burrocrat's Account Talk

Re: burros-ark

burros-ark update: housekeeping. the burros-ark system finished the week at 0.69% month to date, a top performer so far, but the month is young. anytime you get 69 in a month is a good thing though so no looking back, just enjoy it. hawk made the comment that 'burro might have nailed it' (refering to the system's withdrawal i assume) so i just wanted to clear things up. it was burros-ark that nailed the timely exit, not burro. the ark system is an aggregate of 13 denizens' positioning bounced off market conditions and mashed through a magic number generator, and yes it is doing well at +3% on the year, already got march's gains locked in and hitting the 1% per month goal. but the ark system does not have the luxury of arbitrarily resting on its laurels, if the calculation comes out 'go long' then it goes long, no matter what i might want to do in my personal account. my burro trading account has remained in g fund out of fear all year and is getting kicked hard, languishing in no trade land waiting for opportunities and sentiment to collide while picking up bread crumbs. so for the record: burro = hot hit trades during volatility at my whim and liesure; burros-ark = system aggregated from arkers and follows the rules while only trading on the first day of any given week and holding that position until the weekly signal changes.

i live in the north central u.s. so this time of year is particularly special for me after the long harsh winter, again. i'm sure mother nature is not done yet and will come around and kick on us a few more times, but this week i heard the birds singing. and it's time to spring forward, time for change. i think they were swallows, usually the first to come out. i don't get to see the terns very often anymore as i am far from the coast. some vultures have been picking apart the market for good gains this year, while my personal account is just dead meat. but i swooped in on friday's drop and hope to grab a morsel or two here in the next few days then fly right back out. it's what i do. several arkers cut their losses, swallowed their pride, and took off all out of the market this week. very interesting set of developments

burros-ark: 2, 3.09%, 0, <, contrarian. the system got out at cob last monday based on a contrarian reaction to percieved unsupported bullishness. it appears to have been a timely good move. but every week is a new chance to fly or die. so far its been flappin its wings pretty good though.

mouse: 7, 1.41%, 35, >, tern
turtle: 1, -0.70%, 0, <, swallow
elephant: 5, 4.14%, 100, *, vulture
penguin: 5, 0.31%, 0, *, carrion
lion: 5, 1.91%, 75, *, tern
donkey: 8, 0.34%, 100, >, carrion
racoon: 7, 2.28%, 100, *, vulture
kangaroo: 5, 1.46%, 100, *, vulture
cougar: 1, 3.21%, 0, <, swallow
wolf: 1, 2.67%, 0, <, swallow
owl: 7, 1.95%, 100, *, vulture
squrrel: 5, 0.76%, 60, *, tern
hawk: 1, 3.74%, 0, <, swallow

el vira = 58-65 = -7/65 = -11%. buy. that is a switch. the system will execute a buy effective close of business monday. arkers are net long equities
only 43%.

big bearishness flip from sentiment last week with just a minor market hiccup for a trigger. that must mean sentiment is still captaining the ship. high levels of pessimism as evidenced by reallocation and underweighted in stocks? contrarion buy signal, everytime. buy. buckle up buttercups, this could be another interesting week in the markets.
Re: burros-ark

as of yesterday evening the system and i occupied both the gold and bronze spots on the tsptalk autotracker podium for march. so i took a screen shot as that is not likely to last very long. sure enough, it looks like i am going to get waxed by the market today. wheeee!

View attachment 32823
Re: burros-ark

as of yesterday evening the system and i occupied both the gold and bronze spots on the tsptalk autotracker podium for march. so i took a screen shot as that is not likely to last very long. sure enough, it looks like i am going to get waxed by the market today. wheeee!

View attachment 32823

You will be dropping like the rest of us. Misery does not love company.
Re: burros-ark

on turning days like today i would prefer it just dump 2.5-3% right of the bat and get it over with. a little off the top please.

but then I would probably get in...and then the markets would really drop! :rolleyes: As it is, I am waiting for another shoe to drop..I just don't know what it is. I may miss out on some rebound but I don't think the damage is done yet. As always, I am probably wrong, but I am playing this time frame with a lot of caution.
Re: burros-ark

I've decided being a tern isn't so bad. Up to my stoploss limit anyway. To every season, tern, tern, tern.
Re: burros-ark

ok. obviously the kids these days operate under different paprameters than i was instructed.

near as i can tell, apparently there are only 3 rules in 12 year old boys travelling team basketball.

