DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

I forgot all about this group (a-ha) until I was floating around the site (tripletsandus.com). For any fan of the 80's...that site is a trip down nostalgia lane.

Enjoy and mend fast!
Good on reducing the pain meds. Do not let the pain get ahead of the meds. If you do it will take a long time to get it under control again. The scrip (likely) says up to x mg every x hours. If you reduce the mg and start hurting before x hour, you can take more up to the original scrip dose. Trust me, you don't to want Mr pain to take over. Reduce the dosage as you can but use the med as you need. If you have one, your pain med doctor is your friend. If you run short of pain med the regulations and pharmacies will become your enemy. Been there done that as a care provider.

Well now I can see that Fall is here. Looked out my window today and saw leaves gently fluttering down to the ground like snow. All different shades of yellows and orange. Magical! I love when moments like that happen.

Earlier, I was reviewing charts, made decision to enter partially..another short play. Thinking to exit by Wednesday, but will see.

Best Wishes to you all* and a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Thank you Wahinepio, Scout and PO and everyone for all the prayers (big believer in the power of prayer), well-wishes and advice about meds. I Definitely needed to keep a step ahead of the pain. Its all pretty much gone now, fully closed wound, and small scar looks good ..not noticeable and I'm happy as I think I'm still "purdy" … lol.... A few side issues but nothing I can't live with. I am very Thankful to God for His many blessings and for my family, friends and health!!!! :smile: It's good to assess and recognize those blessings from time to time and not get too bogged down in the things that seem big but that do not really matter.

Thanksgiving was interesting...everyone running around the kitchen doing multiple things at once. At times very well orchestrated in getting the dough for pies done the night before and at other times a bit of bickering over which way to best peel a sweet potato...lol...gotta love close family time. :laugh:

No talk of politics or religion. Enjoyed looking at some funny ole pictures of mom and dad (RIP)and I got caught making a cranky face at the camera when we were having "coordination issues" trying to get everyone lined up to take a group picture with all the pies. We ended up with great picture of all us together smiling! But later my nephews enjoyed teasing me about my "Happy Thanksgiving" look!!!..:rolleyes: hummm… and yes they labeled it that way on the phone and with my luck that's the one they will post to mess with me....lol...

I think about what it might be like if I live long and start losing those that I love so dearly. Yes, Parents already passed on but I still have my immediate family and sister and we are very close. I think getting old is hard. Then again life is hard but those that we keep close helps us through and of course, you my TSPtalk friends, faith community and friends at church help too.

God bless you all* and I hope you had a Great Thanksgiving Day yesterday!
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That was a very nice chapter that you shared, DBA. Would love to have a gander at the pic But I suppose that could be a privacy issue. Though I would love to hear how one could peel those dadburn delicious sweet potatoes a whole lot easier. However may we be talking about yams…;)
Exiting to G Fund. Looks like an up day. But the indicators I follow say exit even with the up day...… PLUS I must acknowledge that I did not follow through on my plan. The plan was to enter on last week on Monday, which I did, but then exit last Wednesday--which I did not do. That would have resulted in a positive trade IF I had followed the plan. But I did not... too dang greedy, so exiting today gives me a small loss. But given the uncertainty of China trade and indicators/strategy, I am getting out and will wait for a better entry in accord with my strategy. Bottom Line: Will wait for the Christmas rally and I'm sure it will come.

BEST wishes to you all in your Investments!!!!!!! :smile:

P.S. hi Whipsaw and I am happy to be back. Hoping to comment more, but will see..... not a whole lot to say. I do not wish to lead anyone astray. My read of charts indicates more downside coming before Santa shows up. But if a trade deal happens, it would definitely go up. IMHO --Pres Trump stating he does not think a deal happens until after 2020 election was said because that really would give him the best leverage in any deal with China, he feels strong right now and can squeeze more out of them. China reneged in May after having agreed language and that was at a point when they could see some chance of Pres not winning in 2020 so they reneged knowing they had upper hand. They do not want to give up their "cheatin" ways or to give the ability to hold them to a verifiable agreement. However, with all the recent impeachment issues, polls indicate Trump gaining strength and this gives him more leverage in the China negotiations as they probably are starting to believe he will win in 2020 and that they will have to deal with him and that he will have the upper hand next year--more leverage That means they may feel they should go ahead and deal now instead of waiting--- so I am thinking a deal is very possible. But now Trump can harden up on his stance to try to get more out of them. Will see how this poker game ends. I love it!!!!! :D But I think I will stay clear of market until after Dec 15, when next set of tariffs could kick in. Oh... and hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!!!! :D

