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Okay it's the last three and a half(3 1/2) days of trading for 2005. I would greatly appreciate my X-mas presents NOW Mr. Claus ! ! ! The I-Fund is up :}14% for the past year. Since I rescheduled my retirement date to JULY 06, I might trade heavier in it. Hope everyone had a Merry X-mas, please continue it thru this weekend.
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Yeah, but the way my blood/sugar has been acting lately, I hope it's not to that BIG BONEYARD in the sky ! Sometimes I wish I were 30 again, there's money to be made now. However after 37 years service, I'm ready to go in the back yard and play.It's a shame I wasn't a lot smarter with my investing when the TSP started. I stayed strictly in the G-Fund for many years because like my dear ole dad I didn't trust the stock market or Uncle Sam ! Since I found Tom's site I've have made 1 or 2 $$$. Thanks Tom !
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Did not reach my $$$ :@ for 2005. IFT'ed back to the G-Fund for 2006. I am still thinking of going more into the I-Fund next week :i. I may hesitate about U.S. markets until I see better long term gains :h:h:h. Everyone have a safe New Years this weekend and hope for better returnsin 2006 :^.
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Well according to myedgymecation skills :dah:, I did post a 5.32% YTD gain for 2005 :}. Still better thanG-Fund returns but not by much. Oct./Dec. kinda smacked Bambi in theass :@. Howeverstill I'm grateful for life,a good wife and for a good job that I will be leaving in July-06 :u. For those of you who made better than me I salute your skills :^. For those who done worse may we both do better in 2006 :!. Right now my game plan for 2006 is to vest in theF and I funds morein the upcoming year and try to avoid those big down days :i. Everyone have a safe New Years and see you next year.
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Well it's time for a new year to start and I could not wait :rolleyes: . I made IFT's for today that will go into effect Wednesday that I will try to stay at for a while :eek: . I hope not to do so many IFT's this last 6 months until I retire hopefully in July-06
Well after a nice opening for the year everything certainly went south pretty quick. Once again the crude hydra is rearing it's ugly heads and things may look very uncertain in the near future. With Iran pulling it's assets from Europe, it does not look good in the Mideast again !!! Although with Fridays major drawback it looks like a good possible time to buy into the market. However I believe it may draw back even farther to afford a better buying in time. I will hold in the G or F funds until that opportunity comes. Lets all hope that Iran does not turn into another Afgani/Iraq fiasco. If this nation does not find a way to stop depending on foreign energy, I'm afraid future generations will once again pay. P.S. my Lab Bambi is doing okay after her girl surgery, she has been under the weather lately and I would truely miss a good friend
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Made an IFT last Tuesday back into stox and have gained all of Fridays losses back. This week I believe the F-Fund will start tanking again and probably sell my 20% holdings. I still have to wonder if going to the L-40/30 Funds might not be better than running to the G-Fund for safety. Unless Monday drops bigtime today, I'm setting at a 2% gain for the month. Maybe those new "oilfields" in Canada (eh) will start coming though in the next 5/10 years and will can let the OPEC eat oil. Good trading this week for those still in.
Once again the roller coaster ride goes on. I have rebalanced slightly to keep last weeks gains and will probably do so again next week.
Thursday and Friday took the biggest hits last week. Today is also not looking good for the I-Fund. Market is looking very iffy for the up-coming week with Iran rattling her sword and the rest of the Muslim world teed off because some idiot drew a pitchfork and tail on Muhhamed. Counting down, only 144 days to go !!!

P.S. My Lab Bambi had a stroke after her girl surgery but seems to be recovering. I would truely be lost without her.
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I said a prayer for Bambi. I lost my dog (BJ) 5 years ago today (5 Feb 2001). I adopted her in 1989. It tore my heart out when she died (congestive heart failure), so I know exactly what you are saying.

God Bless:)
Thanx Rod :o . Next to my wife and kids, she's the next one on the love list. Our vet says she should be fine for a couple of more years.
Been burnin' leave getting ready for July 01-2006 (Retirement day). I've had no PC access so I haven't posted my IFT's. As of March 24-2006, I'm setting at 3.47% gain YTD. I've had to do my IFT's by phone. Currently setting at G/C/S/I - 25/22/25/28. This seems to be a good balance for gains. Good tradin' to everyone.
Ended 1stQ with 4.09%. Not a lot but satisfing. When Iran gets online watch crude go through the roof. Just 3 more months and I'm outta here. God Bless to everyone and Good Trading.
BIGGDOG, With just a few months to go, you should change your online name to LUCKYDOG.:D Good luck in retirement.
Just read your post Brett, thanx. Just 83 more days !!! Friday was a bust :nuts: and I should have seen it coming. That's what you get when you get greedy. Anyway still holdin' at G/C/S/I - 25/22/25/28. Like I've said before this is a good balance for me, however I might be looking at a reschuffle by mid-week. The S & I funds still are giving better returns and I might rebalance there. Good trading to all this week !!!
IFT entered today for Thursday 04/13/2006. Oil concerns in Iran/Nigeria/Venezuela are too :nuts: right now. Fed is still worring about inflation and will keep raising interest rates till the end of the year at their usual schedule. With only 80 more days till retirement, I'm getting a little iffy. Next week should be a better buyback opt for me. April is starting to look like last Oct. and Dec. to me. Good trading to all and may God bless.
Got back in with an IFT for tomorrow (G/C/S/I - 20/21/28/31). Things should look :D :D :D for the rest of this week until Friday (Sell-off Day). Oil and other comms still concern me. Just 74 more days to go ! Whooppeeeeee

Bad things can happen over the week end. :blink: