DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

Yes, not surgical masks. Best to go to Home Depot or Lowes to buy masks designed to safeguard you from fine particles. Like designed for painting, fumes and woodworking like sanding, etc. I would hope that would offer some protection... but just staying secluded, bleach spray on surfaces, and lots of handwashing, etc. ughhh...market down again... :sick:

Yep, a surgical facemask is really only useful for the person that's already sick, to help prevent spreading it from sneezing/coughing...
Yes, not surgical masks. Best to go to Home Depot or Lowes to buy masks designed to safeguard you from fine particles. Like designed for painting, fumes and woodworking like sanding, etc. I would hope that would offer some protection... but just staying secluded, bleach spray on surfaces, and lots of handwashing, etc. ughhh...market down again... :sick:

This is when your own private tropical island comes in handy...
Oh yes... and the flu is not fun! About 9 years ago, I got flu that progressed into pneumonia and at about 4am one night, before I knew I had pneumonia, I was having such a hard time breathing I really did think I was gonna kick the bucket and was crying and as soon as daylight came I got to a doctor (should have left at 4 to ER).... I had been misdiagnosed the first time I went to doctor. Since that time, I always get the flu vaccine. But it just figures, of all years, this is the first time I didn't go to get it. :(

I heard a doctor say the real threat with the coronavirus, besides pneumonia, is secondary bacterial infections. But, I'm no doctor.
Yes, not surgical masks. Best to go to Home Depot or Lowes to buy masks designed to safeguard you from fine particles. Like designed for painting, fumes and woodworking like sanding, etc. I would hope that would offer some protection... but just staying secluded, bleach spray on surfaces, and lots of handwashing, etc. ughhh...market down again... :sick:

mask/filter has to be minimum N95 rated. P95 is bare minimum to use.

how much of this is true??

Take this for what it is worth but I have been using respirators (and training people on them) for over 23 years. Don't waste your money on anything that looks like a dust mask. At most those masks (Like the N-95) are particulate masks. The 95 actually means that 95% of the particulates that hit that little filter are captured. Two HUGE problems with relying on a mask like this:
1) Viruses are not particulate...they are able to be transferred in microbial quantities.
2) that 95% is only what hits the filter...anything coming in from the sides/under chin/along side nose don't even hit that filter. Maintaining a tight fit with masks like that is virtually impossible unless you are remaining perfectly still with your face motions (no talking).

I'm not saying these masks wouldn't help is a small way but to think that they will protect you from exposure standing near someone that is hacking up a lung is a huge mistake. Then add in the fact that viruses can easily be introduced through your highly vascularized eyes (add goggles and think about entry points on those goggles). If you are infected and wish to reduce the chance of transmission these masks make more sense.

This virus is different than the normal cold/flu virus. How different I can't even guess because there isn't enough being published on it. Confirmed symptoms make you think is it similar to the common cold/flu but the amount of patients developing pneumonia from infection is of a concern. Ancillary information indicates it survives outside of normal media for a considerable length (maybe weeks) of time. This same information suggests that reinfection is a possibility which implies that your own antibodies may not be as effective as they are with cold/flu viruses.

I'm not suggesting anyone should be scared. Only trying to present information that is known. IMHO, I don't think anyone who is healthy has anything to worry about even if they are exposed but again, published (that can be confirmed) information is scarce.
Take this for what it is worth but I have been using respirators (and training people on them) for over 23 years. Don't waste your money on anything that looks like a dust mask. At most those masks (Like the N-95) are particulate masks. The 95 actually means that 95% of the particulates that hit that little filter are captured. Two HUGE problems with relying on a mask like this:
1) Viruses are not particulate...they are able to be transferred in microbial quantities.
2) that 95% is only what hits the filter...anything coming in from the sides/under chin/along side nose don't even hit that filter. Maintaining a tight fit with masks like that is virtually impossible unless you are remaining perfectly still with your face motions (no talking).

I'm not saying these masks wouldn't help is a small way but to think that they will protect you from exposure standing near someone that is hacking up a lung is a huge mistake. Then add in the fact that viruses can easily be introduced through your highly vascularized eyes (add goggles and think about entry points on those goggles). If you are infected and wish to reduce the chance of transmission these masks make more sense.

This virus is different than the normal cold/flu virus. How different I can't even guess because there isn't enough being published on it. Confirmed symptoms make you think is it similar to the common cold/flu but the amount of patients developing pneumonia from infection is of a concern. Ancillary information indicates it survives outside of normal media for a considerable length (maybe weeks) of time. This same information suggests that reinfection is a possibility which implies that your own antibodies may not be as effective as they are with cold/flu viruses.

