I have some work to do, don't I? There have been various strategies tried, more than one that have worked, and mine was not among them. That said, I made my move, it was only a few days, and I am sticking with it (like I have a choice?)...a disappoints on the jobs #; emotion can only do so much....no....actually, the market could shrub off a bad jobs number. And it has before (some other bad trades I made last fall). And it shrugged off a good one and sold it, when was that? Oh that's right, it was last month!!!!
So much ado....but what will happen, will happen. I may go back to what "worked" earlier this year for me (if you can define working as not losing money, like my more recent moves); that being an average in on a down day and double-triple down on sharper moves downward. We'll see. There are those like Boghie that think we're in for another anxious summer. With QE scheduled to end, I wouldn't be surprised at a lull.
I think the 175,000 jobs is a bit rich this time of year.....and sure.....there has been some hiring out here (CA) for software engineers, but it's not big numbers, and alot of them are imports from China and Japan (seriously - they're all up in the mountains skiing like me on weekdays). Still no shortage of applicants, just expertise, in that field.