Social Security - And, the Numerically Illiterate...
'Big Changes Likely for Social Security, Medicare Under a Biden Presidency', Kiplinger, Catherine Siskos
'The Social Security 2100 Act', Representative John Larson
Ok, this is not intended to be a political screed. You all know where I stand. However, I have been seeing articles pop up regarding President Elect Biden's plan to save Social Security. I have an inherent distrust of failed lawyers who became smiling politicians that offer financial solutions to problems they created by poorly investing assets for over 50 years. So, I obviously read the Kiplinger article with a jaundiced eye.
To summarize,
- President Elect Biden's plan would initiate the Social Security tax on every dollar made over $400K. Obviously, that would raise income.
- However, he wants to dramatically increase the 'benefit' - that is, the cost - of Social Security as well.
- You know the gig. Been there, done that...
Not exactly certain how that makes Social Security more solvent, but here is a doozy in the Kiplinger article:
Proposed legislation from Rep. John Larson, a Democrat, would secure the program’s funding for 75 years. In addition to the increase on those earning more than $400,000 that Biden has proposed,
Larson’s bill calls for raising the payroll tax for everyone, with employees and employers each contributing an additional 1.2%, or roughly 50 cents more per week. The increase would be phased in gradually between now and 2043.
Remember, this is a Kiplinger article - supposedly a well informed source on finances.
Maybe I'm the ignit. If so, mea-culpa. Drop the hammer on me. But, I also read the <sarcasm>well informed Representative's</sarcasm> actual summary and bill. The summary does follow the bill in at least this discussion, so here it is:
I guess the slug who wrote the Kiplinger article actually realized during a proof read that Biden's plan did not balance. Here is the key element of Biden's plan that does not balance if we consider Social Security a benefit:
- Rush Limbaugh currently earns north of $27 million/year.
- His Social Security contribution is on about $132K/year.
- His Social Security benefit is based on $132K/year
- Under the Biden plan, Rush Limbaugh will pay the Social Security contribution on $26.5 million/year
- His Social Security benefit will be based on paying $26.5 million/year
- Thus, absolutely NO financial improvement to Social Security
- His plan unbalances rapidly for the nouveau riche
Or, are we talking about selling Social Security purely as a tax and not an old-age pension program? Just asking. At that point it would no longer be protected spending - so, be careful what you ask for... Also, making it a tax will require massive change to the legislature behind it. This will require much more than a simple payment plan change...
Ok, obviously Ms. Siskos needed to find a way to financially balance President Elect Biden's promises with a revenue stream. Heck, this brilliant
'Social Security 2100 Act' fits the bill. All it takes is a small contribution increase from everybody and bingo, everything is in balance. Just increase the contribution by 0.50/week on everybody and everybody goes on spending and taking for the next 75 years!!! Does that stupidity raise any red flag? Sure does. I pay Social Security/Medicare. My contribution is 6.2%. If 6.2% is hundreds of dollars a month how is 1.2% two dollars a month? Just asking. But, maybe. Let us do the math. Maybe the secret is in the "average worker salary"? Maybe I'm a 1%er.
$0.50/week is $26/year. So $26/year is 1.2% of Average Joe's salary.
Now, back in the day when I was in calculus figuring out Average Joe's salary was easy. Here Goes
- (0.012) * X = $26/year
- X = $26/0.012
- X= 2,166
- Thus, Ms. Siskos and our brilliant politician think that the average salary in 'Merica is $2,600/year?
I guess she has a reading comprehension issue. Maybe she thinks the plan increases the Social Security contribution by 1.2%. That is, from 6.2% to 6.2744%. Read the bill. It increases the withholding from 6.2% to 7.4%. Reading hard.
Don't listen to politicians. At best they are ignorant louts. At worst, let us not go there.
Don't listen to the media. The media doesn't have to be corrupt to be wrong - they can just be stoopid.