burrocrat's Account Talk

It opened just fine Burro. I had to use my Zoom feature at 200% and could read it...so it works.


yeah, but fuzzy, as it is a screen clipping of the actual document so between sizing it to fit a full page on the physical dimensions of my laptop display and taking the clipping as a universally readable .png graphic file it loses resolution. makes it look like a cheap photocopied discount flier for a sleazy bar. i was going more for the cheap photocopied discount flier for a fancy bar look.

the best way to preserve resolution and crisp document and universal readability is probably to print it as a .pdf file and upload that, but the limit on this site is 244kb and my one page newsletter documents come out at around 286kb depending on complexity of embedded spreadsheet and charts.

i'll keep working on it. for now it is ok to just copy the text into the reply to post window and insert attached graphics.

none of that has anything to do with any potential value of the info in the post so a minor issue at this point.
i don't know where this belongs so i will put it here with the rest of my random observations...

has anybody noticed when you go to the cnbc website to read the market news, they always lead the latest market story about the panic of the day with a shot of the trading floor? except it is just 3 guys and they zoom in close so they fill the picture and they blur the background so you can't really tell there is nobody else behind them just empty green or red fuzzy charts on the monitor screens? and they are all holding some kind of digital device that they must be writing their trades on?

has anybody else noticed this? some days they focus on the heavyset guy blowing air out his cheeks like it is the end of the world. or else the chisel jaw guy rubbing his temple and staring down the digital graph on the screen like he is going to command the photons to his will. or else the old guy who nobody would fire their own grandpa at a time like this.

i have been meaning to save screenshots, but if you look close about every three weeks you see the same guy again, but this time he is happy like he just made a killing trading orange juice futures off stolen government production numbers and wanting to toast eddie murphy and dan akroyd from trading places?

what happened to the crowds shouldering for position and tearing up ticker tapes and trading slips? where did all these old traders go? why now are there only a few dozen rotating cast in shots of three now? is everything done by quants and ai and algorthyms and they just are not telling us?

this market stuff is hard to figure out.
Change the channel burro. I watch the Fox Business News (FBN). They actually have females (eye candy) working there. I'm sure you will find it much more palatable...

If your cable company doesn't have it, demand it!!!
Change the channel burro. I watch the Fox Business News (FBN). They actually have females (eye candy) working there. I'm sure you will find it much more palatable...

If your cable company doesn't have it, demand it!!!

i get my news from the internet. the only reason i watch tv is for political debates or nfl rigged football or reality made-for-tv like survivor. or else ncis and criminal minds. they don't listen to my demands either. if i want eye candy though, boy does that internet listen, and quick.
i get my news from the internet. the only reason i watch tv is for political debates or nfl rigged football or reality made-for-tv like survivor. or else ncis and criminal minds. they don't listen to my demands either. if i want eye candy though, boy does that internet listen, and quick.

Well I can't argue with instant gratification...
i don't know where this belongs so i will put it here with the rest of my random observations...

has anybody noticed when you go to the cnbc website to read the market news, they always lead the latest market story about the panic of the day with a shot of the trading floor? except it is just 3 guys and they zoom in close so they fill the picture and they blur the background so you can't really tell there is nobody else behind them just empty green or red fuzzy charts on the monitor screens? and they are all holding some kind of digital device that they must be writing their trades on?

has anybody else noticed this? some days they focus on the heavyset guy blowing air out his cheeks like it is the end of the world. or else the chisel jaw guy rubbing his temple and staring down the digital graph on the screen like he is going to command the photons to his will. or else the old guy who nobody would fire their own grandpa at a time like this.

i have been meaning to save screenshots, but if you look close about every three weeks you see the same guy again, but this time he is happy like he just made a killing trading orange juice futures off stolen government production numbers and wanting to toast eddie murphy and dan akroyd from trading places?

what happened to the crowds shouldering for position and tearing up ticker tapes and trading slips? where did all these old traders go? why now are there only a few dozen rotating cast in shots of three now? is everything done by quants and ai and algorthyms and they just are not telling us?

this market stuff is hard to figure out.

I believe open outcry is almost dead, or dead.

The traders are likely in trading rooms/or at home on the computer.
Have you watched Floored?

