Well-known member
Hi Burro, Gotta comment on your latest "gentleman" line:
"The gentleman who knows better, knows to live it like he'll never live it twice."
This is so very true! You only get today once, and once its gone its gone forever....There is no guarantee that what you have today will still be here tomorrow. I need to keep this in mind....Make each day count! Stop to smell the roses, etc......enjoy each sunrise and sunset, give thanks for family, frends and the small pleasures in life! So simple and yet so easily forgotten or overlooked.
it is a simple concept on the surface, but really it is about human nature and the frailty of things. i have noticed something, both in my own experiences and by observing others. life, and death, is a very curious thing. the 'what' is easy to spot, but the 'why' is elusive.
it usually is connected to a serious, traumatic life-changing event, or a near death experience. when folks face intense and real pressure, one of two things usually happens: clam, or flower. why they choose which response is undefinable and unique to each, maybe even unknown to them, subconcious.
clam: something so painful that they lock up, never again, i won't go back there! a flat out refusal to take any chances, i cannot let that happen, no way, not me. in life these are the people who will never fly again after riding a plane into the ground, the ones who will never go out at night after being beaten and robbed, the ones who eschew love after getting their heart broken. in investing it is the people who after a market crash sit in the safest possible vehicle for years and miss all the gains, at least i am not going to lose what little i have left. they will be in control.
flower: after staring death in the face and by hook or crook manage to slip the reaper, they blossom, yes me, i am free, i could end up back there at any moment, bonus round! these are the folks who laugh a full belly laugh at the simplest child's joke, who don't care what others think if their zipper is down, who will do a messed up version of the chicken dance in front of a crowd with abandon, this is fun, i am alive! in investing it is the people who see a shot and take it, for all it's worth, sometimes losing and sometimes winning, but always grateful they got to take a shot. they know control can be taken away in a heartbeat.
it seems that the opposite reactions express themselves more obviously and thoroughly the more times a person is 'run through the mill', eventually becoming either a rock or a feather. so don't laugh at the person who refuses to move, nor the one who floats on the breeze, they both have seen some things you may not have seen.
it's all good, the world would not be compete without clams and flowers and rocks and feathers. to each their own.
p.s. now go get you that hellcat annie, make it growl! and smile a little every time you romp the gas, life is good.
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