Corepuncher's Account Talk

I"m not gonna be the last to freak out in a game of musical stock chairs and not get my seat on the rally train. I'm staying in until we get > 1100 on the S&P. Just by pure probability, we should get a positive catalyst soon.

(corrected tracker)
Updated Tracker COB 10/08/08

2008 YTD Return: -6.77%
Today: -1.26% :suspicious:
Current Allocation: 75C 25S
Tentative Next Move: Wait for a rally

Agree - I'm thinking surely the market can rally to 1100 after all the carnage. That's my here-I-come-sweet-lilly-pad bailout point!
Ok...time to cry...waaaaaaaah!

Anyone know why we are getting such long tails on the AGG each day? It'll be down 2% then suddenly, it rockets straight up at the close. Strange.

Thanks for the insight on the one-instance match and number of days/percentages of up, then number of days down, then back up. That's why I'm saving 2 IFTs. Being already in, allows me: a trip G; trip to C,S,I; and a trip back to G. My guess was it would make a "w" then resume to some degree of profit. Saving those 3 IFT this month has only cost me about 30% of my retirement over the Sept and Oct.

There are no words that can explain my feelings for what the TSP Board has done to itms members - summarily relegating us members to being "in" or "out", only - which effectively chopped off our legs and threw us out on the express-way to be run over daily (or potentially locked in a cage on the lilly pad) - coupled with its advice to stay invested, as cited in Long's 10/8/08 letter to TSP members.
CP the reason the AGG is all over the place is usually when the Markets tumble most move to safety what is happenng is 2 fold.

#1. Foreign Markets are selling everything they have invested in the USA

#2. We have all missed the boat on this one - OBAMA wants to DOUBLE Capital Gains Tax so when he began to pull away in this race what did we see. A SELLOFF and what is left ???

If you have 2 Million Invested in the Market and made money you would be punished by OBAMA under his STUPID Plan. There is no reason to risk and then pay double the Tax if you make money.

On the other hand McCain wanted to eliminate the Capital Gains Tax completely. So OBAMA has already cost us money and he hasn't been elected.

If you want to sell a home you better sell it now at a lower value because OBAMA will double that TAX.

Now lets get real the middle class as OBAMA calls it will never see a tax cut but some welfare handout check. Make no mistake about it these companies are going to move out of the USA which will mean less jobs.

So Lets all Stand for the Chosen One who has done nothing to deserve this Honor and lacks any ability to lead he is a follower as we see from his associates. This is a cult and the real leaders are Wright, Ayers & Acorn !!!:mad:
CP the reason the AGG is all over the place is usually when the Markets tumble most move to safety what is happenng is 2 fold.

#1. Foreign Markets are selling everything they have invested in the USA

#2. We have all missed the boat on this one - OBAMA wants to DOUBLE Capital Gains Tax so when he began to pull away in this race what did we see. A SELLOFF and what is left ???

If you have 2 Million Invested in the Market and made money you would be punished by OBAMA under his STUPID Plan. There is no reason to risk and then pay double the Tax if you make money.

On the other hand McCain wanted to eliminate the Capital Gains Tax completely. So OBAMA has already cost us money and he hasn't been elected.

If you want to sell a home you better sell it now at a lower value because OBAMA will double that TAX.

Now lets get real the middle class as OBAMA calls it will never see a tax cut but some welfare handout check. Make no mistake about it these companies are going to move out of the USA which will mean less jobs.

So Lets all Stand for the Chosen One who has done nothing to deserve this Honor and lacks any ability to lead he is a follower as we see from his associates. This is a cult and the real leaders are Wright, Ayers & Acorn !!!:mad:

BTW - Pres. Bush decides to speak at 10:00 AM tomorrow it couldn't be tonight no right during market hours so I expect more of the same every time someone tells you it will be OK sell right now I will hold only because I have to - Lesson Learned Everyone !!! :mad:
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Thanks for the insight on the one-instance match and number of days/percentages of up, then number of days down, then back up. That's why I'm saving 2 IFTs. Being already in, allows me: a trip G; trip to C,S,I; and a trip back to G. My guess was it would make a "w" then resume to some degree of profit. Saving those 3 IFT this month has only cost me about 30% of my retirement over the Sept and Oct.

There are no words that can explain my feelings for what the TSP Board has done to itms members - summarily relegating us members to being "in" or "out", only - which effectively chopped off our legs and threw us out on the express-way to be run over daily (or potentially locked in a cage on the lilly pad) - coupled with its advice to stay invested, as cited in Long's 10/8/08 letter to TSP members.

I would have exited the market last Thursday, but was afraid to because I knew I would not be able to buy in until November 1st...and I knew that even if we tanked in October, it could easily rebound before I could even buy. That happened to me last month.

Hey, does anyone know if we could bring a case against the TSP board/ a class action lawsuit or something? For example, they changed the rules in the middle of the game, and did not give us an "out" if we chose to.

Other things are not consistent and do not make sense. Like, they count the 1st IFT with G, but then after you are done, they give you UNLIMITED IFTS with why make the 1st once cost to begin with?

They say they give you a way to get out of the market if you get "scared" to protect yourself. Well, the same argument works the other way...if you are in the market and out of IFT's, but you want to get out b/c it's going down, but it may go back up before the end of the month, in which case you could not buy back in at the low anyway, you can't. So you are FORCED to stay in.