PSS. Hi Wahinepio--- we had sweet potatoes (easier to peel than yams). This year we used fresh sweet potations and used the old fashioned potato peelers and then roasted them (50 mins) and then added all the brown sugar, cinnamon, pecans, nutmeg and topped with marshmallows for the last 15 mins. Turned out yummy!!! Not super sweet but very good sweet. The canned yams is what we used in prior years and recipe on that can always turned out way too sweet... but they always go down!!! hee hee hee :D
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DBA Excellent outlook on our Master Poker player! Keep him in prayer. Hate what they’re doing. So what.
Thanks for the laugh and the added craving. No matter what, yes it definitely always goes down.
Tonight, Lou Dobbs reports that Chinese cryptography law goes into effective on Jan 1 that says no foreign Companies will be allowed to encrypt and protect their data from the Chinese Govt. Allows Chinese to seize electronic data.

His guest, Michael Pillsbury, Hudson Institute China expert, said several deadlines coming up. On Dec 10 the World Trade Organization in Geneva will be unable to function to handle dispute settlements as Trump has, for good reason, not named a person to work with dispute recognition body. What has happened is that even when China loses the WTO does not implement the finding against China.

He also said that when Mr. Lighthizer testified before Congress in February, there with discussion about how a trade deal would be enforced. There would be things like monthly meetings by both sides, appeals, unilateral American action approved by China and not retaliated against by China. But without Congress meeting for regular business, President is not in position to learn if Congress agrees with latest terms. Also, he believes China is now thinking Trump is weak due to "removal" proceedings... they said there is no word for Impeachment in Mandarin...just term "removal"....Interesting. Hard for me to believe Chinese would not be looking at polls. Hummm…. so wondering about whether this deal is going to happen. I guess it may, but whether terms can be enforced is a different matter....ugh.
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:D:D:D … Still waiting for the next entry point. I am thinking maybe next week. I prefer to re-enter when/if Stochastic gets down to as low as 20. Not sure how long it will take to happen. It dipped and reversed mid way down. So if I were in, I would stay in until it touched 80. Will see how it goes.... Brits vote on Thursday and this weekend, the tariff increase date 12/15 hits. Wondering if a deal will get cut. Staying out at this point only because I am already out and MACD default is still below its signal line.

DWCPF - 12-9-19.png
Here is the SPX (C Fund). It looks like it has already hit 80 on Stochastic...so I would be exiting at this point, unless I felt a little greedy :rolleyes: and or more confident because price is above 50 EMA right now and overall (BB mid-point) still sloped upward….

MACD default is below its signal line but headed upward and the 3 EMA still above 6. I dunno… kinda like this is a coin flip on which way it goes.... news... news... news...… Still waiting for the entry.

As of late, I feel more confident being in equities when MACD default its above its signal line... I feel like I have made the rounds of strategies and back to using basic MACD now combined with EMAs. Strategy has more parameters on exit depending on whether price is above or below 50 EMA, but seems to be working. But would be much better if I could just stick to it..... :smile:

SPX fund 12-10-19.png
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Entering! Hope I'm not too early, but I am not seeing any "news" to worry about. I think Impeachment is already baked in and hopefully no more news on China. Brexit coming by end of January. Technical indicators look good. Chart MACD default signal lines crossing up, EMAs good, 3 above 5, 13 above 16, all above 50EMA... though must acknowledge our last drop did not make it to 20 on Stochastic, so maybe short rally?!!

In any case, decision to enter partly.... 40%S, 40%C...keeping 20% under the safety of G. I can sleep with this, and will be sooooo busy the rest of week...not much time to monitor. Also, No more IFTs so I will only be able to exit fully or incrementally for rest of month.

Hope Santa is here!! Ho! Ho! Ho! :D:D:D

Best wishes to you all!!! :smile:!!