1 don't kick anybody in the nuts.
2 if you get your ass beat on the corner don't trip or otherwise knock down the one what schooled ya on the way to the hoop.
3 if the gal smiles at you, don't squeeze her new boobs unless nobody else is around to see it, especially her mom.
Re: burros-ark

burros-ark update. gonna keep it short and sweet, not even any funny stuff or smartaleknish. i feel like crap. like the flu, starting last night. spent all day yesterday in and around gyms and hordes of sweaty kids and parents at a basketball tourney. we playedn3rd game this morning and got waxed. 59-21. kids held their chins up and took it like respectable young men, good sportsmanship, so glad that was second loss and out, we headed right home. my body hurts, everywhere. like deep sore muscle pain and it won't go away. even my fingers hurt, hell my balls hurt. i don't care if brooke shields and molly ringwold and ally sheedy showed up at my house to feed me grapes and run me a bath and give me a massage, i would not let them in. and they for sure aren't touching my balls, i'm afraid i'd cry and they'd explode.

burros-ark: 8, 2.22%, 1000, >. the system got in cob last monday based on a contrarian reaction to percieved unsupported weakness. lost almost 1% but happy with the strength and quickness of the rebound. i capitulate. i think the bulls are running the show. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

mouse: 6, 1.61%, 35, x,
turtle: 2, -0.67%, 0, *,
elephant: 5, 2.59%, 100, *,
penguin: 5, 0.35%, 0, *,
lion: 5, 1.63%, 75, *,
donkey: 7, -0.14%, 100, *,
racoon: 7, 1.16%, 100, *,
kangaroo: 5, 0.81%, 100, *,
cougar: 9, 3.32%, 100, >,
wolf: 9, 2.88%, 0, >,
owl: 6, 2.47%, 100, *,
squrrel: 5, 0.26%, 60, *,
hawk: 9, 4.68%, 100, >,

el vira = 80-65 = -15/65 = 23%. buy. system is already in so that is a hold long, buy if you are out. arkers are net long 75%. contrarian signal off, bulls have critical mass and are gonna run it higher.
Re: burros-ark

Let's hope your system is right. I have ground to reclaim at this point. sorry to hear about the baseball bat syndrome. been there, laid me out for a week, fortunately it was the Christmas holidays. lucky I didn't lay the parents low at the same time, since I just curled up in one of those big livingroom easy chairs and didn't move or eat for nearly a week.
Re: burros-ark

burros-ark update. gonna keep it short and sweet, not even any funny stuff or smartaleknish. i feel like crap. like the flu, starting last night. spent all day yesterday in and around gyms and hordes of sweaty kids and parents at a basketball tourney. we playedn3rd game this morning and got waxed. 59-21. kids held their chins up and took it like respectable young men, good sportsmanship, so glad that was second loss and out, we headed right home. my body hurts, everywhere. like deep sore muscle pain and it won't go away. even my fingers hurt, hell my balls hurt. i don't care if brooke shields and molly ringwold and ally sheedy showed up at my house to feed me grapes and run me a bath and give me a massage, i would not let them in. and they for sure aren't touching my balls, i'm afraid i'd cry and they'd explode.

burros-ark: 8, 2.22%, 1000, >. the system got in cob last monday based on a contrarian reaction to percieved unsupported weakness. lost almost 1% but happy with the strength and quickness of the rebound. i capitulate. i think the bulls are running the show. if you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

mouse: 6, 1.61%, 35, x,
turtle: 2, -0.67%, 0, *,
elephant: 5, 2.59%, 100, *,
penguin: 5, 0.35%, 0, *,
lion: 5, 1.63%, 75, *,
donkey: 7, -0.14%, 100, *,
racoon: 7, 1.16%, 100, *,
kangaroo: 5, 0.81%, 100, *,
cougar: 9, 3.32%, 100, >,
wolf: 9, 2.88%, 0, >,
owl: 6, 2.47%, 100, *,
squrrel: 5, 0.26%, 60, *,
hawk: 9, 4.68%, 100, >,

el vira = 80-65 = -15/65 = 23%. buy. system is already in so that is a hold long, buy if you are out. arkers are net long 75%. contrarian signal off, bulls have critical mass and are gonna run it higher.

