burrocrat's Account Talk

Hope it's not a pattern a la 3 Stooges - day 1, kick in the nuts, day 2 uppercut to the face, day 3 kick in the nuts, rinse, repeat...

Had two opportunities to get out with a 1%+ gain, and I didn't take it. Coulda, shoulda. Such is life.

Unfortunately, that's the way these things tend to go. As bad as yesterday was...today is worse on all markets. I fund exposure really bad as DAX down near 2%
whack! ouch, the only thing worse than getting kicked in the nuts is getting kicked in the nuts two days in a row. i hate it when that happens.

oh crap, it will be weeks before they drop back down after that abuse. but now i'm afraid it's going to come back tomorrow and cut my wiener off and throw it down lorena bobbit's garbage disposal.

I hope not Burro. I thought July sucked but August feels like Waterloo and we're the French...

Best of luck to you tomorrow.

I think i'm going in this morning, as long as it opens down and stays heading down, the last thing i want to see before the noon deadline is anything positive for the markets. c'mon baby, let it rip, solid steady drop, give us another -2% day for my fire sale fear buy in. one time honey, hit me.

burrocrat effective cob today: 75C, 25S.
I think i'm going in this morning, as long as it opens down and stays heading down, the last thing i want to see before the noon deadline is anything positive for the markets. c'mon baby, let it rip, solid steady drop, give us another -2% day for my fire sale fear buy in. one time honey, hit me.

burrocrat effective cob today: 75C, 25S.

Glad to see you have finally decided to join the rest of us arkers...It has been a rough ride lately. Glad I only chose to get in 50% C Fund when I did. I still have one IFT for August and will probably throw the other 50% at the S Fund early next week. Would like to see a little give back though before I do...Good luck with your trade!!!
Kinda glad I wasn't near a computer at 11:59. :D

Of course if its up 300 on Monday that woulda made my August. Still hanging in the G

that is the ninja sound i like to make when i snatch a falling knife out of the air quick like a bunny.

that was the exact setup and close scenario for my buyin today i was looking for, so i am pretty pleased with myself. and i have clear until monday at market close before i have to worry about maybe regretting it.

i hope we get a screamin rocket ride bounce for 3% or so in a couple of trading days and time my exit good. or else i will probably just crash and burn in market hell for the rest of the year. i can't believe the gov matches half my stake in this crazy casino market game. wheeeee!

that is the ninja sound i like to make when i snatch a falling knife out of the air quick like a bunny.

that was the exact setup and close scenario for my buyin today i was looking for, so i am pretty pleased with myself. and i have clear until monday at market close before i have to worry about maybe regretting it.

i hope we get a screamin rocket ride bounce for 3% or so in a couple of trading days and time my exit good. or else i will probably just crash and burn in market hell for the rest of the year. i can't believe the gov matches half my stake in this crazy casino market game. wheeeee!

Seems a bit early, but donkeys need grazing time. I'm going to wait a bit and see if the herd gets culled a bit more. Yesterday was quite a move. A few more days like that and we could be in trouble - and the feeding will be good...

But, somehow, I think you will move too fast to be the meal. Happy grazing...
Reading the news today oh boy (sounds like a Beatles song): Boghies caution sounds correct; BUT it would make me smile if the market caught the dead cat bounce tomorrow and surprised everyone (pundits, talking heads, traders that fled to safety in gold or bonds -that would include me). The market can always surprise. Best of luck to everyone in their investing. A positive day would be a nice thing.

burros-ark update: well, sink or swim week it sure was, like a rock. massive damage. negative ~6% across the board for those all in, and proportionate losses for anybody with exposure. wow. so this is what if feels like when the market kicks in your teeth. mostly everybody held their ground, whether that is out of resolve to earn it back on a bounce or long term, or just stunned inaction i don't know, but that market move certainly was a surprise to me give the arker's cumulative bullish stance at this time last week. some very interesting things of note: we now know where owl's pain point sits and i have to hand it to him for taking that flight to safety, sometimes you just got to listen when it seems the whole world is screaming at you; crazy donkey waited and watched and jumped all in on his favorite volatility setup and let it ride over a weekend instead of testing the waters monday morning, he will probably break all his legs when he hits at 4:30 eastern time tomorrow; mouse, little ole mouse, is in the top 100 on the autotracker, no offense but i never in my wildest dreams thought i would ever see that, good job; and hawk has shown tremendous patience, that has to be hard not to bite at this volatility, winning!

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]el vira
[TD]- 65
[TD]= 14
[TD]/ 65
[TD]= 22%
[TD]/ 1300
[TD]= 56%

burros-ark signal: hold. despite only burro and owl switching spots and no other moves, el vira increases to 22% as it entails more risk for some to hold position amid the carnage, while exposure remains at 56% on the even allocation swap. hold. for now at least, it appears most arker's are holding their line. it should be see how fast that changes if the market applies more pressure. up and down and round and round it goes, who walks out of here with their wallet and sanity intact, nobody knows. hold.
burros-ark update: well, sink or swim week it sure was, like a rock. massive damage. negative ~6% across the board for those all in, and proportionate losses for anybody with exposure. wow. so this is what if feels like when the market kicks in your teeth. mostly everybody held their ground, whether that is out of resolve to earn it back on a bounce or long term, or just stunned inaction i don't know, but that market move certainly was a surprise to me give the arker's cumulative bullish stance at this time last week. some very interesting things of note: we now know where owl's pain point sits and i have to hand it to him for taking that flight to safety, sometimes you just got to listen when it seems the whole world is screaming at you; crazy donkey waited and watched and jumped all in on his favorite volatility setup and let it ride over a weekend instead of testing the waters monday morning, he will probably break all his legs when he hits at 4:30 eastern time tomorrow; mouse, little ole mouse, is in the top 100 on the autotracker, no offense but i never in my wildest dreams thought i would ever see that, good job; and hawk has shown tremendous patience, that has to be hard not to bite at this volatility, winning!

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]el vira[/TD]
[TD]- 65[/TD]
[TD]= 14[/TD]
[TD]/ 65[/TD]
[TD]= 22%[/TD]
[TD]/ 1300[/TD]
[TD]= 56%[/TD]

burros-ark signal: hold. despite only burro and owl switching spots and no other moves, el vira increases to 22% as it entails more risk for some to hold position amid the carnage, while exposure remains at 56% on the even allocation swap. hold. for now at least, it appears most arker's are holding their line. it should be see how fast that changes if the market applies more pressure. up and down and round and round it goes, who walks out of here with their wallet and sanity intact, nobody knows. hold.
You nailed it for me - stunned inaction. Don't want to eat a 5% loss. Now of course if I don't bail, I may be choking on a much larger loss. A.coworker of mine has the number 1283 up on his whiteboard in his office. He's been sitting in the G fund waiting to jump in at that price point. I mthought he was crazy. Now, not so much.
so here I sit, stunned...
I was up 9.26% for the yr when I jumped back in (late June). I was stubbornly waiting to sell higher. When I saw Friday mornings action I finally had some confidence that I could move to the G fund and buy back in at a later date at a lower price. It's been painful but I am mostly just grateful that I got out above 0%. The 0% line has moved remarkably high in the standings in the past week. I think the 4th quarter will be good for stocks and hopefully we'll all get in the green.
Sitting here watching Varney and Company and just heard the best advice regarding our retirement funds. "Don't just do something, stand there".

Message received. Standing pat at 50% C Fund, 50% G Fund... with one IFT left for the month...