I keep hearing talk about some "rally" that might occur soon. Some say it's an "Obama bounce"...others just wave their hands and say we are due, or spout some other type of nebulous crap.
The unemployment rate is increasing at 0.5% PER MONTH...and earnings estimates are on the way down and going lower. We are flooding the system with liquidity, yet it is not flowing. Why? Because the only people who NEED this money are the same folks who SHOULD NOT get this money because they are not credit worthy. Passing the fogged mirror test will not work any longer...unless they just get utterly STUPID and give out money for free to anyone, knowing they will not get it paid back.
I'll tell you something...banks are not stupid and it does not matter what the government says, I think banks would rather not take government money than have to lend it to unworthy applicants. Despite the government saying "LEND LEND LEND!!", the banks are saying "Screw You!" and instead demanding even more money from their debtors. Take me for example...just 2 days ago...I was informed by JP MORGAN/CHASE that my min payment on my credit card is increasing by 150%. That's right...it is now 2.5 TIMES the original. WHY? Because they lent to me at a fixed 2.99%...and are not making any money off me. IN ADDITION...they are charging a 10 dollar/month fee...JUST TO HAVE A CREDIT CARD ACCOUNT OPEN!! And by the way, I have excellent credit and have never missed a payment in my life.
So, that is telling...the banks are taking it from the people, instead of lending it. I'm fairly well-to-do...I can only imagine what happens to average Joe when his min payment goes from 100/month to 250/month...PLUS FEES!
Anyway, I'm personally taking out a TSP loan (at 2.125%) and paying off that garbage CHASE CARD, and I will NEVER return to them! Here's another example...my friend works for MER and makes about 300K per year or something similar. He was a couple days late on a mortgage payment...then got a letter from Citibank saying they are cutting off his card because he is now too risky!!!! Get ready, it's going to happen to everyone.
This is going to put a serious crimp on consumer spending, don't you think?! Meredith Whitney is right...they are going to rein in those credit lines. Too bad, so sad. Thousands of stores will close, commercial real estate will bust, deflation...deflation...job losses...etc. Not good and I feel very comfortable taking out a TSP loan for 1.5 years.
Markets will go sideways...at best. For at least 2009 if not 2010 as well. Allocate accordingly.