I'm not suggesting anyone should be scared. Only trying to present information that is known. IMHO, I don't think anyone who is healthy has anything to worry about even if they are exposed but again, published (that can be confirmed) information is scarce.

Thanks for information on this McQlives. I actually thought about eye exposure...so I was thinking along the right lines! I think I have an old military chemical Full head mask... lol... probably too old to work. have no idea where it came from! Hummm…. maybe Whipsaw is right...time to hang out at my private island!

ok...but in all seriousness, yesterday I heard it mentioned that Coronavirus is more contagious than flu and it affects organs other than just the lungs. Can't remember who said it and they did not state which other organs are affected. They did not expound on it and I did not hear it mentioned again by anyone else. It was definitely on Fox.

Just now they are reporting woman in Japan reinfected. Now they are reporting that test med given to infected person here in the US and they are responding well to it. So that is Good News!!

Best Wishes to you and Everyone!
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I'm kinda with FWM on this. This seems like a SAR style hype. But the hype can last a few news cycles.

Wish I waited for my normal +-7% market move before looking at it. But, whatever. One thing I am looking at is that money has been flooding into the 'F Fund' (Total Bond Market). When this snaps back money will flow out of the 'F Fund' just as violently. People - and, more importantly active managed funds - will not want to be camped in bonds when equities regain their footing.

I think I am going to camp my 4/21/32/29/14 allocation. It seems to buffer the market 'swings' enough for my stomach. And, a snap back that booms equities and dumps bonds will give me great growth. Would not want to be all in/all out right now.
Take this for what it is worth but I have been using respirators (and training people on them) for over 23 years. Don't waste your money on anything that looks like a dust mask. At most those masks (Like the N-95) are particulate masks. The 95 actually means that 95% of the particulates that hit that little filter are captured. Two HUGE problems with relying on a mask like this:
1) Viruses are not particulate...they are able to be transferred in microbial quantities.
2) that 95% is only what hits the filter...anything coming in from the sides/under chin/along side nose don't even hit that filter. Maintaining a tight fit with masks like that is virtually impossible unless you are remaining perfectly still with your face motions (no talking).

I'm not saying these masks wouldn't help is a small way but to think that they will protect you from exposure standing near someone that is hacking up a lung is a huge mistake. Then add in the fact that viruses can easily be introduced through your highly vascularized eyes (add goggles and think about entry points on those goggles). If you are infected and wish to reduce the chance of transmission these masks make more sense.

This virus is different than the normal cold/flu virus. How different I can't even guess because there isn't enough being published on it. Confirmed symptoms make you think is it similar to the common cold/flu but the amount of patients developing pneumonia from infection is of a concern. Ancillary information indicates it survives outside of normal media for a considerable length (maybe weeks) of time. This same information suggests that reinfection is a possibility which implies that your own antibodies may not be as effective as they are with cold/flu viruses.

I'm not suggesting anyone should be scared. Only trying to present information that is known. IMHO, I don't think anyone who is healthy has anything to worry about even if they are exposed but again, published (that can be confirmed) information is scarce.

1) "Viruses are not particulate...they are able to be transferred in microbial quantities."
[h=3]Are N95 Masks Really Effective against the flu?[/h] A little online research will reveal that the flu virus is .17 microns in size. Clearly smaller than even N100 masks can filter out. However, it is critical to understand that the flu virus does not float in the air by itself. The flu virus is transported from patient to patient on droplets of excretions from sneezing and coughing. These particles are typically 5 microns or larger. When a sick patient wears a respirator, the respirator can be very effective at preventing infectious material from leaving the patients body, and when worn by healthy individuals, it prevents inhalation of said material. More importantly, wearing a mask is a excellent way of preventing the user from rubbing or touching their mouth or nose, which is a very high risk factor. At the end of the day will an N95 mask guarantee to protect you from the Flu? No. But it can substantially reduce your risk or receiving or transmitting the disease.
Last post DBA...promise:D

Valkyrie, I think we are on the same page. I just wanted to make people think things through when considering weather or not to get a N-95 mask. The masks are good but have limitations (like everything does). In my "off the cuff scenario" of standing next to someone coughing/sneezing, lets assume those moist particulates are captured by the filter...then what happens? The virus is right there with you continuing to breath through the filter that is now contaminated with the particulates. If you are in the medical profession that mask is immediately thrown away (using proper decon of hands and face to prevent cross contamination) and replaced with another. Most lay people are not going to understand the limitations...

