DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

HI Whipsaw! Great Song! I was listening to it last night... so I had to look it up and read up on the song. Gosh... remember this playing on radio lots! I really Like the style of Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress..... :D Actually been listening to lots of classic rock lately... from 70s this past week and 80s too! So, folks are supposed to be voting on nominees for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I am really liking Pat Benatar, but I am a it surprised that Judas Priest has not made it in yet... WOW! That is just wrong.

Oh, so any way... was listening to some AC/DC, Pat Travers, Billy Squire, Eddie Money and David Bowie. Also, listened to more current music...TOOL! Love them!

Best wishes to you and everyone on your investments!!!!! :)

P.S. Still trying to figure out when I am going to exit. I am having surgery later this week and so will be out awhile. I would like to be out of the market so I may exit on Wednesday or Thursday... Will See.

Now this Billy Squire is a song I had not heard in a very long time! Lonely is the Night! Love the Intro....

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DBA, best wishes for you going through your surgery. I was pointing out to my daughter similarities in the intros with Billy Squier, In the Dark, and Pat Benatar, Promises in the Dark, a slow opening and build up to the explosive tune itself. Good stuff, liking all the artists listed. Will miss your posts, may you mend quickly.
Thank you for the well wishes!! :smile: This is only the second time I have to undergo surgery so its a bit scary. Last one was over 20 years ago to have my son. Eeeekkk…. so as you can tell, I am a bit of a chicken and I just don't like it. But I am hopeful all will be good.

So, I still want to exit the market but not today. It is getting close though. Will likely exit tomorrow so I will not need to keep up with the market unless I get very bored and want to look at charts next week. Lol... I probably will look at them... I am a little sick in the head like that! LOL...:D:D:D

Take care all and Best Wishes on Your Investments!!!!!!!! :smile:
I am now in I and F---very minimally, but so far
I fund looks good (although it is high but 3 EMA is still above 5 EMA in an upward channel, so I am staying in but the MACD histogram is dropping so may exit that soon) and
F fund looks like it is turning up (MACD), so staying in that one too (for now).

Here are charts I was looking at when I made that decision earlier this morning.

AGG fund 10-23-2019.png

EFA - I fund Daily 10-23-19.png
I really wish we had better linkage between I fund and an Index that can be tracked.

We get .04% for I Fund but the EFA Chart shows .54% at COB. I know there is some squaring up that occurs but this is sick! Am I missing something? :pat:
Even the F Fund was off.... we get.03 % and AGG is at .08%

I fund
EFA - I fund Daily 10-23-19.png

F Fund
AGG fund 10-23-2019.png
Exiting now. Best thing for me as I don't want to be thinking about the market while I recover. Oh... but Pence is talking in a bit... gosh … hope it doesn't tank the market if reporting on China is not positive. Humm… oh and here is a re-post of a article I put out on Whipsaw's thread about Fed's bond buying. Very good and informative article.


Best Wishes to you all* on your Investments!!!!!!!!! :smile:
Tom and ToddB and everyone, Thank you So much for your prayers and well wishes. I appreciate the prayers!!!

I am feeling much better about it. My Chiropractor talked to me for awhile today (unrelated to surgery) and he put my mind at ease about general anesthesia.

Take care and Wishing you all the Best!!!! :smile:
Prayers to you and yours DBA! I do have a request though...if possible, when coming up from the anesthesia, please try to remember to do a speech to text on here. Not only would we all like an update but some uncensored DBA would be quite entertaining!!!
DBA, I came out of wrist surgery (plate and screws) 8 weeks ago. When the nerve block wore off 24 hours later, it was absolutely essential that I had a supply of Oxycodone. Don’t let them hand you the Opioid epidemic rap. Narcotics, and nothing less. God Bring you through it.
Thank you for the prayers and well wishes! Woooo...hooooo. I made it through in a good way. Mcqlives, I was the merriest on the way to surgery room...They Gave me something that made me feel like I'd had a few Margaritas and a shot! I was talking and laughing with everyone! I didnt even remember making it into the surgery room!!

Oh gosh but after....Wahinepio...they sent me home with Rx for plenty of Hydrocodone...thank goodness because pain is just barely being handled by it. definitely need it. The first challenge at home late Friday was that drain tube was clogged... But figured out how to fix it. A few other issues...swelling, but all in all, Okay. Keeping fingers crossed. Definitely not a cake walk so Im just going to keep resting. Will be off work for a week or two, and now I know why. But I'm just thankful to God that it went well and recovering in the comfort of my home.

Wishing you all the best!!!
Glad to hear you are on the mend! I played some odd ball 80’s songs yesterday and was thinking of you. I will look for a clip and send it later.
DBA, get well soon! Glad to hear the surgery went well, don't do too many pain killers if you can help it... Rest up! :D
So glad to hear surgery went well!
My fiance has been through so many surgeries she always has a great story about the altered reality she gets from the drugs they give her!

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