DreamboatAnnie's Account Talk

I have not yet read what Fed said today as I have been busy. But I just thought about the "non-QE" Fed Buys. So have they said anything definitive on when this is going to end??? They said first quarter...but it would be good to know when it ends, because that may negatively affect equity market prices. I had a site that was indicating their weekly buys. Gonna need to hunt for that and take a look. Humm…. its always something! :D:D:D
So decided to cut my I fund entry...20%. Just not panning out as it did not move upward and looks to be breaking down a bit. So moving that to F fund. Now out of IFTs but still invested in C and S fund.

Best wishes to everyone on your investments! Happy Valentine's Day! :D :D :D

Exiting C30% and keeping S fund at 30% and keeping F fund at 40%.
Crossovers on S fund gave not yet hit and I'm just going to deploy sticky pants if needed.

Best wishes to all! :D:D:D
At this point my sticky pants are still deployed, but I am only in 30%. Question is how long will the knife fall? I must say I thought about exiting fully on Friday, but decided to stay in. Of course that evening I hear about craziness in S Korea with that "Cult" and increased spread of Coronavirus. Yep... by Friday night, I definitely knew today would be a big drop and its right at about the 800+ drop I expected.

So now the question is how much more will it drop if infection rate accelerates, how long will China supply lines be disrupted or is this just a very Short term reaction?
At this point, I tend to think this is a short term over reaction. But that could change. It is hard to dig out so I am not willing to drop into negative returns, so I am staying on my toes! Will see how the landscape looks tomorrow. This drop was so quick and steep that it obviously has caused my exit indicators to give a sell signal, so just going to give it another day. ughh...:(
Best Wishes to Everyone! :smile:
Decided to exit my 30% in equities. Will be 40F and 60G at COB today. Thought about it and I think the virus is something that has just started. Hopefully it gets contained quickly but with the thought of real supply disruptions, China in the shape its in (to extent we even truly know) I just think this has a chance or morphing into something even bigger. So will sit on the sidelines for a bit and wait for it to shake out.

Best Wishes to you All!!!! :smile:
It's gotten much uglier since I decided to exit this morning.... was at <1.12> and now close to -3%. Even with only 30% in equities, which I exit at COB, I am pretty sure I am going to end up in the red for the year. UGG! :sick: Still... glad I exited... question is how much pain by close of business.

If it goes up tomorrow, I will puke again! But I get a feeling more pain is coming. I am thinking about what happens when Germany, France, Britain, Russia, Mexico, Canada and other countries start to report infections, deaths and factories/office shut downs. Humm....

I think James mentioned stocking up on food. Not to add to any anxiety, but it would be good to check your supply of important prescription medicines and reorder if possible. My sister was looking at hers to see where they are manufactured.
I'm with you. Was in CSI just about 25% & pulled all but 1% each to G & F w/2nd IFT today; still hoping for a little relief rally to do the <1% IFT(s) but won't hold breath. Good Luck out there.
Gotta stay unemotional about this. There was an article that showed when the dow drops 5% in 2 days, it recovers its losses very quickly.
My worry for those exiting here, is a sharp, snap-back rally brings the indices back up 2-4% in just 1-3 days.
One of the few things Trump has said that makes sense, is that we are past the peak of flu season...with the end of flu season in April...if new cases start falling off in the next week or two, the market is going to come roaring back in an oversold fury.
When those "Oversold" furious up surges begin, they typically do so with a bang, and almost impossible to time, you have to be pre-positioned in stocks ahead of time.
Hope your right for your situation's sake. If so, then I have to wait till Monday for fresh IFTs to consider that situation. I'm w/DBA thinking this epidemic & its impacts will go on, perhaps into April...
I'm a terrible timer and when I exited to G and F at COB Monday I was sure that I was too late, but today proved that to be a good move - even if it's short term. Thanks all for your insights.
I think James mentioned stocking up on food. Not to add to any anxiety, but it would be good to check your supply of important prescription medicines and reorder if possible. My sister was looking at hers to see where they are manufactured.

I saw Cramer ask Larry Kudlow on CNBC recently to please put a bug in POTUS's ear about the dire situation with generic drugs coming from China running out. I haven't seen much about it in the news though.
Regarding other food/supplies...I got on Amazon a few days ago to order some face masks, just in case, nice to have...they were almost out of everything I looked at and the ones available had shipping time frames of over a month in many cases...I did find some (in a lovely shade of pink LOL) and they're on the way to me, but I had to pay $20 shipping on the order even though we're Prime members. I had the flu reeeeally bad a couple years ago and don't want to experience that again! It definitely gets worse to handle with age.
You all make GREAT points!!! Thanks for your thoughts! :smile:

FWM-- very hard for me to stay unemotional. Probably would be best for me to let others manage my money but I am not very trusting. I guess I'd rather screw it up then to let someone else do it. I have been trying so hard to stay in the market and just let it ride but it seems this is a different ball getting thrown. I think if this were anything else I would ride it out as I was so ready to do that. But with this virus--welp, I just am thinking it is going to spread like wildfire. Maybe I am totally wrong. But for now, I am not even sure if I will want to get back in next week.

