AGG +.51% and F lost 1/2 cent. It makes no sense!!
I saw I've said before; AGG and F-fund do NOT track one another - either by day, or over the long term. Some of the mutuals do track F-fund, like VBMFX, but share prices are decided after the close, just like the F-fund - so it's nothing I can watch at in the morning to tell whether to make an IFT on a suspected daily bounce from early prices. Fluctuation in share prices is fairly significant day to day and, I suspect, during the day. Wish there were some way to watch it before the IFT deadline; but there isn't, and AGG is not a very good surrogate.
Otherwise - I joined the crowd of weak-hands, hoping for a rise to near 800 by weeks' end, after which we will sell like there was no tomorrow no matter what.
Keep your finger on the button, and no oversleeping on the west coast.