Anyone on here know anything about lawsuits? I want to pursue one.
Futures down big. Time to get the final capitulation/washout on Friday. Then, a long weekend to gather ourselves. For those of you waiting to buy, Friday COULD be the day. Then again, we could have a V shape on Friday, down hard early, then a big ass rally to take us into the weekend. Good luck.

Zero matches for today with the analog system...not surprising.

Updated Tracker COB 10/09/08
2008 YTD Return: -14.33%
Today: -7.56% :suspicious:
Current Allocation: 75C 25S
Tentative Next Move: Pray
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I would have exited the market last Thursday, but was afraid to because I knew I would not be able to buy in until November 1st...and I knew that even if we tanked in October, it could easily rebound before I could even buy. That happened to me last month.

Hey, does anyone know if we could bring a case against the TSP board/ a class action lawsuit or something? For example, they changed the rules in the middle of the game, and did not give us an "out" if we chose to.

Other things are not consistent and do not make sense. Like, they count the 1st IFT with G, but then after you are done, they give you UNLIMITED IFTS with why make the 1st once cost to begin with?

They say they give you a way to get out of the market if you get "scared" to protect yourself. Well, the same argument works the other way...if you are in the market and out of IFT's, but you want to get out b/c it's going down, but it may go back up before the end of the month, in which case you could not buy back in at the low anyway, you can't. So you are FORCED to stay in.

Anyone on here know anything about lawsuits? I want to pursue one.

THE FRTIB is just another COUNTRYWIDE ... AIG ... LEH ... FANNIE & FREDDIE ... ACORN Group that will lie, cheat, steal, rob, Violate the Law and get away with it. Why there is no accountability and right now the only case would be an investigation by the FBI. Forget Congress after finding out they are all insiders with these groups that might explain their silence when we complained, petitioned, wrote letters, made phone calls for what so yes we have the FBI that can look into their relationship with Barclays and who did favors for who. Remember no one is ever on a board unless they are getting something in return. If our funds we loaned to Barclays the FBI will know. The emails and letters are proof and those computers. We all signed a contract and as in any sport when the owner does not meet their obligations we become free agents or have the right to recover damages for money lost. How do you prove that well what idiot would still be in the C, S or I Funds when the market tanks in 7 days. It's a 1st in History so therefore since we are more informed than most we were forced to play by their own rules. Either I lock in a $68,500 loss or HOLD. That is the corner we are put in and imagine just last month these clowns were bragging about how the F Fund would benefit from the Fannie/Freddie takeover. Since those S T U P I D remarks how is that F Fund doing. What they show is a lack of knowledge or skill and sold out the American People to Barclays. Now they are trying to suck in the military into those L Funds since no one else really bought into that hype. Yup they are really doing great. Their is no leadership it's like the KGB - FRTIB Board. We have no rights they have our money and they changed the rules to work against us.
You do know of course that Barney Frank had a lover at Fannie Mae that was a high level member of that organization. What does that tell you?
Anyone know why the ^DWCPF says down 10% on Yahoo and Bigcharts??? Looks to me the previous close was around 396 but they say it was 427, thus a huge % drop??

Also, the AGG is down 5.27% right now. Bond funds are getting smashed...but usually it is opposite when stocks are doing down.

Funny though...Gold is DOWN and the dollar is UP...both good signs.

Could this mean the sellers right now are simply panic stricken retirees liquidating mutual funds??

Could it mean, that all we have to do is get money flowing again in the credit markets, and all is well again? Gold is down 2% right now and we have not even approached our "panic" highs of earlier in the year. If the world economy was really going to collapse, gold would be much, much higher.
The AGG/F fund is now down 7.32%....extraordinary. USO (oil fund) is down 8.79%. All the while, stocks are making new lows, down 6-7%.

But Gold and Silver are way down as well...and the dollar is way UP!

What does this all mean??

People are indiscriminately selling to gain cash. The only thing being bought is the U.S. dollar and very short term bonds. Cash won't return much of anything so eventually people will have to choose what to invest in.
I refuse to sell anything at this point - but my butt is getting tarnished bumping along the bottom. I've figured out my cash position to be around $263K - will that float the market? I own CX at $24 - it's now at $6.50. What will be the biggest material used in any nuclear plant?
I refuse to sell anything at this point - but my butt is getting tarnished bumping along the bottom. I've figured out my cash position to be around $263K - will that float the market? I own CX at $24 - it's now at $6.50. What will be the biggest material used in any nuclear plant?

Birch I feel your pain. What a %%$^ week!
The RSI on monthly Dow is at 19. It was below 24 only 10 times over the last 90 years. The average return one year later was 55%. Almost all of them were at the bottoms. Trying to see past my nose - it's truly golden.
How come nobody is asking for a increase in 401k, Roth, etc. contribution limits. I would love to see no limit on contributions into our TSP accounts for 18-24 months! I have enough cash on hand to contribute my entire paycheck into my TSP account for about a year! That would help this market rebound! Plus no taxes for a year!:D

BTW, I know this plan would not work long term, but for 3-6 months it would not hurt the Feds to much in loss tax revenue.