burrocrat's Account Talk

Hey Burro!!

Not sure why, but a depiction of you in your young days came to mind when I read this based on reading your forum the past several years. Hopefully taken as a compliment.

A young boy enters a barber shop and the barber whispersto his customer, "This is the dumbest kid in the world. Watch while Iprove it to you."

The barber puts a dollar bill in one hand and twoquarters in the other, then calls the boy over and asks, "Which do youwant, son?" The boy takes the quarters and leaves.

"What did I tell you?" said the barber."That kid never learns!"

Later, when the customer leaves, he sees the same youngboy coming out of the ice cream parlor.

"Hey, son! May I ask you a question? Why did youtake the quarters instead of the dollar bill?"

The boy licked his cone and replied:

"Because the day I take the dollar the game is over!

thanks remark, so close to the truth. substitute brazillian wax palace for barber shop and adult bookstore for ice cream parlor and you pretty much nailed it. them ladies didn't even know what hit 'em, although they should've seen it coming.
As of June 12th. I am now projecting the 2015 return using Julian Days in ratios against Total Days. So, right now we are at 163 Days : 365 Total Days. Also, I am making a major change in the Current Allocation Return/Risk numbers. I am now using the BackTest numbers from 1972. Although Quicken is easier I really don't have confidence anymore with it. The numbers on the Allocation screen did not match the numbers on the Allocation Guide portfolios from Newport Group. I thought it was an inflation adjustment, but now I think it is a different calculation. Thus, I will use the 'BackTest Portfolio Asset Class Allocation' tool that JPCavin pointed me to. It only goes to 1972 at the earliest for each asset class, but I have no idea what the allocation summary in Quicken dates to. What a mess.

Anyway, Denizens of the Ark, after much remodeling of the sheet and combining the two here goes:

[table="class: outer_border"]
[td]Lifetime AT
[td]L Income[/td]
[td]6.56% / 4.52%[/td]
[td]3.83% / 4.12%[/td]
[td]5.04% / 3.43%[/td]
[td]8.35% / 6.70%[/td]
[td]5.04% / 3.43%[/td]
[td]2.12% / 2.45%[/td]
[td]5.04% / 3.43%[/td]
[td]0.26% / 3.73%[/td]
[td]8.37% / 9.05%[/td]
[td]5.49% / 7.93%[/td]
[td]8.91% / 9.34%[/td]
[td]9.40% / 12.33%[/td]
[td]9.23% / 11.75%[/td]
[td]6.69% / 13.67%[/td]
[td]8.99% / 10.94%[/td]
[td]7.29% / 7.58%[/td]
[td]8.58% / 10.79%[/td]
[td]6.8% / 4.71%[/td]
[td]9.76% / 13.34%[/td]
[td]7.45% / 16.23%[/td]
[td]10.20% / 15.08%[/td]
[td]7.84% / 18.65%[/td]
[td]10.93% / 18.05%[/td]
[td]1.60% / 9.83%[/td]
[td]11.24% / 18.34%[/td]
[td]13.49% / 8.25%[/td]
[td]11.38% / 19.39%[/td]
[td]11.87% / 14.69%[/td]
[td]11.09% / 19.29%[/td]
[td]8.82% / 4.44%[/td]
[td]9.55% / 20.15%[/td]
[td]7.22% / 22.00%[/td]
[td]12.19% / 21.91%[/td]
[td]8.15% / 11.02%[/td]
[td]12.19% / 21.91%[/td]
[td]4.72% / 12.66%[/td]
[td]G Fund[/td]
[td]5.04% / 3.43%[/td]
[td]2.45% / 0.72%[/td]
[td]F Fund[/td]
[td]7.56% / 6.55%[/td]
[td]4.37% / 3.52%[/td]
[td]C Fund[/td]
[td]10.29% / 17.75%[/td]
[td]9.36% / 21.14%[/td]
[td]S Fund[/td]
[td]12.19% / 21.91%[/td]
[td]12.67% / 24.90%[/td]
[td] [/td]
[td]I Fund[/td]
[td]12.19% / 21.91%[/td]
[td]4.98% / 23.89%[/td]

I know this is a bit :laugh: busy, but everything is in one sheet. Now, an interesting thing to present would be a way to see if the denizens are running to safety based on their past history or if they are chasing their prey. My guess is that if folks are running a lower risk than normal (like me) they are hiding a bit in the tall grass. If their risk is higher than their long term average than they are chasing morsels. Don't know how to present that though.

All I can say for certain is that the turtle dragged his head under again. And the Cougar seems to be trying to smooth out the boom and bust cycle before there really is a bust. The wolf is being a wolf. That thang chomps at the hide of anything passing it's way...
burros-ark update: one souvlaki two souvlaki three souvlaki four, is this the week greece finally gets shown the door? funny risk profile out there in the world but it doesn't seem to bother anyone. some days you get the pork and some days the skewer. now take it all zorba, yeah that's right, you like the tzatziki huh?