Floored (2009) - IMDb

what happened to the crowds shouldering for position and tearing up ticker tapes and trading slips? where did all these old traders go? why now are there only a few dozen rotating cast in shots of three now? is everything done by quants and ai and algorthyms and they just are not telling us?
uh oh, folks are starting to feel tempted to jump on the inevitable 'relief rally' train, champing on the bit, is it now, don't want to miss it. but look at the big picture, what is this relief rally game all about? the market is down 9-12% and what is there to gain from a sharp bounce, maybe plus 3-5% in a matter of days? is that enough salve to soothe the wounds?

and what about the accompanying risk? what if you time the entry just right and get the plus 5% jump but fail to get out on time and it goes down another -12% from there? does anybody really think that this is over, it was just the market acting out and now the underlying problems and fears are all solved, happy days again? i don't think so.

at this point i have been safe in g-fund and i don't see the market making back all its losses by monday, so even if there is a good sustained bounce it won't catch up to me for a bit. and even if it levels off and goes back to its perpetual positive bull market climb i'll still have a pretty good head start and not carrying any accompanying fear or hesitation baggage of getting my butt kicked solidly for the last few weeks. i believe there is fundamental damage in the market that is yet to work itself out, way more possible downside drop than sustained upside launch.

so i am going to sit this dance out for now, but however you step, may the market call your tune. good luck everyone.
burros-ark 160124

burros-ark update: well we got a little bit of a bounce and a turnaround this week, maybe the bleeding has stopped and the wounds are starting to scab over, i hope the market doesn’t come right back and rip them off next week. the time to get in last week would’ve been wednesday before noon and then out again before friday at noon to score +2%. but dang, that is some heavy risk for very moderate reward, not to knock a gain, any gain, in this environment, but i just was not feeling it and i’m still glad not to be getting my butt kicked, so far. the only arkers making money are those collecting pennies in the g-fund, some have limited damage by running early in the fight, and the rest are gonna ride this mutha out it seems. owl bailed while mouse and chameleon jumped in, interesting. both of those two use their own versions of technical indicators and that is some big moves in this game at this point, very interesting. the chart reveals the extent of the damage, -6% to -10% in three weeks, still brutal. but on the bright side, arkers on average are beating more than half the autotracker, so that is a relative win i guess. the month is almost over and the fed speaks this coming week. crazy stuff.

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burros-ark signal: buy. yep, i don’t like it either but it is what it is, the system says buy. el vira is near optimum risk level and exposure is at a significantly underbought 45%, this may be a good spot on the wave to catch a ride. a whole week seems like a long scarey time to hold a position right now, but that is what the system does so here we go, into the pool. it takes big money, big nuts, and a big fat chronic sack to play this game, the system was getting tired of the g-thang anyways, roll dem bones. buy.

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burros-ark stuff: i am still playing around with this chart thingy. i've added a marker for 'arker-average which is different from burros-ark. burros-ark is what the system does based on the actions of each member (and other things), while the arker-avg is a straight average of all individual arkers' actual performance. i find it interesting how graphics can communicate relationships between elements. i have also thought about adding a marker to track my, uhhh, social relationships with elements of the opposite sex (and interactions with members of the same sex, or just sex, but those numbers all total exactly the same as i am a monochromatic hunter in case you were wondering), but i think we all know that since about the mid-1990's that line just plunges straight down and is scraping rock bottom at this point and would be rather boring and uninformative. but hey, rock bottom is better than no bottom, right? i hope burros-ark gets lucky with this move in, but i am scared, which is better than scarred, but i am that too. life, and the markets, are what you make them. happy trading.
Thanks DBA. I have to say that the SPX\VIX chart has me very cautious. Today we rallied nicely and that was expected yesterday and welcome. However today we rallied on “calls” for discussion of production cuts from some OPEC members and equities rally because of “supposed” QE from the FED. My opinion is that it is too early for either. Especially any QE or rate deferment activity given the economic data today. I think they are both possible but IMO not at this time. But I'd be ok with it if I was wrong.

Tomorrow I see a early rally followed by a pullback. As long as we stay above SPX 1854 I think we can still rally (up to 1940), but if we break below support, I see the 1750 in the near future.

All the best to you in your investing.

woohoo!!! burros ark is # 3 on the autotracker...:nuts:

that's only half the battle though, the really tricky part with a 'the system only trades on mondays and holds the signal for a week' thing is a real challenge in this market. but it is always difficult to know when to step off the ride.
that's only half the battle though, the really tricky part with a 'the system only trades on mondays and holds the signal for a week' thing is a real challenge in this market. but it is always difficult to know when to step off the ride.

or step on for that matter since no one followed the signal. Just hope we didn't miss the boat...uhh ark. :rolleyes: