i want to post a public service anouncement about silver, but it applies to all silver not just tsptalk silver so i will put it here.
do you remember as a kid you sometimes would find a 1965 quarter in your change and knew it was different because it was heavier than the others back when $0.25 was worth something? and then you discovered the local jeweler and pawn shop would sell you an ounce of the pure stuff for $6.46 of your paper route and lawn mowing money? or maybe it was $6.86, i forget. anyways, i want to warn people so this doesn't happen to them like it did to me.
at first with my monthly net profits i would go to the bank and change it all into one dollar bills and toss them up in the air in my room, the original 'make it rain', but i only did that with my clothes on when my mom was at work because for some reason she frowned on those activities. after a while i decided to convert the monthly net profit dollar bills into silver one ounce coins or bars. the jeweler would just smile at me when i made the exchange, i think he knew it hurts when you toss precious metals in the air and laugh at the delicious shineyness, especially if you are naked. so after awhile i would just lick them instead. yep, i have licked shiny silver.
here is the public service announcement: be very careful licking your tsptalk silver, or any silver for that matter. one time i got carried away and accidentally swallowed a 1965 quarter. it took 3 days to, uhhh, recover it, the hard way. it was not pleasant but it did have these cool rainbow patterns on it when i finally, uhhh, found it. so be careful if you get the urge to lick your shiny shiny heavy silver tsptalk coins. they are much bigger and heavier than a 1965 quarter.