Bear Cave 2 (Bull Allowed)

I like Paul Farrell's original "10 Rules of Investing". Hey, any bears out there besides me? I read today about an analyst who sees over 1500 in the S&P in 2011. Let the good times roll, never mind the housing problems getting worse, the Fed has got our six.

9. When all the experts and forecasts agree – something else is going to happen
As Stovall, the S&P investment strategist, puts it: “If everybody’s optimistic, who is left to buy? If everybody’s pessimistic, who’s left to sell?”
Going against the herd as Farrell repeatedly suggests can be very profitable, especially for patient buyers who raise cash from frothy markets and reinvest it when sentiment is darkest.
Hang it, I'm still a bear, in tsp. still playing with the roth and brokerage tidbits on the longside. everthin still higher than when I bought, learning to ride some of the little bumps-hoping I recognize the big bump before I lose all my gains-I need to sell something to offset the BP losses earlier this year tho. I may still do that before the month is out. bought my first OTC a couple weeks ago,a little commodity-producer gem- doing well so far-got the idea from an investment newsletter I started subscribing to a few months ago.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Dollar Weighted Put/Call

I purchased some very expensive put/call data yesterday to help alleviate my concerns about how Citigroup and Bank of America options may be skewing the put/call ratios. The data I purchased is dollar weighted put/call data, hence cheapie options have little effect on the data. Unfortunately, I am not certain if I am allowed to share a graph based on that data so I will err on the side of caution and not show the graph. However, I will describe the results.
Make This Trade This Morning and Profit By This Afternoon
By Jeff Clark
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Large gaps higher have traded in a predictable pattern this year. Learn to trade them the right way and you can earn consistent profits day trading them.

If the overnight gains in the S&P futures market hold up into this morning, stocks are going to gap sharply higher. Here's how to day trade it…
Ha...another funny video!!!! Don't fight the Fed.....

Confessions of a Former Bear
Submitted by RobotTrader on 12/10/2010 16:11 -0500

Wall of Worry

Well, it's official.

NYA clears to a new, 2-year high. And a weekly close to boot.

Bears continue to get firehosed by the Infinite Fiat spewed forth by the "The Ben Bernank."
Friday, December 10, 2010

If the market can end the day with a gain we will get a 4 day rule possible trend change signal.

The four day rule says; After a long intermediate rally look for the first down day to signal an intermediate trend change after the market rallies 4 or more days in a row.

The four day rule is a sign of extreme sentiment. I would caution that it only works after a long intermediate rally lasting multiple months. We have those conditions right now. We have also reached extreme bullish sentiment levels. The kind of levels where we are in jeopardy of running out of buyers.
Dec 10, 2010

Foreign Policy Magazine On Roubini

"Being a global economic Cassandra isn’t a cheerful job, but someone’s got to do it — and Nouriel Roubini acknowledges that he fits the role perfectly. He has even embraced the moniker “Dr. Doom,” a name derisively pinned on him before the 2008 crash that showed his pessimism was warranted. And so while everyone’s still trying to figure out how to overcome the last financial crisis, Roubini has his sights set firmly on the next one — which, Dr. Doom assures us in his book, Crisis Economics, won’t latest be too far off.
Yes Sir, Easy Money Monday up next!

Friday, December 10, 2010
Doorbuster Markups

The stock market works in an opposite manner to department stores. Investors are excited to buy stocks when they are marked up rather than when they are on sale. This week we have seen a markup on some of the hottest merchandise, the low dollar financial stocks. That will likely entice eager retail buyers over the weekend.
12 December 2010 by Comstock 3 Comments
By Comstock Partners

The deal between President Obama and the Republican congressional leadership is not likely to have a significant positive effect on an economy facing severe headwinds pulling in a negative direction. The key fact to remember is that we are in an economic recovery that will remain restrained by the after-effects of a major credit crisis and the need to deleverage the enormous household debt built up during the boom. As was true for the original stimulus package, any additional spending occurring as a result of the compromise will be temporary with no sustainable follow-through once the stimulus wears off. And while the possible blip in growth is temporary, the addition to the deficit created by the package will remain with us for a long time. In the following paragraphs we cite the severe headwinds creating a drag on economic growth.
On this week’s Consuelo Mack WealthTrack: a “Financial Thought Leader” journalist who is considered to be a must read among top investors. Roger Lowenstein is a former Wall Street Journal reporter who has written books covering subjects ranging from Warren Buffett, to the Tech crash, to the nearly catastrophic failure of hedge fund Long Term Capital Management, to the most recent financial crisis in his book, The End of Wall Street. Lowenstein will make sense of the current financial climate and the challenges we face investing in it.