burrocrat's Account Talk

ark update: it's all about the numbers. 31% of arkers are beating the g fund, nobody is doing better than f, only 8% topping c, 69% above s (that's a good number), and 92% winning vs i.

alevin/mouse, 5, 0.69%, g, there's that number again.
amoeba/hare, 3, 0.50%, m, ok #.
birchtree/elephant, 5, (4.43%), m, poor #.
bmnevue/penguin, 8, 4.64%, m, great #.
boghie/lion, 6, 2.19%, m, good #.
burrocrat/donkey, 8, 1.93%, m, good #.
fwm/racoon, 1, (13.47%), g, very poor #.
jonfresno/kangarooo, 9, (5.31%), s, poor #.
jpcavin/cougar, 6, (0.36%), m, low #.
jth/wolf, 1, 1.70%, f, good #.
mrbowl/owl, 8, (2.21%), s, low #.
pessoptimist/squirrel, 5 2.77%, m, good #.
whipsaw/hawk, 7, (1.55%), c, low #.

el vira = 90-74 = 9/65 = 14%. bullish. it looks like a good time to be in the market.
ark update: hooowheeeee! that was one wild ride on the volatility train! i almost broke even, -0.04% below my entry and only -0.20% below where i would've been if i'd sat in g and watched from the sidelines. while it officially gets booked as a losing trade, it's not by much and i consider that a heckuva good deal.

for comparison purposes, how are arkers faring vs. the indices?
>g: 38%
>f: 15%
>c: 8%
>s: 38%
>i: 92%

ain't nobody here gonna be gettin' the nobel peace prize for investing any time soon, but penguin earns an honorable mention. so, sorted by activity and risky lifestyle:

alevin/mouse, 5, 0.73%, g, virgin.
amoeba/hare, 5, 0.64%, g, discreet.
birchtree/elephant, 5, (1.73%), m, virgin.
bmnevue/penguin, 8, 8.91%, m, slut.
boghie/lion, 5, 4.26%, m, virgin.
burrocrat/donkey, 1, 6.12%, g, slut.
fwm/racoon, 10, (12.93%), s, slut.
jonfresno/kangarooo, 10, (1.50%), s, discreet.
jpcavin/cougar, 5, (3.40%), m, virgin.
jth/wolf, 2, 1.45%, f, discreet.
mrbowl/owl, 8, (1.73%), s, slut.
pessoptimist/squirrel, 5, 5.36%, m, virgin.
whipsaw/hawk, 1, (0.50%), g, slut.

el vira = 70-65 = 5/65 = 8%. less bullish than last week. i have a bad feeling about this. s ended at 1.87 and i think it is going to get murdered next week. i'm out.
i'm sure everybody is tired of me talking about my undershorts by now, but i'm not.

here is the hot ticket, better than all the rest so far: jockey h fly. learn it, live it, love it. and don't you forget it.

yep, jockey midlength magic synthetic fabric h fly. da bomb. i used to get uptight about the man-panty jokes but not no more. i'm wearing them and it ain't none of yo bidness.

i like to slide them on fresh and warm out of the dryer. mmmm, mmmmmm. way better than apple pie, a new car, or even a **** ***.

they have multiple great features, some of which i'm embarrassed to admit, but i will anyways. the waistband is wide and substantial, which with my aging belly is good because the cheaper ones try to roll down on me. the hold you in parts make me look and feel like a stud. and the h fly is incredible, very convenient too.

after i put them on warm from the dryer i don't ever want to take them off. matter of fact, i ain't taking them off. but with the h fly i don't have to and can still recieve all the benefits. use your imagination.

if you don't own 2 pairs of jockey h fly you ain't never lived. hands down a winner. who knew $12 could be so entertaining? a bargain at any price.
when i was a kid, my dad used to always ask me 'do you want the good news first, or the bad news?' he was an ahole.

the good news is i have crossed the 100,000 views rubicon in my account talk thread. the bad news is that means 1 of you is dumb enough to read my drivel 100k times. or else 100k of you fell for it once. i'm not sure which is worse.

and i'm coming up on 7,000 posts, which is a lot of posts. i wonder if anybody has that chart of title vs. posts chart saved? do i get a new name here soon?
when i was a kid, my dad used to always ask me 'do you want the good news first, or the bad news?' he was an ahole.

the good news is i have crossed the 100,000 views rubicon in my account talk thread. the bad news is that means 1 of you is dumb enough to read my drivel 100k times. or else 100k of you fell for it once. i'm not sure which.

and i'm coming up on 7,000 posts, which is a lot of posts. i wonder if anybody has that chart of title vs. posts chart saved? do i get a new name here soon?

I come here for the underwear advice. You keep switching favs, so I'm not buying any until I get your "final answer". No offense, but when the ladies recommend a brand and model I consider it a "can't miss"
I come here for the underwear advice. You keep switching favs, so I'm not buying any until I get your "final answer". No offense, but when the ladies recommend a brand and model I consider it a "can't miss"

i'm gonna save you some trial and error here, bro. jockey.

adidas i got too small in medium not large, so they were kind of 'squeezy'. and they gave me one helluva headache.


saxxx are for in case you are attending a porn shoot or going to church and want to hear angels sing while you are standing around in your underwear. trust me on this one, that never works out well.

jockey h fly.

except i haven't tried cavin klien yet, but i'm working on it. i'm just a litttle selfconcious about walking around with 'calvin' embroidered on my shorts.

as for the concurrence of the ladies? good luck with that. they can be notoriously vindictave and tight-lipped.
Ooohkay then! kk, you know waaay too much about international style, you been peeking in discreetly brownwrapped packages from Aussieland? the riot version is absolutely frightening. The halloween option reminded me of one of Buster's favorite halloween costumes he's modeled here before more than once, I'd almost forgotten about it til now. :laugh:
Ooohkay then! kk, you know waaay too much about international style, you been peeking in discreetly brownwrapped packages from Aussieland? the riot version is absolutely frightening. The halloween option reminded me of one of Buster's favorite halloween costumes he's modeled here before more than once, I'd almost forgotten about it til now. :laugh:

OMG! That wasn't the video I wanted to post. LMAO ! It was the video showing the new wonder jock technology.
let's try this again. Don't tap the web address on the link, just the the part that says men's underwear.

