Now that's what I'm talkin' bout ! ! ! But should I sell before Friday? I gained all loses back from last week today. Fed Gov from San Fransico gave excellant news today. I'm ready lets keep it rollin'.
Setting myself up before Friday's usual selloff. Took in good gains again yesterday. Bambi says to take some bones off the table and bury them in the back yard for later. IFT entered today for a rebalance (G/C/S/I ---50/12/18/20). Not completely out but I'll take $$$ if it's there. Oil still a problem but maybe the FED is coming to an end. Looking forward to one more hike, then another later early fall. I still think I-Fund will hit $20+ before the end of April. Good trading to all and may God bless.

P.S. Just 71 mo' days !!!
Crude crashes through $75 a barrel. Dow, S&P and Wilshire ran for cover. I-Fund took the day and hit $20+ a share. Guess the Fed won't be pausing this summer. Is $100 a barrel going to be everyone's X-Mas present this year. Metals are pushing to new highs in years. Tune in Monday and see if you're in the right funds. (PSSST, next week don't look too good !). President Hu makes George look like the Texas rancher he is.
I have been watching crude vs the market. When it hit $75 stocks started falling. So that number seem to be a critical point. High energy starts spilling over to all sorts of market aspects. Large caps are hurt the most. Small caps not so much. However, most markets in some way trend with the US markets. May through September are the down months generally and October through April are the up months. The high price of crude is going to be a big economic factor so long as we have problems with supplies, Iran, Nigeria, hurricanes and what ever.
My strategy is one of capital preservation and avoid as mush risk as possible, assuring that any buys are low, and sells are high.
FYI we both have the same retirement date!
Right now I plan to leave the funds with TSP and take a monthly payment. Might I ask your plans?
Rgds, and be careful!..............:) ...............Spaf
Regards Spaf. At this time I plan on one (1) early lump sum to pay all my creditors, then set up a monthly stipend till it's gone. You know it took a long time to get to this point in life. Think I'll start spending more time with my mate and Bambi. Good luck in your's.
Taking a leap back into stox :nuts: . Setting up for the end of the month and the first of May. I would like to add on another 3-5% before July 01 this year before I go (66 mo' daze). Crude pulled back today. Motion lotion for pre-Derby is $2.85 a gallon as of now :eek: :eek: :eek: . Chavez getting ready to screw with oil comps again. Waiting on Ben Thursday. Good trading and God bless !!!
IFT entered for Monday. A slight rebalance back out of stox (G/C/S/I - 50/12/18/20). My rebalance formula. Iran is getting more antsy every day. I don't believe this windfall profits tax is the way to go with the oil gods. This was tried several years back and it didn't work then either. I also don't believe there is a shortage of crude so much as there is a refining problem. George says we should drive less. Hell I only drive 12 miles a day back and forth to work in my '94 Chevy Astrovan and gas is still hurting my budget. Oil is a double-headed hydra right now. It's hurting our budgets, but it's also pushing the economy forward somewhat. Right now I'll take what profits I can in the TSP/Market and try and limit my givebacks. I've made weekly gains every week since the beginning of this year (knock on wood). Just 62 mo' daze. Good tradin' to all and God bless !!!
Well Ben certainly tossed the market today :nuts: . I was wondering, I watched Ben last Thursday and I pretty much took what he said like the rest of the world. Do you think he made an IFT into the G-Fund for Monday :confused: ? Ben learned a valuable lesson today. We must all be more alert to the the FED'S actions and not to what is said till he learns the Greenspan way to spake. The dollar is back up. Nicky is having good gains today. I-Fund is cashing in now. Motion lotion down to $2.79 a gallon in Derbytown. 59 mo' daze :D . Good trading to all and God bless.
Took me an 1 1/2 hours to get 6 miles to work through Derby release traffic tonight. God do I hate the Derby :nuts: . As for my TSP account this week, took in some good gains. Might possibly make 10% gain before settlin' in to the back yard before July-06 ( just 55 mo' daze ). Although my tracking sheet shows less than my 7.47% return YTD, it is because I haven't been able to post several IFT's ;) . Not to worry however this is not a contest. Good trading to everyone next week and God bless.
My usual IFT rebalance to protect recent gains :rolleyes: (G/C/S/I - 50/12/18/20). Ben spakes Wednesday and I'm not taking any chances :notrust: . I may get back in Friday evening. After listening to several economists I don't believe anyone knows what the FED is going to do. With the dollar still falling we may need wheelbarrels to cash our TSP funds. At this time I'm sure my projected 10% gain YTD before July06 is right on track. Spaf are you counting the days :D ?
Hi Biggdog,
May, June and July!
Using the TSP monthly payment calculator. Gotta live to age 150 in order to deplete my account (staying in the G-Fund).
FERS retirement puts things in disarray for about 30-60 days, because of the way the SSA pays out. I'll probabily refile for disability.
OPM should be a go.
TSP takes two weeks to process the paperwork from OPM. Then I send in one of their forms telling them how I want payments.
I expect some glitches.
So, I've saved up annual leave and have been taking sick leave and credit time to create short weeks i.e., see the doctors, get prescriptions, etc.
Trying not to chase too many bad actors in the mean time. Cause..I don't want to be called back to court.

