high prices....demand is high! This past weekend, my Brother in law said Ford dealer only had about 100 cars on lot, when they usually have 300-400. Also, friend wanted to buy Mercedes but was told new one did not have one electrical part on it because it had been taken out and placed on repaired vehicle...so have to wait on part to sell it to her a new car. They are scalping their own products due to lack of parts from factory!

Same goes for homes here in Texas... getting several offers per week and no longer answering phone. CA folks coming in droves and causing rents and housing prices to go up dramatically! But I guess as long as Fed considers price increases to be transitory they will not raise rates. God help us when they do, as I am thinking the house of cards based on low interest rates for ginormous Federal debt will eventually make the house implode! Hummm... so where should we store our nuts????

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COB Charts - So today's price action fell below the lower trendline of the rising wedge (bearish) formation which had been building for last two weeks, but which had hit major resistance over the last two days, along with the ominous dark filled candles.


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Here are charts as of a few minutes ago. Left in the trend lines, but will remove the upper line. The lower trendline is now serving as resistance. Interesting to see how today's price is stopping right at resistance. S fund touched and backed off. So, will just be watching to see if price can break through.

Best wishes and hope you all* have a great weekend! :smile:


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here are charts as of a few minutes ago.

S fund broke above the short-term lower trendline (new blue). But still below the rising wedge (purple-lower line) that it fell through last week (had turned into resistance)...although, today's price point has gotten above last week's high, which is very good!

C Fund is now hitting resistance at the short-term upper trendline (red dashed) after it fell below the last lower trendline 5 days ago (purple line).

I Fund clearly broke above its upper trendline on Friday and that upward move is continuing today


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charts as of now.
S fund continues to drop away from short term upper resistance trend line. It's also still operating within it's 4.5 month trading range (green box)
C fund respecting its upper (Red) short term resistance trendline. However, today (intraday) it did get above the high in early May! That's a good sign. So, will see if it can close above the red line and close with a new all time closing high.
I fund broke through its upper longer term (Blue) trendline 5 days ago, as previously reported, and that line is acting very well as support but now starting to trend sideways.

Best wishes to you all! :D:D:D


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I've had a good run so far. have pulled back 100% G to preserve, wait and see. was thinking even if i'm wrong - i will have not lost anything and there will always be another entry point along the way. Good luck to all. thank you DB for the charts and comments.
Hi MMK, Your welcome and that is a very healthy outlook! :smile: Here are charts as if few mins ago. Nothing to pull me back in yet.... Nothing moving with major conviction.

S fund still range bound and at top of that range.

C fund did make new all time closing high yesterday. But not seeing a rocket booster behind it. Maybe it just continues to float up? I guess you can say trend is up. But Slow Stochastic is pointing down slightly from its high perch. I guess we will see...

I fund broke above longer term trend line last week, but seems to be retesting the new support line. Can we consider this to be high basing and getting ready for a blast up??? Even C fund looks that way to...hummm... I dunno... :dunno:

Best wishes to you and Everyone!


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Charts as of a few mins ago. Looks like things continue in a holding pattern for all 3 equity funds. Maybe market waiting to here outcome of 2-day FOMC meeting on Tuesday-Wednesday. The talking heads say they do not expect a change in policy (I.e. it raising of interest rates) until next year, but all will be looking for the slightest deviation in language and easing of Fed's bond buying. Humm.... So maybe today is just showing a little pre-Fed meeting jitters. But most likely also because 10-year Treasury bond yield is up 2.05% (bearish for bond values) and VIX up 1.05% (bearish for stocks), as of a bit ago. Also MTUM (momentum) and $Tran are moving in downward trend.

So, still watching for direction, market moving news. Should get that by Wednesday... Will see. Still believe market is going to take off...but when???? Heard reports that main vaccines effective against latest strains. More people traveling, etc...

Best wishes to you all* !!! :smile:


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Hi! So here are daily charts as of a few mins ago. Still sitting on the Lilly Pad! ... Tryin to catch a juicy fly...uuuuwww :rolleyes:
Best wishes to you All*. !!:smile:

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