Seriously, Buster posed in a Halloween version? Where's that posted? :D

aussieBum - Enlarge IT, MEN'S UNDERWEAR, www.aussiebum.com on Vimeo
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so we go to the truck stop for dinner, the usual 2 jalepeno chili cheese dogs and some pizza, and there's this couple arguing out in the parking lot.

after waiting in line for f'ing ever because some tweak forgot his rewards card to save $0.30 the skinny cashier girl finally swipes hers for him. when i get my turn i say 'no thanks i got my own rewards card right here' she laughs but my kid screws it up by saying not funny dad. i love him, but he's a crappy wing man.

so we go out to the car and i say 'i want to screw that girl' and this couple is still arguing and he puffs all up and steps towards me. dude, not your girl, the skinny pizza chick, back off. we came to a verbal understanding. they went back to arguing. i think maybe he is afraid she has been unfaithful.

life is strange.
OMG! That wasn't the video I wanted to post. LMAO ! It was the video showing the new wonder jock technology.
let's try this again. Don't tap the web address on the link, just the the part that says men's underwear.

Seriously, Buster posed in a Halloween version? Where's that posted? :D

aussieBum - Enlarge IT, MEN'S UNDERWEAR, www.aussiebum.com on Vimeo

i'm pretty sure kk searching the interweb for men in undershorts is why pop up ads for russian brides keep presenting themselves in my thread. let me tell you something son, if she's wearing nothing but underwear and platform heels and slipping her garter off, that ain't wife material. that's a cocktail waitress in a dolly parton wig. and while those kind might be useful in some situations, whatever you do don't invite her to church. that's why the weekend has both a saturday and a sunday. keep them straight.

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burro, burro, burro. Get your food and get in the car and go. Then if you must, have a discussion with your kid about who was "doable".

Buy some hot dogs at the local supermarket. Get some tortillas, hot dog buns, Jalapenos, Canned chili (it's probably what you get at the truck stop). Learn how or teach someone how to work the microwave. Stove top and toaster works for most of this stuff.

I love your tales but if you are really subjecting your custodial child to this as the meal every day then please do not. If this is just some of your usual story telling to see who you can stir up, carry on. You stirred me up. I am voting toward you embellishing tales.

burro, burro, burro. Get your food and get in the car and go. Then if you must, have a discussion with your kid about who was "doable".

Buy some hot dogs at the local supermarket. Get some tortillas, hot dog buns, Jalapenos, Canned chili (it's probably what you get at the truck stop). Learn how or teach someone how to work the microwave. Stove top and toaster works for most of this stuff.

I love your tales but if you are really subjecting your custodial child to this as the meal every day then please do not. If this is just some of your usual story telling to see who you can stir up, carry on. You stirred me up. I am voting toward you embellishing tales.


unfortunately po, my tales are all too true to some extent, it's just the flowery language that appears as embellishment. it's all just a matter of perspective.

also unfortunately, it is a different world today than what i grew up in which was probably a different world than you did. i think it is a critical life skill for a young man to learn how to comport himself in a variety of situations, including those typically found in truck stops. because like it or not, every young man will face a defining life moment in a truck stop and i want him to be prepared for it. he points out the vending machine on the wall in the restroom, like he always does. look dad they have glow in the dark ones, what's that for so you can see where you're going? i make my usual joke, don't buy that gum son it tastes like rubber. the guy at the sink just about lost it.

they also have a scale in the restroom that you can put a quarter in. that is the stupidist thing ever. if you are in the men's restroom at truck stop wondering how much you weigh, then you got way bigger problems than that scale can help you with.

as to the parking lot confrontation, you will be proud to know that as soon as i said that pizza girl comment and jealous jerk puffed up at me, my kid took several quick steps to increase distance and caught the car keys i tossed to him on the way while i stopped to reason with the possessive freak. so he can make quick correct decisions in the face of adversity. that is important. he waited patiently in the car and unlocked the doors when i got close. there are tools in the car he is familiar with using, good choice son, get to relative defensible safety. really i was just trying to buy the parking lot gal a few seconds if she needed to relocate, but she seemed content to stay where she was and continue to get yelled at and negotiate.

my son asked me on the way home, why do women put up with that? another teaching moment, another valuable life lesson learned.

peace bro, to each their own. not all knights ride around through fields of daisies on white horses.
when i was a kid, my dad used to always ask me 'do you want the good news first, or the bad news?' he was an ahole.

the good news is i have crossed the 100,000 views rubicon in my account talk thread. the bad news is that means 1 of you is dumb enough to read my drivel 100k times. or else 100k of you fell for it once. i'm not sure which is worse.

and i'm coming up on 7,000 posts, which is a lot of posts. i wonder if anybody has that chart of title vs. posts chart saved? do i get a new name here soon?

Congrats on the posts (soon), not sure on the read count... I am of the mind it is tricking 100k folks once, but thats me :)

hey, no fair! you're a lot closer to those arab princesses, i bet you could save a ton of money on shipping and handling.