burrocrat's Account Talk

Re: burros-ark

Ok, Overkill already, just to close the Fart thread for Burro's sake, I looked and there's no fart YouTube instruction booklet for ladies. They seem to just rip'em as you can see.

Re: burros-ark

thanks for the feedback all, i would be honored to be in the company of those fine ladies, but i really like the blind date one best, she rocked that.
Re: burros-ark

Wait, wait; if jokingly, Kate asked, "Burro, pull my finger" I am certain you would, and you wouldn't even give it a second thought.

Re: burros-ark

on the bright side, i got a new used car today. which in my world is always an unplanned event that happens just after the engine light comes on while simultaeneously hearing a big loud pop and all the oil hits the dirt, doing 80. it all worked out well again, it always does. that is one of the side benefits of being an optimist. faith.
Re: burros-ark

What'd ya get? I'm shopping around for a new one but holding off for another year and a half until the last of my college loans are paid off. It's nice having a paid off car that's durable, but my Honda Civic is a HORRRRRIBLE drive in these Northeast Winters.
Re: burros-ark

burros-ark update: it's been an interesting week full of action for sure, both in and out of the market. i got a new ride because my old horse experienced catastrophic failure at the worst possible time, which is as it should be because if it had occurred at a more convenient time and place it wouldn't really be catastrosphic now would it? i really like my new horse. it is a ford and i only considered fords for the ergonomics, your mileage may vary, but for some reason ford is the only make whose steering wheel is a perfect match for my drive with your knee while doing all the things they did not recommend doing in driver's ed class. besides, you dance with the one who brung ya. some folks moved in, that takes balls in this investing world fraught with stress and uncertainty, and some folks bailed just plain ole got out. the rest of us taint doin a thang. if i had a rock, i would probably crawl under it for a week or so, but i don't so maybe i won't.

[table="width: 500, class: grid"]
[td]el vira[/td]
[td]- 65[/td]
[td]= 2[/td]
[td]/ 65[/td]
[td]= 3%[/td]
[td]/ 1,300[/td]
[td]= 48%[/td]

signal: hold. the system has been on a sell and remains that way. according to newton's law, if you are comfortable stay where you're at, a body at rest tends to remain at rest until an external force acts on it. el vira is at 3%. arkers are net long 48%, that's fairly neutral. there are many stumbling blocks in the path, hellenic handouts, earnings numbers whether announced up or down are almost certainly made up, and it's been a while since a black swan sighting. eyes up. stay out. be ready.
Re: burros-ark

What'd ya get? I'm shopping around for a new one but holding off for another year and a half until the last of my college loans are paid off. It's nice having a paid off car that's durable, but my Honda Civic is a HORRRRRIBLE drive in these Northeast Winters.

if you're looking for something with inclement weather performance, fuel economy, and a little more room, i would suggest you check out a newer model ford escape with the ecoboost engine. i just killed a 2006 escape after 215k miles but it was a good horse and ran strong until the end when it went pop, it owed me nothing. i was actually looking for another escape when a local one comes up for private sale late summer this year, but didn't make it that long.

so i got an explorer instead. i knew it was my car the minute felt her motor hum. it reminded me of my first real girlfriend, like fate or something. sure it's a little older and bigger, but she's got a nice soft seat, smooth heavy ride, subtle but shiny in all the right places, and nice lines around the front grill and headlights. i name all my vehicles, there was not ever a doubt what to call this one. sometimes cars speak to me like that.
Re: burros-ark

just in case anybody was wondering how to spend their evening, there is a new episode of 'naked and afraid' on tonight. it is like survivor except for with teamwork and no clothes. i think i would be good at that. any volunteers?
Re: burros-ark

well, it looks like i fell off the gentleman wagon again, and right when the treatment was going so good. time to go back to the book i guess.
thanks tspr, you always know how to cheer me up. that is a nice top that gal has on. but all tops are good hollywood, and i'm partial to tops anyways so who knows?
well i figured out why i couldn't update my signature with a new gentleman lesson. it used to be you could have 200 characters but now it says i exceeded two lines and maybe it wrapped or whatever.

this is what i tried to change it to: 'a gentleman, when introducing himself to a lady whose tank top reads "i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey than everybody's cup of tea", always offers to get her a drink.'

which i think is only about 169 characters, but apparently too long for the defaulg settings the software upgrade got generically set to. also, the (blah blah blah ***** whatever/mb styleid=8) link is broken which is why some folks can't access the full site forum from certain browsers or devices anymore.

i think it folks do that on purpose so you have to pay them to fix it after you pay them to upgrade it and stuff.
Somehow I have a hard time believing you found that particular gentleman lesson in "the handbook", b. Are you writing a sequel? or volume 2, perchance? It could be a bestseller, if so.
Somehow I have a hard time believing you found that particular gentleman lesson in "the handbook", b. Are you writing a sequel? or volume 2, perchance? It could be a bestseller, if so.

i don't think i would be very successful at writing a gentleman book, it's not my strong suit. i have considered launching my literary career as a writer of short story downloadable e-books and selling them for $1.99 on amazon. sort of like a harlequin romance novel, except without all the boring dialogue stuff and waaay dirtier, i think i would be good at it.

but i am still working on my pen name.
but i am still working on my pen name.

How about Richard Boner? Dick Boner for short. True story...there is a guy on my route with that name. It's a crack up when the new subs see his mail addressed with that name. Dick Boner's parents must have been high when picking names for their son, or just had a wicked sense of humor.