DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Lol... Yes! I was out, then in and then got scared again and wanted out but stayed in!! Go figure! When I'm in, I want to get out. When I'm out, I want to get in.... then go back and forth a few times! :)

Now... read some articles that quabit posted on your thread about repo market and QE Lite.... lol.. drinkin a beer and thats the best term I can come up with, but you know what i mean!

Anyways, the article says NY Fed said QE Lite will end in mid-February. So now me thinks, when does the market start to freak out about the music stopping?? Should we exit in a week or so, or wait until around start of Feb?? At some, point, without Fed saying the musics not gonna stop, those in the know will start to jump out... ehh... me just ponders a bit to much whilst drinking a lil beer! :D

Best wishes to you Whipsaw and to Everyone* !!!!!!:)

PS. I did start my weekend just a weee early! :D
Here's an article I'm sure you will like. A snipit of the article says "The Labor Department said technology upgrades will allow it to exclusively release high-profile economic data directly to the public, ending the news media’s practice of transmitting economic stories the moment data is released." This is suppose to happen in March.

I always hated how the media got publish their pumped up (CNBC) or the market crash worthy (Marketwatch) spin on the data well before we the public could actually see it.

Labor Department will no longer allow news organizations to transmit stories on the data at the same time it is released

and one from Yahoo

Good insights, DBA! Need to keep our eye on the ball for signs of the 'music stopping.' The rally starting to flatten, lower highs, negative divergence...
Thank you Whipsaw and Quabit. I''ll read those new articles soon..

Geez, I'm Out of town, did not bring my notebook and I can't find the 'like' and 'reputation' buttons on this phone. Ehhh.. will need to wait til I get back home. So anyways, I lIKE EM! Thanks again and wishing you both, and everyone a Great Holiday Weekend! :D
I reduced exposure to 25% equities. 10C, 10S, 5I. Yes, I know... but I feel comfortable with this. Plus S fund showing a cross intraday. Will see how day ends. 9 more days til IFTs get replenished. Best wishes everyone! :)
Correction- S5, I10...had those two reversed, but auto tracker is correct. :smile:

PS. Not sure why I fund is doing worse than C and S fund....hummm….

Hope you all had a great MLK day! :D :D :D

I expected some drop in equities this week, and so far its not too bad... except the I fund. Wow! It just figures... even with only 10% in I fund, those drops irk me! :sick:

So just pondering if I should exit the I fund. I think I will.... been very busy so not able to watch market that closely.

In any case, the F fund looks great... too bad I have no IFT to enter it.

Best Wishes to Everyone!!!!!! :D:D:D

F Fund looking purdy!!
AGG 1-23-20.png

I Fund -EFA -- Really should have exited yesterday when 3 EMA crossed below 5 EMA, and days before signal lines dropping (on Full Stochastic and MACDs).
I FUND - EFA. 1-23-20png.png

C Fund looks to be holding up! The 3 EMA still above 5 EMA. Full Stochastic still above 80 but starting to drop.
SPX fund 1-23-20.png
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I really hate to do this, but I am exiting. I should have just exited all the way last week, but was trying to stay in a little just in case market continued to rise.... Now, I'm just losing gains little by little....hummm .:rolleyes:...ugghh… :( then once I exit, I will wish I was in. Plus No IFT to move into F... and bond yields (TNX) continue to drop so F fund rising. Well.... I guess an exit means I will be crying in my beer next week when market reverses.... Will see... just don't see why earnings not pushing it any higher.... then again I've not been watching after the bell, as I like to do.

Best Wishes to you All! :smile:

C fund now.png
Hi. I never liked the I Fund not any other “EAFE International fund”. Pundits tell you to diversify. But I never had any luck with good returns from an international fund. I have watched Fed Retirement Planning on YouTube and the I fund did perform well a couple years ago. For me he made a case to stay out of I. EAFE doesn’t perform as well as US markets indexes.

Sent from my iPhone using TSP Talk Forums
Hi James, I knew I'd take a hit when I exited but wanted to stop the slow bleed. It was quite a drop in afternoon, but last couple hours regained some. Still.. Ugghhh… but glad I'm out. :D:D:D

Spx Intraday.png
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Hi Jarc02, I've never liked the I fund much either. But try to just follow charts. Of course, 2 IFTs don't give us much to work with. So I will be watching for entry again in February.
Best Wishes to you! :smile:
Here is 1-hour candles chart for past 20days. FWIW, I have been considering Trix indicator. I like that it is clearer than MACD. Downward cross occurred on both on the 21st, but became more pronounced by the 23rd. While there was meandering and small cross overs happening from 13th to 16th, RSI stayed above 50 and market continued upward.

Spx Intraday.png
CONGRATULATIONS GREAT BRITAIN!!!! Happy Brexit Day!!! :arms: U.K. exits the European Union!! Nothing is as sweet as Sovereignty!

Obviously, I Fund investors may need to watch out for days of volatility as certain related exit milestones pass in 2020. Here is a good article with lots of dates set out.


P.S. Checkout some of the other tabs in this article ...lol... just can't help but love the British Sun! :D:D:D

brexit celebation london.jpg
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You are both right on!!! Let FREEDOM RING!!! Woooo….. hooooo… more will follow!!
I smell another trade deal comin! :nuts: I love how that guy in the picture looks so Happy....jolly ole chap! I also love his button!

Best Wishes to you all!!!!! :D
Time to get back in and play. Doing nothing sitting on the sidelines...maybe try to stay in longer this time. VIX looks like it could move down. Will see... In any case, I spread it around.
30S - 30C - 20I - 20F.

Best Wishes to Everyone* on your Investments!!!! :smile:
Here are a few charts. While market has quickly jumped up over the past week and even has gapped up, I look at MACD (default) and see that it is just now starting to cross positive--clearest on SPX. Makes me think market will continue upward even if it does draw back now and again (for profit taking). I think it continues on up. I like it! But will continue to monitor daily.... primarily will be looking at 3 and 13 EMA. I don't like I fund, but it looks good right now--mainly because MACD default looks like its crossing up and Stochastic is rising but has not yet hit 80... hum....that looks good to me, but we will see. No telling what happens tomorrow with Fed speak. uggh…. Gosh... I Wish he could be Muzzled! :blink: (Not Nuzzled!!! lol :laugh: )

S Fund
DWCPF -now.png

C Fund
SPX now.png

I Fund
I FUND - EFA. now.png
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LOL🤠Sounding more like Annie Oakley now. As always, enjoying your reviews. And being that you tend to lean toward caution I don't feel so muddled being in, which is making no sense to me at the moment having expected a much greater pullback, though prob still yet to come.