Direction of F Fund ?

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What my sore spot is I reply to you...then someone else takes it out of context and thinks I am talking about them. Then it breaks down into a hissy fight between people that were sharing good ideas.

Do we really need people like Rolo on a board where people are trying to learn, plan and invest for their future?

Soon your social security will be a TSP plan and you will need to make wise management decisions because therewill be no longer be a net over the high you really want people like Rolo around to totally end and break up productive conversations. Stop and ask yourself that.

Because soon your families future will be on your ability to make investment contributions and not your ability to egg others on.

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MarketTimer wrote:
Soon your social security will be a TSP plan and you will need to make wise management decisions because therewill be no longer be a net over the high wire
safety net? consider Socialism Security a safety net? That net is why the bulk of Americans retire in poverty.

Safety trying to catch an elephant with a handkerchief....hehe BONK...picture this elephant with the pink skirt thing squishing a guy holding a handkerchief...funny stuff...wish I could draw.

One won't need to make super-fund-manager-like decisions to retire wealthy. We've been over this: Working life * max contribs * stock market average = lotsa moola. That is really all the wisdom one needs. The bulk of us here want more than that and enjoy tinkering with our portfolios, so stop trying to treat everyone like ignorant kids.

BTW, what return did you make last year? I asked you this before and do not remember getting a response.
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Oh yeah, F Fund....I think that would be unwise and we're pretty much unanimous on that.

I haven't seen too many bond funds performing well at all.
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The F-fund???

Thought I'd give it a second look. It kind of depends on the time frame. For the last 6 months it's been on par with the G fund. G+.19, F+.18. But taking another look the F fund increased .16 in the last 2 months i.e., Dec 1 = 10.32, Feb 1 = 10.48.
If you are going to play safe or sit something out. Give the F fund a look see, and use it to your advantage.

Also..Take a look at iShares Lehman 20 yr+ Treasury (TLT).

Rgds, ;) Spaf
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I agree Spaf!! My thought is this rally is not that strong so play stocks till Friday if your in, and watch if your not.
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Cinderella wrote:
Rolo wrote:
Oh yeah, F Fund....I think that would be unwise and we're pretty much unanimous on that.

Not unanimous on the F fund being an unwise short term allocation.
I agree, Cin. The Fed is raising rates, so NORMALLY, the f fund should decline. However, if the economy begins to fall apart at the seams, asis beginning to become a distinct possibility,the rate rises will cease and the F fund will prosper...
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I'm usingF as a short term position and I take no credit if it works out. I'm leaching off systemtraders system. Playing safe in the F and buying on the dips and selling on the rallies in stocks. This could be bad for me and I am willing to make the sacrifice for the greater good.:P
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True, I agree with all of you! I use the F fund for icing on the cake sort of speak. Since the begining of the year which fund has gained the most if you bought and held it. One thing about the F fund is it genreally will go up then if it goes down, it is slow. It did get real mean once last summer though! Ouch!
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Cinderella wrote:
Rolo wrote:
Oh yeah, F Fund....I think that would be unwise and we're pretty much unanimous on that.

Not unanimous on the F fund being an unwise short term allocation.
I said pretty much. :P


Too much risk for how little reward...downside larger than upside, especially for short-term.

Now, really loooooong term, F fund is a bargain...scoop up those shares.
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A reason to hold the F Fund long term:

The F Fund is superior to the G Fund for strategic allocation diversification purposes. The F Fund has a low correlation to the C Fund and a negative correlation to the S & I Funds. The key to diversification is identifying and using assets with low correlations to one another. When I runmy optimizer to discover the TSP Funds' efficient frontier, the G Fund drops out at an 8.7% return.In other words, if you're interested in a greater than 8.7% annual return, the F Fund beats the G Fund. At less than 8.7%, G Fund can play a role.

However, I'm guessing that for market timing purposes, the G Fund is superior. It'sessentially cash.
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Inflation worries, trade balance, budget problems, not being able to sell 10yrs at auction to fuzzy little foreigners, FOMC minutes= problems for the F fund, S, C and longer term I fund.

F and S are both to avoid that this point in the economic cycle. I am 100% G, I go in and out of I the fund once in awhile.Nothing else interests me. Did good in the I fund last week up .30 a share but happy I bailed on Friday. Not a time to get greedy.

This appears to be a good week to be out of the market. Only Friday evening will tell. Should be ensured at least one .01 next week. I am happy with that.
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Dr_Dubious wrote:
This appears to be a good week to be out of the market. Only Friday evening will tell. Should be ensured at least one .01 next week. I am happy with that.
Anyone in G going to risk getting the stock funds in the "hopes" that GDP is not a surprise to the downside?

Would have to make the trade prior to noon to benefit.

Maybe I should just read my own post and be happy with the .01 gain for the week?
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For the last 2 weeks, I have sought "safety" in the F fund, and it has cost me about $1300 :X

What is going on? Any reason to believe it will move up? Should I change my strategy on going to the F?


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rajun cajun wrote:
For the last 2 weeks, I have sought "safety" in the F fund, and it has cost me about $1300 :X

What is going on? Any reason to believe it will move up? Should I change my strategy on going to the F?


RC, I'd stay away from the F fund for awhile. If not quite some time. Greenspan wants long term interest rates to start rising, not good for the F fund.

On a purely basic note, when is the last time you saw the F fund drop .03 in one day 3 times in a month and re-bound higher any time soon?

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IMHO, F fund will go below 10 this year.

Call me crazy call me nutty (do not bash me know) look at the end of year at the NAV. Those yields they be a rising.

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LOL! You have been sitting F full time the last two weeks with 13000 shares. WoW! I sense some nevousness now maybe F will make a move while stocks head down. I said maybe!
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I said I've been retreating to the F fund for safety the last 2 weeks. I was fully in stocks last Friday for the runup. I've just been bailing to the F instead of the G, and it hasn't worked well at all.

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rajun cajun wrote:

I said I've been retreating to the F fund for safety the last 2 weeks. I was fully in stocks last Friday for the runup. I've just been bailing to the F instead of the G, and it hasn't worked well at all.


Thats the risk of playing the game! I haven't done too well in it but when it starts to deliver maybe it will be the right move. I believe about time we get out of it, it will start delivering the goods. If you were in on the stocks then how can you say you lost money all u lost was paper, tomorrow you could lose more or gain more. The next time your in it you gain twocents what are you going to call it? A gain right! I make bad moves all the time and so does everyone else, there is no right and wrong way to play. Did you read my posts yesterday I lost big gains because of a faulty transfer whats past is past look to the future. Can you say I should have yesterdays C gain because I should of been in it.