coolhand's Account Talk

Euro Declines for Second Day Versus Dollar on Greece, Finland; Yen Gains

China Raises Reserve Ratio to Curb Inflation as Zhou Pledges More to Come

Tighter Monetary Policy Likely as Europe Fights Price Pressure, Weber Says

Oil Declines in New York After Saudi Arabia Says Market Is `Oversupplied'

World's Poor ‘One Shock’ From Crisis as Food Prices Climb, Zoellick Says

G-20 Names ‘Too Big to Ignore’ Economies, Downplays Shocks

Eerie Hush Descends on Japan's Nuclear Zone

Detroit Moves Against Unions

Where the Tax Money Is

That's pricey: 13 items that cost more, or will

Unions Woo Airport Security Screeners


20 Signs That We're Approaching A Global Food Crisis

Video: Prosecute Goldman Sachs or quit, Spitzer tells Holder

Al-Jazeera has fans in Obama W.H.

President Obama to ignore 'czar' ban
I try to post some mainstream stuff each trading day. I may or may not agree with some of it, but I think they're at least worth a look. Apparently some folks don't like some of what I post as I've had a couple votes come through rating my thread a one (1). HA!

I love it when I touch a nerve. :laugh:

CH, Some interesting reading thanks.
I try to post some mainstream stuff each trading day. I may or may not agree with some of it, but I think they're at least worth a look. Apparently some folks don't like some of what I post as I've had a couple votes come through rating my thread a one (1). HA!

I love it when I touch a nerve. :laugh:

That's #1 right??? :nuts:
I try to post some mainstream stuff each trading day. I may or may not agree with some of it, but I think they're at least worth a look. Apparently some folks don't like some of what I post as I've had a couple votes come through rating my thread a one (1). HA!

I love it when I touch a nerve. :laugh:

I don't post often, but as stated before: I login everyday and check these links. Keep em coming!
Thanks for the thumbs up folks. :)

I'm not necessarily trying to make statements with all of this stuff (except maybe the banking cartel links :nuts:), but I'm glad you find it worthwhile.
I try to post some mainstream stuff each trading day. I may or may not agree with some of it, but I think they're at least worth a look. Apparently some folks don't like some of what I post as I've had a couple votes come through rating my thread a one (1). HA!

I love it when I touch a nerve. :laugh:

Dang, I thought '1 Star' was the best.:p
Thanks for the thumbs up folks. :)

I'm not necessarily trying to make statements with all of this stuff (except maybe the banking cartel links :nuts:), but I'm glad you find it worthwhile.

speaking of-
That last Taibbi article had an interesting comment thread starting:
David Roth
19 hours, 25 minutes ago

Matt - this article is ridiculously biased. You fail to mention some important facts about TALF. #1, the eligible securities had to be AAA rated. If you know anything about the CMBS that was eligible, you would understand that they were essentially risk free securities trading @ 65 cents on the dollar. If the gov't ended up with these securities in the end, they would've made a fortune. But that wasn't why the gov't did this program. There was no trading in CMBS and that was causing big concern for the commercial real estate market because of all of the balloon loans that were coming due. TALF allowed investors to get financing that they couldn't get elsewhere, and brought the CMBS and ABS markets back to life. There is a reason why there has been a huge increase in CMBS issuance in 2011 and we are not having another crisis where all of the loans are defaulting at maturity. Without lending, you would have seen several defaults and more foreclosed properties hitting the market, compounding the effects of the recession even further. You make it seem like this program was designed to make insiders rich. It was designed to save the CMBS market. In the end, the smart people who had money invested in these securities that no one else wanted. They were smart and because of that, they will make a lot of money. They deserve it. They were opportunistic investors who did research. This is a perfect example of one sided journalism. Either that or you have no idea what you are reporting about and you are just spitting facts out to make yourself look smart. Try doing a little more research next time before you put some numbers in front of the average person to make them angry. Its people like you that are ruining the integrity of the media in the US.

Got to love the comments, it really rounds out the articles.
I'm not sure how much I agree with the above poster, but he seems to make an assertion that is worth investigating.
I think if more of the MSM would do reporting like Taibbi, and then followup with factual debate instead of playing Media Idol we'd all be better off.

After all, it is the public airwaves that enabled their success.....
ps- CH, you got my vote, Man!!
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speaking of-
That last Taibbi article had an interesting comment thread starting:

Got to love the comments, it really rounds out the articles.
I'm not sure how much I agree with the above poster, but he seems to make a valid assertion that is worth investigating.
I think if more of the MSM would do their jobs like Taibbi instead of playing Media Idol we'd all be better off.
At least he's got the nards to call em out.
After all, it is the public airwaves that enabled their success.....
ps- CH, you got my vote, Man!!

It's hard to take those comments too seriously given Tabbai's investigation always includes interviews with prime I mean interviewees. :D

So it's not entirely based on opinion. There seems to be a lot of consensus as he connects the dots.