DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Thinking to exit further or to exit equities completely. The weekly charts look okay, but the daily charts don't because of the Friday afternoon drop. It was enough to affect an EMA cross over I use in my strategy.. So, this triggered an exit signal for me.

But its hard to act on it only because the drop was apparently "headline" driven and related to China trade! ugghh…. Liz Clamen reports that the drop occurred when the Chinese delegation was told to cancel its visit to meet with the Montana farm bureau a few hours after President Trump made a comment, while visiting with Australian PM, that agricultural products alone would not be enough to cinch a trade deal and also said he wants a longer term trade deal (versus partial deal). Hummm…..so maybe they felt it was a waste of their time.... I don't think they really understand that they can't keep stealing intellectual property and operating as they have in the past. It's gonna be tough to get a deal.

In any case, September is notorious for not being positive and October is known for volatility so ….here we go! I refuse to wear Sticky Pants this Fall.... as that can really bite.

I already put my IFT in to cut equity% in half for S and C fund on Monday, but may cancel and totally exit in the morning. Will see how it goes.

Best Wishes to you All*!!!!!! :D:D:D
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I dunno...all seems a bit frothy. so full exit from equities. see ya next month... As soon as I exit ya'll can jump in... Sure it will do the opposite of DBA... :smile:

will be 80G, 20F COB.

best wishes!


I kinda feel like exiting the F fund... only in 20%. I guess I am going to wait for direction. :(

Just hope I don't need to waste an IFT to exit later this week. Not that impressed with daily charts even if we are up today. But who knows... maybe we hit a buy opportunity. I have no IFTs to enter until tomorrow, so will be looking at the charts this evening.
Decided not to exit my 20% position in F fund yet. But no jump into equities either. Looks like it could be close but wait to hopefully see a bottom.

Best Wishes to you all!!!!! :)

F Fund
AGG fund 10-1-19.png

C fund
SPX fund 10-1-2019.png

S Fund
DWCPF FUND 10-1-2019.png
Must admit I thought about a partial entry today, to take advantage of the sale prices. Right now the candles are all indecisive so not telling how the day ends. Still it is a nice price point, but I am sticking to strategy. Would not be surprised to see a few day of a dead cat bounce. Maybe a day or two entry could provide a little coin if not already in the market.

I will wait--impatiently as usual! lol :D:D:D .. Best Wishes to You All* !!!!!! :)
I partially entered equities yesterday and increased F fund. Wanted to post to thread yesterday before cutoff but kept getting an error message (error 500). Luckily I was able to post to AutoTracker. I am now invested I-25, C15, S10 and G10-F40. That is quite a mix... I like C and I funds best. At the time, market was only up a bit.... dang, did not think it would finish the day as much as it did. Now I kinda wish I had not entered as much. But I guess 50% will just have to do. The market sharply went up after Chairman J Powell spoke at around 2PM ET and said the economy is overall in a good place! Also announced change to extend repo ops through November 4. So that sounds not so good???

I do hope equities to go up another day or so completion of the "bounce", but with the two day bounce, I'm thinking it may not. In any case, with China talks restarting next week, just no telling what will happen and the week will finish. I must admit, I find it hard to believe a deal will be reached. If market drops as a result, will need to see if I stomach the drop enough to invest the other 50%. :scratchchin:

Will see…. Best Wishes to you All !!!!!!!!! :smile:

15 minute chart - C fund - 5 days
SPX fund 10-4-2019-15 mins.png

Here is link on Fed Repo policy:

Happy reading! :)…. more market manipulation... which in my mind is always a bit spooky....just in time for Halloween!
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Hi Annie Just a few bits I found after hearing over the years that Jimmy boy was dabbling. Don’t know if I’m allowed to do this but here goes..
"Jim Morrison, superstar of The Doors, died mysteriously on the 3rd July, 1971. He was deeply involved in the occult. Morrison married his wife in a Wicca ceremony, where they stood inside a pentagram and drank one another’s blood" (The Illuminati, Satanism, Drugs, and the Music Industry).
Morrison said: “I met the Spirit of Music, an appearance of the devil in a Venice canal. Running, I saw Satan, or Satyr [Pan], moving beside me, a fleshly shadow of my secret mind...” - The Lost Writings of Jim Morrison, p. 36-38.
Ray Manzarek of The Doors says of Morrison: “He was not a performer. He was not an entertainer. He was not a showman. He was a shaman. He was possessed”.
“While [Jim Morrison] he was staying at the Chateau Marmont, he spent a few wild nights with a buxom neighbour..., once waking up in a tangle of bloody sheets after they shared champagne glasses of each other’s blood” - Pamela Des Barres, Rock Bottom, p.208
Yes Riders on the Storm is contagious. Aloha.
Ooouuuuuwwww….that is very freaky and creepy and scary! That's eeeeeekkkk ing me out! I had never heard any of that. I definitely don't like anything to do with the occult. Though, I did watch scary movies when I was young, like The Omen and The Shining, I now cannot bear watching any of those or similar movies! That makes me sad to think someone could move that far from God. It's too bad that he chose that path and I hope he repented before his death.

