Well-known member
burros-ark housekeeping:
burros-ark is a hybrid system based mainly on el vira (spanish for the volatility indicator risk assessment). el vira is a number between 1 and 10 on an aggressive market scale with 1 being omg it's gonna crash and 10 being come here so i can kick your ass. el vira is computed by aggregating 5 indicator signals for each denizen, plus sentiment, momentum, and contarian chutzpah with a little humor mixed in.
animal is general investment style.
ytd% is current performance.
allocation is % long equities (c,s,i) expressed as a number between 1 and 100.
direction is change from last week's holdings expressed as < (sell, to bonds, g,f), > (buy, to equities, c,s,i) and * (hold, pucker up this could get tight).
description is the sentiment, stars alignment, gut feel, and art part.
vpadd for short (vira, performance, allocation, direction, description).
any questions? write them down and put them in that round basket at the end of the bar.
everybody starts the new year at el vira 5 with no direction because i am all about fresh starts.
enjoy, and i hope you make lots of free money.
burros-ark housekeeping:
burros-ark is a hybrid system based mainly on el vira (spanish for the volatility indicator risk assessment). el vira is a number between 1 and 10 on an aggressive market scale with 1 being omg it's gonna crash and 10 being come here so i can kick your ass. el vira is computed by aggregating 5 indicator signals for each denizen, plus sentiment, momentum, and contarian chutzpah with a little humor mixed in.
animal is general investment style.
ytd% is current performance.
allocation is % long equities (c,s,i) expressed as a number between 1 and 100.
direction is change from last week's holdings expressed as < (sell, to bonds, g,f), > (buy, to equities, c,s,i) and * (hold, pucker up this could get tight).
description is the sentiment, stars alignment, gut feel, and art part.
vpadd for short (vira, performance, allocation, direction, description).
any questions? write them down and put them in that round basket at the end of the bar.
everybody starts the new year at el vira 5 with no direction because i am all about fresh starts.
enjoy, and i hope you make lots of free money.