This is supposed to be the best part of year for earnings. And here I sit... on my thumbs! :notrust: ....lol... wish I had your balls! :rolleyes:
Gotta stay unemotional about this. There was an article that showed when the dow drops 5% in 2 days, it recovers its losses very quickly.
My worry for those exiting here, is a sharp, snap-back rally brings the indices back up 2-4% in just 1-3 days.
One of the few things Trump has said that makes sense, is that we are past the peak of flu season...with the end of flu season in April...if new cases start falling off in the next week or two, the market is going to come roaring back in an oversold fury.
When those "Oversold" furious up surges begin, they typically do so with a bang, and almost impossible to time, you have to be pre-positioned in stocks ahead of time.
Indeed, Warren always says to buy when everybody else is panicking. I just wish I had an IFT left, I missed the drop, but I have to wait till March 1st. I'm in agreement with the idea that things are going to wind down along with the flu season. FYI a surgical mask is not going to prevent you from getting the coronavirus, or the flu. Best advice is frequent hand washing. Per the CDC you need a full body suit and a respirator mask to prevent transmission of Corona virus if your in direct contact with someone with it.
Yes--not surprised that they are running short on the face masks. Fox reported that China had stopped exporting them and then another comment about new restrictions placed on 3M-- wish I could remember that part of the story but it dealt with taking some control there. I am wondering how much more is going on that we do not know about.
I keep thinking I surely have some face masks out in the garage.... how about Home Depot or Lowe's??? Lol.... But really, consider what could happen.... I saw pictures of grocery shelves empty in Italy.. folks freak out! Store up some dry beans and rice! :worried:

Oh yes... and the flu is not fun! About 9 years ago, I got flu that progressed into pneumonia and at about 4am one night, before I knew I had pneumonia, I was having such a hard time breathing I really did think I was gonna kick the bucket and was crying and as soon as daylight came I got to a doctor (should have left at 4 to ER).... I had been misdiagnosed the first time I went to doctor. Since that time, I always get the flu vaccine. But it just figures, of all years, this is the first time I didn't go to get it. :(

I saw Cramer ask Larry Kudlow on CNBC recently to please put a bug in POTUS's ear about the dire situation with generic drugs coming from China running out. I haven't seen much about it in the news though.
Regarding other food/supplies...I got on Amazon a few days ago to order some face masks, just in case, nice to have...they were almost out of everything I looked at and the ones available had shipping time frames of over a month in many cases...I did find some (in a lovely shade of pink LOL) and they're on the way to me, but I had to pay $20 shipping on the order even though we're Prime members. I had the flu reeeeally bad a couple years ago and don't want to experience that again! It definitely gets worse to handle with age.
Indeed, Warren always says to buy when everybody else is panicking. I just wish I had an IFT left, I missed the drop, but I have to wait till March 1st. I'm in agreement with the idea that things are going to wind down along with the flu season. FYI a surgical mask is not going to prevent you from getting the coronavirus, or the flu. Best advice is frequent hand washing. Per the CDC you need a full body suit and a respirator mask to prevent transmission of Corona virus if your in direct contact with someone with it.

Yep, a surgical facemask is really only useful for the person that's already sick, to help prevent spreading it from sneezing/coughing...
It's so nice to drive home, blast some jams and forget all this BS!

I listened to ACDC, Let There Be Rock. I love the way this song builds and builds.... and then the big release! Gosh, by the time I got home I was rockin and head banging....what an Awesome Song. So, I go inside and try finding the best video. Sadly, I see that the old ones do not sync well..lips to sound... But watching several versions reminded me of the awesome performance I saw in my home town (San Antonio) while I was in high school back in the late 1970s.

I'd never seen ACDC until their Let There Be Rock tour. It was my first ACDC concert! I must admit, I don't remember lots if details about many concerts back then (due to age and the smoke and joints passed around freely back then...lol...:D), but I will never forget the first time I saw Angus Young wearing his school boy outfit, black shorts with suspenders and white shirt and socks. I was absolutely mesmerized by his guitar playing and the unique way he skipped and jumped around on stage. WOW! Had never seen anything like that....

So in looking through You Tube I was trying to find a performance that most closely matched the way he moved when I saw them the first time. Oh gosh and Bon Scott was still alive...such awesome vocals! Here is the closest I could find...wish sound was better... oh yes, then I started looking to see if they tour and found they are going to tour in Fall in Australia and possibility of more dates. I would love to see them again. Enjoy!

Very good times! I must admit that it embarrassing to think that we all (at least us guys) danced like that back then!

You have me beat on the year though...My first AC/DC was If You Want Blood in 1979...then I saw Rush Permanent Waves the next spring. Both crazy concerts in the early stages of light shows and fireworks! Didn't catch AC/DC again till 88 with Blow Up your Video tour. Rush was on their Hold Your Fire tour then. That is when the bands were all trying to out stage each other. Each Concert was bigger and crazier than the last.

Good Memories DBA! Thanks for the distraction from the woes of the world!
I saw the For Those About to Rock tour, fantastic! Cannons were awesome. :headbang: Have all the albums on vinyl, even the Aussie imports, up through Flick of the Switch. I was playing High Voltage on my cassette deck last night. Great stuff. PowerAge is one of their best albums which got little attention; for that matter, the band gets more airplay now then when the music came out!