None of us are perfect and we are all sinners, so I pray to always find a path back to God each time I fall.

I think I will need to pray and cross myself before I go to bed!
I knew it!!!! No stomach for a drop. I got in against my strategy due to my impatience. Ugghhhh...not sure but I might have to exit Wednesday....gosh really dislike screaming ABORT! But, I may have to. Will see how the morning goes. Gosh ...one entry, exit per month truly is sickening. :sick: :17:
Kept 10F, 20I.. exited from S & C --- ughhh could not bring myself to fully exit but I expect S &C to be hit most if negotiations don't go well...
There is a fairly strong case made for JM faking his death... in the last several years there has been facial comparisons made with a cattle rancher in Oklahoma (?) that is of an appropriate age and an uncanny resemblance. :wall:
There is a fairly strong case made for JM faking his death... in the last several years there has been facial comparisons made with a cattle rancher in Oklahoma (?) that is of an appropriate age and an uncanny resemblance. :wall:
LOL Looking for some Foil… The dude is dust
There is a fairly strong case made for JM faking his death... in the last several years there has been facial comparisons made with a cattle rancher in Oklahoma (?) that is of an appropriate age and an uncanny resemblance. :wall:

Wait! Wait! Whipsaw...I missed the rancher part and was thinking you were saying he looked like a cow. Then I thought, would horse be more appropriate??? Well ...I am going way off at this point. Sitting at a doctor's office and just rambling on this morning. I am a bit bored. …. hummm… uncanny resemblance! lol... So have you seen the movie, The Lobster??? I really hate that movie. I just want to grab those people by the shoulders and shake them hard! Lol... you'd have to see it to understand my strong feelings about this. uggh… but my nephew made me watch it and my son and they just love it..then they made me watch it a second time..they really got a laugh at how irritated I got watching it...... I am starting to wonder about these Millennials .. :scratchchin: There is also another movie they had me watch that I really hate so much that I could not even finish it... something about a guy with lots of flatulence... I'll have to talk about that one another time....
Do a search on 'Jim Morrison alive rancher facial comparison' or the like and you should get some interesting results... he may have kicked it by now, I haven't drilled into this in a while.
Hummmm…. Whipsaw....So I looked and found a few different claims of Jim being alive in different parts of country. Saw one video that is so weird and person is overlaying pictures of Jim over a rancher, but I just do not see enough resemblance...but this article I found is very interesting.

Nightwire Magazine » Is JIM MORRISON Alive?

So is this the video you are referring to?

This one says he's in Oregon. His nose was straighter and a tad wider. Plus he didn't have much in terms of dimpling...he had round face.

The hippy in New York definitely is not him.

Whoa...now this is much betta! Riders On The Storm! Enjoy.... was going to post LA Woman, but can't find one with footage...whaaaa...but I'm looking... finding interesting stuff.

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Hi Whipsaw n Mcqlives, Thanks for the great songs! :D:D:D. I really ❤ love them both! LA Woman rocks, makes me want to dance and Witchy Woman is so cool... love Henley's voice....makes me wanna put on some really deep red lipstick and a black dress.... oh yeah Halloween coming up....I'm sure I can do something with that! LOL ….:rolleyes:

So what's up with the market?? I must admit, its just not making much sense to me lately. Keep lookin at charts, but we are seemingly in a long rolling sideways pattern (S fund) since April and I would love to see it breakout, but looks like it needs a good trigger to breakout. Would like to see gaps fill later rather than sooner as I am pretty much stuck on the sidelines.

Hummm...but must say it does look like it wants to drop....No IFT to enter if there's a drop.... driving me crazy! Yep I got in at the wrong time this month. Thinking the next entry in November will need to be very well placed.

As for now, Brexit vote Saturday, but understand that a yes vote would keep Britain chained to lots of EU rules for a few years. Not exactly independence. hummm… not sure how the vote will affect my 20% stake in I Fund this week. We shall see....

Best wishes to you and eveveryone* on your Investments!!!!!! :smile:

DWCPF FUND 10-17-2019.png
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