Well Biggdog, I wish you the best, and a happy retirement. If you get to Oklahoma any time give me a PM and we'll go chase some croppie.

Rgds, and be careful!..................:) .......................Spaf
UGH, Spaf we spell crappie with an "A" here in Kentucky :D , but I think they still taste the same. I have no SSA, just CSRS and that "beeg" TSP account. Good luck to you and yours.
What the :nuts: happened Thursday and Friday. I did do a rebalance before Ben's speach, but I didn't expect a total collapse to end the week. Oh well it was bound to pop. I'm still up for the month and that's what counts ! I may rebalance back into stox next week. I'm just trying to protect recent gains since I can see the light at the end of of the tunnel. Good trading to all next week and may God bless.
IFT entered today for tomorrow of G/C/S/I -15/20/30/35. There should be a bounce back up. With crude and metals falling and G.W. wanting to use the N.G. to keep the "illegals" out everything should be hunky-dorry this week. Nicky is stabilizing this early A.M. and the I-Fund should have a slight gain back. Good trading today everyone and may God bless !

P.S. Just 45 mo' daze !!!
Bambi really took a hit in the boneyard last week. We should have seen it coming with the Nicky falling like it had for two weeks. The world is still afraid of "inflation". I don't think anyone realizes that THE FED is NOT going to stop raising interest rates this year. Every time one of those FED Govs. opens their mouth the market falls. That's my Paranoia and I'm livin' with it. Just 39 mo' daze !!!
Three IFT's made this week. I did not have PC access. Currently at F/C/S/I/- - - 17/23/28/32. The 10% gain before I retire on July 01 is now an oilpipedream :mad: . To date according to my charts I'm setting at 4.55% YTD. I haven't been able to post all my IFT's for the year so I could be tracked accurately however this is not a competition. If I can make 6.5% I'll be happy ;) . I'm burning all my bridges at the Post Office and I ain't looking back :sick: . Just 33 mo' daze :p . Good trading to all and may God bless !!!
Buddy, you can't buy no bones with 15/5/7. Well you can buy very small bones. Get in up to your chest at least - use waders if necessary. But you really don't want to miss this train - DCA yourself in over the next week.

Three IFT's made this week. I did not have PC access. Currently at F/C/S/I/- - - 17/23/28/32. The 10% gain before I retire on July 01 is now an oilpipedream :mad: . To date according to my charts I'm setting at 4.55% YTD. I haven't been able to post all my IFT's for the year so I could be tracked accurately however this is not a competition. If I can make 6.5% I'll be happy ;) . I'm burning all my bridges at the Post Office and I ain't looking back :sick: . Just 33 mo' daze :p . Good trading to all and may God bless !!!

You don't need PC access, call Thriftline @
1-TSP-YOU-FRST (1-877-968-3778)
The 12:00 EST deadline still applies.
Some of us thought you fell out of the boat. Good to see you're still making some bones. Don't stay away so long next time.
You were deleted from our Weekly Tracker on September 9, 2006 because you did not make an entry in account thread for over three months. You also failed to respond to my PMs that I sent you in September 2006. This was interpreted that you did not want to be our Weekly Tracker so you have not been in the tracker since that time.

Yesterday (4-01-2007) you made another entry in your account, after six months, stating your current fund allocations. If you want to be tracked in our Weekly Tracker, you must post your allocation changes when you make the IFT at Secondly, you must make an entry in your account thread more often, at least every three months. Also, only post your fund allocations and IFTs in your account thread. Please make all comments in you "account talk" thread, that's here. Please read the rules, found in Sticky thread located at the top of the “Members' Accounts (no chat)” forum. You can find the rules here: deleted

Do want to be added to our Weekly Tracker, starting COB today (4-02-2007), with the allocation you posted yesterday? Do you plan on starting back up since you retired?

I'm not DEAD !!! I retired last July. I'm currently at GFCSI -35/0/30/15/20. I'm still making $$$ even though I have no contributions going in. Good tradin' to all and God Bless.