Top Return 2008
Wow, so many birthday wishes! Thanks!
I still don't trust the market despite the "rally" today. That revised jobs number for Sept. was smoking death, and Oct. wasn't much better. Gonna get worse before it gets better. Lots of inflated capacity out there...which will have to deflate, along with jobs. I feel bad for people with REAL problems, like not having a job.
Man, I sure do feel Bad for the people with Real problem's myself. My Boss told me yesterday that "Don't expect a raise next year at all." He said He has "not had a raise in the last 3 year's". So I have been Hit in that regard. Sucks too.

IMO, I think the Economy is going to get much worse. The Economy is feeding on itself now. Trust is very low and people are very nervous and cautious. People are very cautious about spending any amount of money.
What people used to spend money on, i.e. lawn service, gutter cleaning, pressure washing, even pool service They are doing themselves or not doing at all