burrocrat's Account Talk

Happy Birthday burro. It's not on the TSP calendar so who knew and when?


i think someone found it on my chinese facebook page, i got outed, maybe i have a stalker.

China reportedly compiling 'Facebook' of U.S. government employees | Fox News

A private industry IT security firm tells Fox News that personal data stolen over the span of several high-profile U.S. cyber breaches is being indexed by China's intelligence service into a massive Facebook-like network.

i really enjoyed last night's presidential debate. i think it is healthy and refreshing to see the candidates attack the issues and address each other directly, not a lot of room for sidestepping in that format, and the ones that did will pay for it double in 'wimp factor' poll ratings. i can't hardly wait until the democrats put all their candidates in all their diversity up for public scrutiny and review so we can see what they're really made of. that is good for the political process i think.

obviously carson and fiorina killed it, carpe'd the diem. the best answers were at the end though about the ten dollar bill. carson: my mom (winner!). fiorina (roughly translated 'all women', winner winner!). i'd like to see a carson/fiorina or fiorina/carson ticket, i don't care which one ends up on top. put trump to work as secretary of state and let him utilize those negotiating and business skills to our country's advantage, but tell him in no uncertain terms it is not ok to subvert government records laws or national security by keeping a private email server in trump tower. and huckabee would make a great education czar, put him to work reforming the liberal curriculum that is eliminating our youths' critical thinking capacity and turning their brains into "everybody's a winner without trying" mush. bush? i don't know what to say about that entitled smug little rich prick, he reminds me of that boy ralphie on 'a christmas story' who doesn't listen to his mom and shoots his own eye out, like the pipsqueak on the playground in kindergarten that everybody pushed down. give bush an irs or immigration job reforming the tax code or border issue, let the nerdy bean counter do what he does best.

the race is starting to get good, happy voting.
burros-ark update: yay fed, boo fed, wishy washy outcome that left everybody about where they started, just a little more wear on the nerves. that hawk been pickin' his way through a troubled market with patient precision and class for months now though, sharp. gonna start callin' him denali.

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burros-ark signal: buy. el vira is at 12% and exposure is at 59%, this is the sweet spot on the volatility and exposure axes, like the old x-y distribution graphs you'd see in math class if you weren't a history major or skippin' out back for a smoke with the bad girls. buy. notably, two broke from the pack and are making a run for it, knock 'em dead kids. buy. the system triggers a buy signal and burros-ark will trade to 100% equities effective cob Monday.

Huge move Burro. Best wishes to the Ark this week. The trendsetters are saying that we could drop to between 1930-1945 before the next leg up (probably to 1990 and then perhaps as high as 2040 with zigzag pattern). If we drop below 1930, we're heading down much faster. I want to be out before that happens but Mr.Market always has his own ideas. Earlier in the day, the news was all about how the Fed has scared the markets because they didn't raise rates. As the day progressed, I'm now seeing feeds about how the CB's are all working together to get the global economic picture healthy. Looks like Tsipras gets to run Greece so that has to be a bit of a relief to EU. And as I sit here, China was Green while Japan and Hong Kong were Red. Go figure. Best of luck to you in your investing tomorrow. Let's hope we get a break and that we're not chasing a falling knife.

burros-ark update: yay fed, boo fed, wishy washy outcome that left everybody about where they started, just a little more wear on the nerves. that hawk been pickin' his way through a troubled market with patient precision and class for months now though, sharp. gonna start callin' him denali.

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burros-ark signal: buy. el vira is at 12% and exposure is at 59%, this is the sweet spot on the volatility and exposure axes, like the old x-y distribution graphs you'd see in math class if you weren't a history major or skippin' out back for a smoke with the bad girls. buy. notably, two broke from the pack and are making a run for it, knock 'em dead kids. buy. the system triggers a buy signal and burros-ark will trade to 100% equities effective cob Monday.

Wishy today, washy tomorrow. I stuck it out this long, probably should have stayed in, but I bailed. Tough pill to swallow thinking back to July where I had about a 10% gain for the year. Such is live. You lose some, you lose more....

Got 1 IFT so I guess we'll see what she decides to do. She goes down, I go in. She goes up, I curse myself and get no sleep over a wrong move shaving years off my life expectancy.
Wishy today, washy tomorrow. I stuck it out this long, probably should have stayed in, but I bailed. Tough pill to swallow thinking back to July where I had about a 10% gain for the year. Such is live. You lose some, you lose more....

Got 1 IFT so I guess we'll see what she decides to do. She goes down, I go in. She goes up, I curse myself and get no sleep over a wrong move shaving years off my life expectancy.

Hang in there roo! You're still up almost 5%, which is much better than being down almost 5%. It'll get better. :banghead:
happy even day, it's all downhill from here, the days get shorter and the darkness longer, or autumnal equinox as some call it, hope everyone has a good harvest.

also it is the start of a new season of survivor, my favorite show of all time. wooohooo!
happy even day, it's all downhill from here, the days get shorter and the darkness longer, or autumnal equinox as some call it, hope everyone has a good harvest.

also it is the start of a new season of survivor, my favorite show of all time. wooohooo!

My wife loves that show, hence, so do I......

Pretty funny.. We only saw the first 10 minutes or so. We'll catch the rest on-demand this evening. She remembers most of the players and the seasons they were on when they introduced the cast last night. Not the actual season numbers, but just who was on with them, situations they were in, stuff like that. Kelly from the first season doesn't look bad 15 years out.

Should be a happy household - for at least a few months!
burros-ark update: well there ain't no investing salvation out there for nobody, no matter how hard you try. it seems there should be a treat out there once in a while, a scrap to pick up, but no... if you are in you just keep getting screwed. except for hawk, big number 7 now, in the berries. sweet.

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burros-ark signal: hold. el vira is at 6% and exposure is at 52%, slim pickins. hold. but check out adam and eve online, big sale on 'forbidden personal lubricant' and free shipping this week, might as well be comfortable if you are going to take it hard. hold, brace for it.
I hate sitting around, but the action on our funds forces me to the rocking chair.

I am making so few moves I might get thrown off the ark. Yowser. I always buy in too early. Gotta hold. October can suck...
Good thing for me I add balance to the ark, or is that "ballast"? Timing is all, taking the last 2 weeks off for family time away from keyboard paid off in many ways, including tsp account sitting on the sidelines. Devil made me do it, I guess. now that I'm back, will have to work harder to make sure I hit my 7% objective for the year, although staying topside at minimum comes first.
a -3% down day? pfffft. what's 3% among friends?

sometimes when life gets too hard and unpleasant i like to watch tv commercials to cheer me up. i used to really enjoy insurance commercials when they were making funny ones, even though i hate insurance because it is a 'some purchasers may not lose but overall only the actuarials and underwriters win' kind of game, but lately i've found myself craving a good burger.

warning: some like it hot.

so here is a follow up to a story, it's true.

i go into the cable tv office to pay my bill this month and set up autopay and make sure i have an email address with my internet service. and by the time i'm done i just have to confess, i tell the nervous counter gal with the wonder bra 'i am sorry, last month i accidentally stole one of your pens and i was going to bring it back but when i got home and put it in the cup on my desk i noticed the top was all chewed up, like a squirrel got after it so i just threw it away'.

and then this other girl pops up from another cubicle in the back like a jack in the box i didn't even know she was there, 'yeah sarah! sorry sir, we have a problem with chewing pens here'. and then she sits back down and disappears, just like that.

whoa. my and my son just looked at each other and got the hell out of there, obviously some repressed tension in that office.

lol, we still joke about it though, 'yeah sarah!' too funny. it really happened.