Corepuncher's Account Talk

Hate to rain on everyone's parade, but this has the lift of a bad bottle rocket and the sink rate of a hot rock. Sucker rally..

The market is sqauking 7500.
I refuse to sell anything at this point - but my butt is getting tarnished bumping along the bottom. I've figured out my cash position to be around $263K - will that float the market? I own CX at $24 - it's now at $6.50. What will be the biggest material used in any nuclear plant?

Stainless steel and carbon steel. Most of the piping systems, which there are alot of are one or the other. JMHO 20yrs operating Naval Nuc Plants, no civilian plant experience.
Will you look at that...I didn't even lose a whole percent today! :)

I was about ready to ditch my S fund when low and behold, it outperformed. If this is how it is going to be on the rallies, I may just use my last IFT to turn some C into S to get more bang for the buck in the upswing.

Updated Tracker COB 10/09/08

2008 YTD Return: -14.94%
Today: -0.61% :nuts:
Current Allocation: 75C 25S
Tentative Next Move: Preliminary sell target: S&P 1000
Stainless steel and carbon steel. Most of the piping systems, which there are alot of are one or the other. JMHO 20yrs operating Naval Nuc Plants, no civilian plant experience.

....which will likely be produced in China. Lets hope the low bid process specifies LOTS of X-ray quality assurance testing....wouldn't want any melamine to get mixed in with the steel.:worried::notrust:
Will you look at that...I didn't even lose a whole percent today! :)

I was about ready to ditch my S fund when low and behold, it outperformed. If this is how it is going to be on the rallies, I may just use my last IFT to turn some C into S to get more bang for the buck in the upswing.

Updated Tracker COB 10/09/08
2008 YTD Return: -14.94%
Today: -0.61% :nuts:
Current Allocation: 75C 25S
Tentative Next Move: Preliminary sell target: S&P 1000

I remember reading somewhere that it will be the "Small Caps" which will
lead the way off the bottom, just as history has shown. CP, the (S) fund
might deserve more weight based on what I just mentioned. So look up
the historys of hitting the bottom and find out if what I remember is
accurate. I'd be interested in hearing what you find. ;) I'd do it myself
but I'm squeezed for time as it is. ;)
I'm actually interested in cement - 35 plants with very thick cement walls.

You see thats where your experiences can lead your thinking astray. I didn't even think about the building. Maybe it's because all the plants I worked on were housed by steel submarines so I had steel on the brain:nuts:. Good luck with it Birch.
Nice, "quiet" 7% rally today. We'll have to see if there is a sell off at the close. If not...very bullish.

1044 is my 0 YTD break even point...1161 to get all my loss back and a 10+% return. I think we may be able to get to 1100 on the S&P, and 10300 on the DOW. Those are my "bullish" price objectives.

Updated Tracker COB 10/10/08 (corrected for date)
2008 YTD Return: -14.94%

Today: -0.61% :nuts:
Current Allocation: 75C 25S
Tentative Next Move: Preliminary sell target: S&P 1100, DOW 10300
I traded my 25S for 25C. Now 100C. Fighting the urge to sell...that is what the scaredy cats are doing early today, but give it a few more days and maybe we'll see greed take over and push this a bit higher...maybe to the 20 day moving average of 1100. I think everyone is tired of selling. I'm glad we're selling early today...maybe we'll get a late day rally into the close to squeeze those non-believers!!! Then, there will be a follow through day and THEN I'll sell some :-) internals do not look that bad although we are currently down. Ready the rocket fuel Birchtree!
This current little give back is a small blessing. I have a rather long buy list and even I don't want to over pay. So I better get to work.
I'm concerned with the sales and inflation indicators coming out tomorrow and the next day - they are a picture of before the rush back to equities. I've got 3 IFT's available. I'm watching closely what happens before the 12 o'clock deadline to got to F or G.
NO!!! but if you would like to pay me about ~25% of your retirement you can have my third.

Can I give you the 25% that I gave up to Barclays the last 2 weeks? Ouch!! :D

These IFT limit has totally screwed my strategy. I am either too long or too short in the market......It seems like anything I do is a loser.:worried:
Hope you are having better luck than myself.

Take care.