ChemEng's Account talk...

Photography is one of my favorite hobbies and I have taken a lot of baby pics over the years. That is one great looking rug rat! Congrats on the new little one… :cool::cool:
What a cutie ChemEng,

I remember those day's and do miss them. He is adorable. :)

18 years will go by quick. Take plenty of pictures and video's if you can.
Woot! I got notice yesterday in the mail that I passed the PE exam on the first try. With the new little one and now this, this Christmas is officially the best one ever.
You obviously don't have kids in public school yet - just wait. I suspect some of your liberal views will change as they experience dumbing down so the rest at risk can have favorable selfesteem. It starts around the sixth grade.
You obviously don't have kids in public school yet - just wait. I suspect some of your liberal views will change as they experience dumbing down so the rest at risk can have favorable selfesteem. It starts around the sixth grade.
See Strawman Argument logical fallacy:

1. Person A has position X. Founding Fathers embraced multiculturalism.
2. Person B ignores X and instead presents position Y. Grade school kids are dumbed down by the public school system.
3. Person B attacks position Y. You will change your position once you have a kid in public grade school.
4. Person B draws a conclusion that X is false/incorrect/flawed. Therefore multiculturalism is the root of all evil. :rolleyes:

Another example of mental acumen of the vocal minority.
Or person me decided to put his kids future into his own hands and homeschools, thereby circumventing the public school system.
Multiculturalism seeks to eliminate all standards and aspirations in order to reduce everyone and everything to the same level. I went through this exercise with my daughter and without to much elaboration she was righted and turned out fine, but it required my intervention going against the liberal educational establishment. Why do we have such a desire for private schools and vouchers as well as charter schools? It's because the public school system is failing another generation. You'll get your turn and then you'll know - especially if you want your kids to excell in a hard science curriculum. Am I a member of a vocal minority - perhaps but I earned my right to my beliefs. And when you love your children you will fight the evil marauders.
I want to point out that the public school systems are not failing the kids, the parents are.

I come from a long family of teachers. Today's teachers are smarter, and schools have more tools then ever before. The biggest problem is lack of parents participation and responcibility for their kids actions.

From my perspective, because this nation has moved away from conservative family values, we have sacrificed our kids future. Two income familys, single parents, and poverty contribute to the problems of out education system.
We need more midnight basketball programs that are tax payer sponsored. Rather than building more prison beds. If the at risk group won't do their homework we can at least keep them off the streets and away from crime. The University of Florida has a program where they send a student home in the afternoons with the at risk high school student to supervise their activities - ain't that the way to promote public volunteerism. Illegitimacy receives favored treatment again.
I want to point out that the public school systems are not failing the kids, the parents are.

I come from a long family of teachers. Today's teachers are smarter, and schools have more tools then ever before. The biggest problem is lack of parents participation and responcibility for their kids actions.

From my perspective, because this nation has moved away from conservative family values, we have sacrificed our kids future. Two income familys, single parents, and poverty contribute to the problems of out education system.

You can use the "D" word...really you can!:cool:
Multiculturalism seeks to eliminate all standards and aspirations in order to reduce everyone and everything to the same level.
Its been around for over 200 years on this side of the world. The founding fathers had (off the top of my head):
  1. Religious Diversity: Lutherans, Dutch Reformers, Presbyterians, and Roman Catholics.
  2. Economic Diversity: Washington was one of the nations most wealthy men. Baldwin and many deep southern representatives were barely blue collar.
  3. Politcal Diversity: There were representatives that were loyal to England, there were reps with more isolationist views, and there were more hawkish reps.
They werent perfect either as white males were grossly overrepresented. But if that isnt the sign of a group of national HEROES embracing multiculturalism, I dont know what is. So are you saying that the multiculturalism they used to scupt the framework of our country is also part of this liberal bastion you are trying to right? Or is it possible that this is just another scapegoat issue promulgated by those in power (politicians and media alike) to keep the populous afraid and divided from each other to maintain the status quo? Hmmm....

Am I a member of a vocal minority - perhaps but I earned my right to my beliefs
Absolutely, feel free to insert your foot anytime.