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]el vira[/TD]
[TD]- 65[/TD]
[TD]= 5[/TD]
[TD]/ 65[/TD]
[TD]= 8%[/TD]
[TD]/ 1,300[/TD]
[TD]= 67%[/TD]

signal: hold. the system says hold. el vira is at 8% and exposure at 67%. some bold moves in and out by roo and rurtle, plus lion continues a slow migration. i'm not sure what to make of it all and just want to run, but the system stays in.

housekeeping: two new members will be joining the ark when it stops to resupply at the end of the 2nd quarter. usercuz (chameleon) and ravensfan (undecided probably raven but still open to suggestion). the beauty of the ark is that it must maintain an odd number of crew to help settle disputes and ensure a quorum, so do we make 2 members walk the plank and stay at 13 or does it get cozier and hot bunk on rotation?
burros-ark update: one souvlaki two souvlaki three souvlaki four, is this the week greece finally gets shown the door? funny risk profile out there in the world but it doesn't seem to bother anyone. some days you get the pork and some days the skewer. now take it all zorba, yeah that's right, you like the tzatziki huh?

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]el vira
[TD]- 65
[TD]= 5
[TD]/ 65
[TD]= 8%
[TD]/ 1,300
[TD]= 67%

signal: hold. the system says hold. el vira is at 8% and exposure at 67%. some bold moves in and out by roo and rurtle, plus lion continues a slow migration. i'm not sure what to make of it all and just want to run, but the system stays in.

housekeeping: two new members will be joining the ark when it stops to resupply at the end of the 2nd quarter. usercuz (chameleon) and ravensfan (undecided probably raven but still open to suggestion). the beauty of the ark is that it must maintain an odd number of crew to help settle disputes and ensure a quorum, so do we make 2 members walk the plank and stay at 13 or does it get cozier and hot bunk on rotation?

Well. my "bold move" in might have been ill-timed with the collapse of the Greek civilization. I'll probably have to keep my sticky pants on to ride this out, though my pair now has a big hole centered in the worst place.
Wouldn't an increased sample size improve fidelity?

yes, in theory. but in practice, my cranial meat computer can only manage so many variables and we are approaching the upward bounds. also, the dynamic relationship between the mix of traders, non-traders, and why is important, so a shake up might help resolution and responsiveness, and i have never been very adept at relationships so it taxes me.

besides, the system seems stuck. in a rut. with a big fat butt.
That what makes it interesting and fun Burro. Thanks for creating the system. I really don't understand how it works but I love the "monikers" and "animals".:D

dumbest idea ever:

at my work, another tenant of the building is having their carpets washed over the weekend and so the gals spent friday moving chairs and tables and stuff out into the hallway and common areas with a tile floor. they must've started to run out of of space because i walk into the men's restroom and have to pee really bad. no joke, i open the door and there is a tree in there. one of those 6' tall fake trees in a planter, sinks then urinals on left and paper towel dispensers on the right and stall against the far wall, and a freakin tree right across from the urinals before you get to the stall.

word of advice, never ever put a tree in the men's restroom, never. and don't give him four steps and a couple of seconds to consider whether he should turn right or left to take care of business. i managed to hit the porcelain mostly, but i was looking over my shoulder lovingly at that thirsty tree the whole time.

dumbest idea ever.
burros-ark update, special father's day edition: we got a couple of arkers slappin' down the market like red-headed stepchild. owl is kickin' +9% but bailed, hawk is pullin' double d's at +10% and holding on tight, and we're not even halfway through the trading year yet. some got in, some got out, in and out is good, it helps keep the pipes clean and clears the cobwebs out. the market is a fickle mistress and about to turn over i think, who is driving in the end remains to be seen, but we should find out soon. and happy father's day to any man who has tried his best to lead by example, it is a great work you do. every year in june i am reminded of a funny funny joke, at least the way it was originally delivered when i found it. 'hello, i'm from indiana and have two kids'. "so, hoosier daddy"?

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]el vira[/TD]
[TD]- 65[/TD]
[TD]= -2[/TD]
[TD]/ 65[/TD]
[TD]= -3%[/TD]
[TD]/ 1,300[/TD]
[TD]= 52%[/TD]

signal: sell. the system says sell. el vira is at a negative -3% and exposure at only 52%. dramatic plays in the works, it almost triggers a contrarian buy, but nope, sell, the ark system will be getting out cob monday. buena suerte little birds, fly or die, either way this nest is busto.
I think I heard that a tree needs 6 gallons a day to survive. You may have inadvertently starved it to death of thirst Burro. But how were you to know?:D:D:D

Hey Burro - did you mean to do an IFT under your tracker account instead of the ark's?

burros-ark update, special father's day edition: we got a couple of arkers slappin' down the market like red-headed stepchild. owl is kickin' +9% but bailed, hawk is pullin' double d's at +10% and holding on tight, and we're not even halfway through the trading year yet. some got in, some got out, in and out is good, it helps keep the pipes clean and clears the cobwebs out. the market is a fickle mistress and about to turn over i think, who is driving in the end remains to be seen, but we should find out soon. and happy father's day to any man who has tried his best to lead by example, it is a great work you do. every year in june i am reminded of a funny funny joke, at least the way it was originally delivered when i found it. 'hello, i'm from indiana and have two kids'. "so, hoosier daddy"?

[TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"]
[TD]el vira
[TD]- 65
[TD]= -2
[TD]/ 65
[TD]= -3%
[TD]/ 1,300
[TD]= 52%

signal: sell. the system says sell. el vira is at a negative -3% and exposure at only 52%. dramatic plays in the works, it almost triggers a contrarian buy, but nope, sell, the ark system will be getting out cob monday. buena suerte little birds, fly or die, either way this nest is busto.
Hey Burro - did you mean to do an IFT under your tracker account instead of the ark's?

yes, you are right , i traded in wrong account, good catch. i logged in with my personal burrocrat and made a trade on saturday, from 100g to 100g so basically a non-trade. no way to cancel it so if i end up trading later in the month and need a 2nd real ift maybe tom can spot me one. burrocrat account remains out.

i did just log in and make the intended trade in the burros-ark autotracker account out to 100g effective cob today.

thanks jonfresno!
As of June 12th. I am now projecting the 2015 return using Julian Days in ratios against Total Days. So, right now we are at 163 Days : 365 Total Days. Also, I am making a major change in the Current Allocation Return/Risk numbers. I am now using the BackTest numbers from 1972. Although Quicken is easier I really don't have confidence anymore with it. The numbers on the Allocation screen did not match the numbers on the Allocation Guide portfolios from Newport Group. I thought it was an inflation adjustment, but now I think it is a different calculation. Thus, I will use the 'BackTest Portfolio Asset Class Allocation' tool that JPCavin pointed me to. It only goes to 1972 at the earliest for each asset class, but I have no idea what the allocation summary in Quicken dates to. What a mess.

Anyway, Denizens of the Ark, after much remodeling of the sheet and combining the two here goes:

[TABLE="class: outer_border"]
[TD]Lifetime AT
[TD]L Income
[TD]6.56% / 4.52%
[TD]3.83% / 4.12%
[TD]5.04% / 3.43%
[TD]8.35% / 6.70%
[TD]5.04% / 3.43%
[TD]2.12% / 2.45%
[TD]5.04% / 3.43%
[TD]0.26% / 3.73%
[TD]8.37% / 9.05%
[TD]5.49% / 7.93%
[TD]8.91% / 9.34%
[TD]9.40% / 12.33%
[TD]9.23% / 11.75%
[TD]6.69% / 13.67%
[TD]8.99% / 10.94%
[TD]7.29% / 7.58%
[TD]8.58% / 10.79%
[TD]6.8% / 4.71%
[TD]9.76% / 13.34%
[TD]7.45% / 16.23%
[TD]10.20% / 15.08%
[TD]7.84% / 18.65%
[TD]10.93% / 18.05%
[TD]1.60% / 9.83%
[TD]11.24% / 18.34%
[TD]13.49% / 8.25%
[TD]11.38% / 19.39%
[TD]11.87% / 14.69%
[TD]11.09% / 19.29%
[TD]8.82% / 4.44%
[TD]9.55% / 20.15%
[TD]7.22% / 22.00%
[TD]12.19% / 21.91%
[TD]8.15% / 11.02%
[TD]12.19% / 21.91%
[TD]4.72% / 12.66%
[TD]G Fund
[TD]5.04% / 3.43%
[TD]2.45% / 0.72%
[TD]F Fund
[TD]7.56% / 6.55%
[TD]4.37% / 3.52%
[TD]C Fund
[TD]10.29% / 17.75%
[TD]9.36% / 21.14%
[TD]S Fund
[TD]12.19% / 21.91%
[TD]12.67% / 24.90%
[TD]I Fund
[TD]12.19% / 21.91%
[TD]4.98% / 23.89%

I know this is a bit :laugh: busy, but everything is in one sheet. Now, an interesting thing to present would be a way to see if the denizens are running to safety based on their past history or if they are chasing their prey. My guess is that if folks are running a lower risk than normal (like me) they are hiding a bit in the tall grass. If their risk is higher than their long term average than they are chasing morsels. Don't know how to present that though.

All I can say for certain is that the turtle dragged his head under again. And the Cougar seems to be trying to smooth out the boom and bust cycle before there really is a bust. The wolf is being a wolf. That thang chomps at the hide of anything passing it's way...

And I get to wear a thong to boot!
yes, you are right , i traded in wrong account, good catch. i logged in with my personal burrocrat and made a trade on saturday, from 100g to 100g so basically a non-trade. no way to cancel it so if i end up trading later in the month and need a 2nd real ift maybe tom can spot me one. burrocrat account remains out.

i did just log in and make the intended trade in the burros-ark autotracker account out to 100g effective cob today.

thanks jonfresno!

Good deal, glad to help keep the ark afloat. Of course, I forgot to submit my own IFT 100G on the tracker this morning, duh...:1244: