coolhand's Account Talk

A really nice read from IYB - thanks for sharing. Big bull markets always find a way to keep you frightened and out. To get in you have to close your eyes and just do it. Not easy, but in investing nothing is easy except losing money. If I can catch another rally today I'm a solid buyer.

You are no better than the talking heads on CNBC. Sorry, but your rhetoric is beyond old. I'm not in competition with you either. In fact, I hardly read your thread any more. And I'm not losing money. Take your snake oil somewhere else.
That's cool that IYB continues to provide his vast amounts knowledge for free because information like his could go for upwards of $200 a year. I'm glad he hasn't jumped on the bandwagon like many of those guys did in the past.
Cool seems to be running a little warm today. When it comes to the stock market I happen to be optimistic. It's not my fault. While I don't know exactly when the market will make its big move upward I'm simply staying the course as a long term investor - staying calm.
Trader's Talk has a T-4 signal that is flashing a probable market turn in the not-to-distant future. The last one was a buy, which occurred last week. It's not a daily indicator, just a heads up to be looking for a turn at some point. Often these signals can be nested with several occuring in a short period of time.

Between the SS activity and this T-4 I think we can conclude that the picture is still unclear, to say the least.

I will be looking for a possible short term play next week (if one presents itself) now that we will be approaching the end of the month, but I have to be careful in case we also get a confirmation to buy from the SS (which I doubt). But I like to look both ways because one can never be sure.
I just watched this video about the eurusd pair. So it looks like if the Eurusd closes on Thurs or Fri > 1.4113, then we can expect a big increase in the euro and a decrease in the USD. Right now as of about 1230 in the morning the eurusd just made 1.4113. I will keep an eye on this, Direxion has a dollar fund pair. I am thinking of doing this trade. Not sure if I have the b_lls to do it though, since I am not too familiar with currency. The one day chart is in a downtrend but the 5 day, 30-min chart is up.

Also - if the USD starts to go down as this guy is suggesting, doesnt this mean that the stock mkt will go up more? I thougt that stocks and the USD are inversely proportional to each other??:confused:

ANy thoughts on this appreciated, thx
I just watched this video about the eurusd pair. So it looks like if the Eurusd closes on Thurs or Fri > 1.4113, then we can expect a big increase in the euro and a decrease in the USD. Right now as of about 1230 in the morning the eurusd just made 1.4113. I will keep an eye on this, Direxion has a dollar fund pair. I am thinking of doing this trade. Not sure if I have the b_lls to do it though, since I am not too familiar with currency. The one day chart is in a downtrend but the 5 day, 30-min chart is up.

Also - if the USD starts to go down as this guy is suggesting, doesnt this mean that the stock mkt will go up more? I thougt that stocks and the USD are inversely proportional to each other??:confused:

ANy thoughts on this appreciated, thx

I don't want to read too much into this as this market is very strange and can turn and run in either direction. I will say that if one feels comfortable about making a trade into equities, that the I fund may be a very good place to have exposure. OPEX week is almost done, but we could continue to run to the upside next week and make new highs. I've suggested as much to some based on the H&S pattern being entirely too obvious, and that's exactly what has happened. This market is not about fundamentals right now, it's about taking advantage of sentiment, and the bears just keep coming back for more beatings in numbers. Until they stop that, we may continue to have these short covering rallies.
I agree GS with their mathematical trading schemes are thiefs with white collars. But it is all legal. The SEC has been weak to take on anything, even naked short selling, which has ruined many a start-up venture.

The sad reality is that Rich Rule. There is no getting around it.
I agree GS with their mathematical trading schemes are thiefs with white collars. But it is all legal. The SEC has been weak to take on anything, even naked short selling, which has ruined many a start-up venture.

The sad reality is that Rich Rule. There is no getting around it.

Legal and intentional. They are almost certainly being supported by other parties too. :suspicious:
The guy from Rolling Stone that he mentioned has been very good at articulating these stories too. I'm a fan.

Thanks for posting this. Too bad it's near impossible to shut down this cartel of marauders, GS being one of the biggest ones.