It's been a while since I've posted (because I really have had nothing to offer). I've read many different ideas about investing (here and many other places), and I always enjoy learning. In that spirit, I thought I'd share something that has been helpful to me in this whole investing/market/timing issue. File this under "take it or flush it."
My investing practice starts with identifying a default position, and that is determined by whether we're in a bear market or a bull market. There are many ways to define this, but I simply use the slope of the 200 day moving average. If the 200 dma is up, then we're in a bull market. If it's down, then we're in a bear market. If we're in a bull market, my default position is equities (doesn't really matter whether it's C,S, or I--they all move together). If we're in a bear market, my default position is cash or bonds (G or F, but usually G). The only time I'll move out of the default position is if a lot of indicators that I use (risk/reward ratio) are pointing to a move opposite to the current trend (i.e., bull or bear). I only stay in that countertrending position for a short time, and then I go back to the default position.
For example, right now the 200 dma is still sloping down and it has been for all of 2009, so my default position is G (or F). I have only been in equities for a total of 31 calendar days in 2009 (out of ~207 calendar days). This means that my risk is very low. Of course, I will miss many big up days, like today. But it also means that I will miss many big down days. (My return so far in 2009 is 19.5%.) When the 200 dma begins sloping upward, I will return to C, S, or I as my default.
The "buy and hold" and the "dollar cost averaging" methods just don't produce meaningful gains unless we happen to be in a strong bull market. And in that case, everybody looks like a genius. (See here: )
Anyway, I've found that this simple "default" method eliminates a lot of risk, a lot of stress, and my tendency to "fight against the trend." It has helped me tremendously. As I said--food for thought, and take it, leave it or flush it.