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, I hear a swift kick in the balls will make you feel better, maybe not at the moment of impact, but certainly afterwards. :banana:
Re: burros-ark

"when a gentleman inconveniences another person by asking him or her to shift so that he can move through a crowded room, he says "excuse me."

that is today's gentleman lesson. it is too large to include the whole text in the signature line so i am posting the rest here:

"...he does not say "i'm sorry," since there is no reason to apologize. in fact, a gentleman never says "i'm sorry" unless he has given offense."

this is an important issue that comes up subtly and repeatedly in personal relationships all the time, and perhaps the root cause of many disagreements. the distinction between given offense (what a gentleman does on purpose), and taken offense (what a another person chooses to feel regardless of the gentleman's intent) is important here.

it seems some folks sometimes take offense for the sole purpose of demanding the gentleman say "i'm sorry." somehow it is very reassuring to hear those words as it is reassuring to the offense taker as proof that he is "man enough" to say "i'm sorry." the danger lies when the gentleman says "i'm sorry" when he gave no offense. this soon reinforces more taking of offense, so that subsequent demands for an "i'm sorry" become more frequent. ultimately the gentle man has no choice but to apologize at every minor or percieved infraction to avoid conflict. this certainly makes him "man enough" to apologize, but it strips him of his gentlemanhood as a gentleman does not allow himself to be pushed around like that, nor should a lady expect him to.
Re: burros-ark

Hope you feel better buddy. Got the flu back in 2002, and I still remember how friggin' awful I felt. I don't remember my balls hurting, so I think you really need to check that out. (You know what I mean, get a doctor to check that out...)
Re: burros-ark

Say Burro, have your cajones checked out by a Dr. - Just pray to god you haven't come down with "Orchitis". You definitely don't want that, trust me.
Re: burros-ark

gonna ride the free fed money elevator up and step off near the top, 100% g at cob today, burrocrat is out.
Re: burros-ark

gonna ride the free fed money elevator up and step off near the top, 100% g at cob today, burrocrat is out.

it is important to note my personal account "burrocrat" is traded at my whim and leisure and it is 1 of the 13 "ark residents" that make up the system's account "burros-ark". burros-ark only trades once per week on the first trading day of the week based on the signal generated by the burros-ark magic number generator that i mostly keep in my head.

my personal "burrocrat" move out will be considered along with everybody else's moves this week during the weekly system analysis which usually occurs late saturday night when my processing power is at's peak (usually after warming up with a little liquid brain fuel, known to the rest of the world as 'a few beers'). ancient chinese secret.

it is a bit difficult to explain, but "burros-ark" is an aggregate of 13 individual traders, of which i am one. "burros-ark" cannot consider it's own moves in generating the system signal much like microsoft excel will not allow you to use the output of a formula in a cell in the calculation of the output of the formula in that same cell. i think they call that a circular reference.

all clear?
Re: burros-ark

Crap - I go out of the office for one long lunch and you jumped. We were simpatico since December. It was a good ride together, however I did go long on this train.

it is important to note my personal account "burrocrat" is traded at my whim and leisure and it is 1 of the 13 "ark residents" that make up the system's account "burros-ark". burros-ark only trades once per week on the first trading day of the week based on the signal generated by the burros-ark magic number generator that i mostly keep in my head.

my personal "burrocrat" move out will be considered along with everybody else's moves this week during the weekly system analysis which usually occurs late saturday night when my processing power is at's peak (usually after warming up with a little liquid brain fuel, known to the rest of the world as 'a few beers'). ancient chinese secret.

it is a bit difficult to explain, but "burros-ark" is an aggregate of 13 individual traders, of which i am one. "burros-ark" cannot consider it's own moves in generating the system signal much like microsoft excel will not allow you to use the output of a formula in a cell in the calculation of the output of the formula in that same cell. i think they call that a circular reference.

all clear?