Not posting any charts, things are still riding along the Mean at this point, still waiting for the drop below the mean. Meanwhile, tonight I'm watching a movie that's been out awhile, never watched it before tho had opportunities. The Queen, with Helen Mirin. She's a great actress, no question, but it's the subject matter that finally has my attention.
Movie revolves around how the british royal family dealt with public relations and internal emotions after Diana got killed in the car crash, back when I was in grad school-some 20+ years ago. Tony Blair was the PM. I learned something absolutely fascinating about QEII tonight that I never knew before. A one-liner that made the whole movie for me, and made me think wow, what a woman that Queen was/is. Showed a side of her I would never ever have known otherwise.
Scene-she (70-ish)goes off into the countryside in 4wheel drive on a dirt track by herself, a place she obviously knows well. Shortly after Diana died, while Elizabeth is trying to focus on family private grief and trying to help her grandchildren who had just traumatically lost their mother. The dirt track takes her to a ford across a river (where you have to drive through the water to get across). She proceeds to drive through and rams the transmission into a small log right before she gets the other side, vehicle breaks down, shallow water, not dangerous.
She calmly gets out, wades around to the front end and looks under to see what brought her to a dead stop. Then with mild irritation, pulls out her cell phone to call for help, tells person on the other end that the vehicle is broke down and what is broken. Male person on the end questions whether she knows what she's talking about. Elizabeth responds, "Of course I do! I was a mechanic during THE WAR, you know!" (WWII she means, emphasis added by me, not her). Wow, a woman of many talents! She did her part to win the war in more ways than one. What an insight into her character. I bet she knew how to pee off the back end of a pickup out in the sticks like a good country girl, too. I can picture it, having done the same a time or two, with male coworker on the front end doing the same.