I bought every two weeks all the way down and now will continue to buy every two weeks all the way back up. I know I picked up over 1800 C fund shares last year and that will help me regain my footing - dollar cost averaging is the redeemer.
So let me get this straight, you never ever IFT'd into G fund when the market was going down, instead you bought a bunch more C.
And the website you posted indicates an S&P of 600 in 2009, and you'll buy more.
I have another idea for birch, and anyone else holding (what's left of) C,I, or S fund - dump it........dump it all.......dump it now.....; and here's my thinking:
- this latest run-up (whip de do, 900 and change) is the result of a premature honeymoon (ooooohhhh, there's some gnarly metaphors in there); basically people who are dreaming of more buyers when Obama actually does get in office; and, it's a consequence of rumors (leaks) that the stimulus package will include hefty tax cuts.
- big deal - so what. This does nothing to root causes of the recession, and is temporary. And it isn't passed. And we don't know what it is. Or whether it will work (not, imo).
- I will look to any equity bounce to add to my position in F.
- I will watch the reaction to tomorrow's employment report carefully, remember, there has been light volume recently, and the previous month's employment number turned into a "buy on bad news" scenario which was overbought for that reason (sold off later) - so tomorrow may actually be a peak even if there is a miss; we'll see if history repeats itself;
- Obama is on TV again - more "roll up sleeves"/"get this thing done" talk; but no details, and he's not president, yet. So what the face time is for I cannot guess, other than to buoy the market. I guess that can work for a time - but it will get old (is for me). Reading behind the lines, he sounds desperate to me, like he's expecting his plan - whatever it is or will be - not to work, and for us to be ready for it. Well thankyuverymuch!
I am (G and F).