My point is that people need to understand how the equipment works before they get it and have a false sense of protection. Yes, something is better than nothing, but the more knowledgeable a person is the wiser choices they can make.

BTW...that is a good company you are referencing.
Hey guys, no problem with posts! Talk away! I think the discussion has been very interesting... learning a lot! :D. oh yeah, checked Home Depot...all masks are out of stock. I'm not gonna worry about it. I know I've got some packs in the garage somewhere. They say you should only use once and throw away. BUT..in a pinch I bet you could microwave the used ones and reuse?? Just a thought. Since my island is so far away, I might just have to settle with visiting my uncle's ranch in Uvalde.... lots of open space and few people out there. :rolleyes:
A firm maybe...as long as it is not a respirator (one with a filter) on it. I wouldn't trust those plastic filters to hold up to a microwave. Plus the moisture trapped in and around the filter would probably heat/expand to compromise the glue holding the filter. Others online mention a disinfectant like lysol...that would likely clog the filter and then you would just be sucking air from around the sides of the mask.

If it is just a surgical mask then I think either are great ideas! Hell, spray it down with lysol before you put it on to give your face a fresh clean scent:D Don't know what huffing lysol does to you but we will probably hear about it soon!
. …….If it is just a surgical mask then I think either are great ideas! Hell, spray it down with lysol before you put it on to give your face a fresh clean scent:D Don't know what huffing lysol does to you but we will probably hear about it soon!
LOL.... Now that's Funny! Yes, let's see what happens.... I'll report back! lol....:laugh:
Entering... 100% .. Hope Friday was the bottom. Geronimo!!! S70%-C30% -- Whipsaw, seems like the water is safe...at least for a few more hours! :D
Crossing fingers !

Reality Check: New test kits going out, more to be tested in USA...so likely many more Coronavirus cases to be detected. Spread to Africa. Hoping folks don't freak out again. Seems like USA is better prepared than other countries, so hoping we fare well.
I've been holding by breath for a week now! =:-o 6% to go!! :D
Best wishes to you Whipsaw! I definitely feel for you... I had similar experience December 2018. But, I jumped out right when it reversed and didn't get back in right away. Spent a long time trying to make up the loss. So I figure you have great chance of getting it back....heck today was an Awesome bounce! :D:D:D

I am just hoping fear stays more controlled. While lots of the drop was caused by fear of illness, issues arising with supply chain, etc., there is also another part that has been amplified by politics. I am thinking we get lots of volatility for next few weeks, but things should settle down unless something new is learned about virus to set off additional fear and work, school, travel stoppage or the ramped up political stuff continues. But I am fairly confident market will see through that...so hoping for overall upswing this week.
Best wishes to you Whipsaw! I definitely feel for you... I had similar experience December 2018. But, I jumped out right when it reversed and didn't get back in right away. Spent a long time trying to make up the loss. So I figure you have great chance of getting it back....heck today was an Awesome bounce! :D:D:D

I am just hoping fear stays more controlled. While lots of the drop was caused by fear of illness, issues arising with supply chain, etc., there is also another part that has been amplified by politics. I am thinking we get lots of volatility for next few weeks, but things should settle down unless something new is learned about virus to set off additional fear and work, school, travel stoppage or the ramped up political stuff continues. But I am fairly confident market will see through that...so hoping for overall upswing this week.

this virus is actually mild in relation to severity/deaths, compared to others over the decades except it seams corona is more contagious than others before it. it more has to do with fear of sanders winning in nov.


That’s what some top investors are saying, suggesting the stock sell-off reflected anxieties about the spreading disease, to be sure, but also real alarm that the socialist ideologue could actually become our next president. That possible outcome to the chaotic Democratic
primary season was viewed as a “black swan” event; few took the Vermont senator’s candidacy seriously.
The Sanders winning angle is so far fetched, it's not to be believed. If anything, it's an excuse for profits taking. Bernie has ZERO chance of winning.

A much bigger concern is the worldwide economic impact. Chinese plants being shut down, travel decreasing over fears of the virus, etc have/are going to, ripple through the world.

this virus is actually mild in relation to severity/deaths, compared to others over the decades except it seams corona is more contagious than others before it. it more has to do with fear of sanders winning in nov.


That’s what some top investors are saying, suggesting the stock sell-off reflected anxieties about the spreading disease, to be sure, but also real alarm that the socialist ideologue could actually become our next president. That possible outcome to the chaotic Democratic
primary season was viewed as a “black swan” event; few took the Vermont senator’s candidacy seriously.