alevin's account talk

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most recent significant move in the chart I watch closely. Waiting for a drop that will take it down at least to the -1SD marker before I even think about wading in.
Not posting any charts, things are still riding along the Mean at this point, still waiting for the drop below the mean. Meanwhile, tonight I'm watching a movie that's been out awhile, never watched it before tho had opportunities. The Queen, with Helen Mirin. She's a great actress, no question, but it's the subject matter that finally has my attention.

Movie revolves around how the british royal family dealt with public relations and internal emotions after Diana got killed in the car crash, back when I was in grad school-some 20+ years ago. Tony Blair was the PM. I learned something absolutely fascinating about QEII tonight that I never knew before. A one-liner that made the whole movie for me, and made me think wow, what a woman that Queen was/is. Showed a side of her I would never ever have known otherwise.

Scene-she (70-ish)goes off into the countryside in 4wheel drive on a dirt track by herself, a place she obviously knows well. Shortly after Diana died, while Elizabeth is trying to focus on family private grief and trying to help her grandchildren who had just traumatically lost their mother. The dirt track takes her to a ford across a river (where you have to drive through the water to get across). She proceeds to drive through and rams the transmission into a small log right before she gets the other side, vehicle breaks down, shallow water, not dangerous.

She calmly gets out, wades around to the front end and looks under to see what brought her to a dead stop. Then with mild irritation, pulls out her cell phone to call for help, tells person on the other end that the vehicle is broke down and what is broken. Male person on the end questions whether she knows what she's talking about. Elizabeth responds, "Of course I do! I was a mechanic during THE WAR, you know!" (WWII she means, emphasis added by me, not her). Wow, a woman of many talents! She did her part to win the war in more ways than one. What an insight into her character. I bet she knew how to pee off the back end of a pickup out in the sticks like a good country girl, too. I can picture it, having done the same a time or two, with male coworker on the front end doing the same.
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It's been a long long wait, but finally got signal I've been waiting for for toe-in-the-water entry point. Because these charts have more than once shown second lower dip after the signal, I'll only be going in partway, in the am, with second entry possible down the road a bit. will decide in the am how much of my foot I want to get wet on this first entry.

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toe in. 15C, 10I. enough to hold, not enough to hurt too much, meaningful amount to throw in later if a bigger drop comes.
So my timing on the sniper shot finally paid off-so far. Got in on the low, it popped back up the very next day. Usually I miss the window for getting in on the drop and don't get in at all, due to workload distractions and obligations. Right now, willing to hold what's on the table until I see airlift back up to +1 std. deviation or higher.

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happy to be here. doing happy dance for self tonight. 3 weeks gone without personal transportation due to bad gas fillup 3 weeks ago :sick:, semi fixed now, plus finally found the new-er used vehicle for reliable longdistance driving today, got it sitting in the driveway tonight. If others had not been willing to share of their time, energy, other resources, including a loaner vehicle for past couple weeks, and a friend who followed me home today from dealership, drove new vehicle home today for me, while I drove the old-er vehicle myself, from out of town where I bought the new-er used vehicle for cash (saved over 2 years), I would have struggled getting to and from work, not only these past 3 weeks, but this coming winter as well.

The old-er vehicle suddenly started having probs starting on cool mornings 3 weeks ago, but would start, with persuasion, in afternoons when air temps rose above 60. we (me and mechanics) think we know what the prob is, it may not be going away completely but definitely better after 2 different shops worked on it over the past 3 weeks. That one will now be the backup vehicle for spring-fall local driving, until I get it cleaned up enough to sell myself. :1244:
4x4 offroad ford ranger xcab, 37000 miles, a few extras the old-er vehicle didn't ever have. pristine inside and out. 1 former owner, older, he traded in for a toyota sedan.
tell! does it have eco boost?

you got to go out to the driveway and roll up the windows and crank the stereo and rev the engine. this is prerequisite to making it yours. then all that's left is to skip church in the morning and grab the 9mm and find a dirt road. monday you go get that 25.06 bolt action for the long varmits. then you ready for all but the worst zombie apocalypse.

what color?

ps i forgot to add the part about a six pack. it is almost impossible to get a dui on a dirt road.
black, silly. subtle metallic sheen to it, which means the paint won't be as durable as the paint on the older vehicle (past experience with metallic paint-2 vehicles back), so will have to treat much more tenderly paintcarewise. no ecoboost but does have overdrive, cruise control, tow package (older one had the tow package too), offroad tires (need to look closer, make sure they are mud and snows), slightly better audio options than older one, foglights, like that. chrome bumpers, no painted bumpers for me. I like it much, big smile. emergency fund not depleted, roth 2016 savings not depleted, now I can start to save for a little 9mm or revolver (jury still out), plus maybe next year membership in trap and skeet club next town up the road, good practice with great-granddaddys shotgun. :1244:

you forgot about the six pack though. i recommend coor's light.

metallic paint don't matter much when you runnin down zombies.
If I'm going to drink beer in the boonies, it will be in camp, not on dirt road, those can get dicey, depending where a person wants to go. case in point some of the roads driven this past week for work. any more a good craft brew preferred, but a miller gd will do.
tonight I watched a movie had never seen before. based on a book I've long heard of, had never read, written in 1948. A classic. Cry, the Beloved Country.

Movie-1995. James Earl Jones, Richard Harris. Powerful. It brought me to tears at the end, YMMV. I encourage anyone here to watch it if they have the chance.
I sure do wish the market indicator charts I watch would finally break one way or the other signalwise. hard sitting here watching, trying to be consistent in application. not easy right now.

meanwhile, the workday today was long. went from 8am to 9pm, with a dinner break of about 45 minutes, lunch was fast food in vehicle on way to a meeting. the one that went into afterhours. the meeting continues tomorrow, same bat time, same bat place, same bat schedule pretty much, normal workdays rest of the week after that. intensive training session on how to improve group communications, various scenarios. good stuff. led by highly experienced professionals from within a handful of agencies, including retirees from the same. they've lived what we do. anyways, I won't be around much. thinking of starting a new thread to brainstorm ideas how to improve reading skills in this country. what was worked for people here, what didn't work for them. will save that for later in the week, take it out of the trump thread, keep it out of this one as well. night all.
tonight I watched a movie had never seen before. based on a book I've long heard of, had never read, written in 1948. A classic. Cry, the Beloved Country.

Movie-1995. James Earl Jones, Richard Harris. Powerful. It brought me to tears at the end, YMMV. I encourage anyone here to watch it if they have the chance.

...thinking of starting a new thread to brainstorm ideas how to improve reading skills in this country. what was worked for people here, what didn't work for them. will save that for later in the week, take it out of the trump thread, keep it out of this one as well. night all.

that sounds like an interesting show, but i have a strict personal policy of not seeing the movie until i've read the book, so it's off to the local library i go, i wonder if they have any works by alan paton, you never know where a story might lead.
finally the pattern got off the dime and made a decision, end of the day on Thursday, so it's had an extra day-Friday, to think about where it wants to go from here, so far no decision, but I'm going to add some more to the pot. long time coming. Ugh, it was hard waiting. and somewhat painful. still what's a system if don't accept a little rain sometimes, it waters the plants and makes the flowers bloom-in due season.

So with that, goal of the next move will be to reclaim lost ground and maybe some net gain. will decide in the am how much to add to C and what to do with I and S, with goal of at least getting the balance sheet back to where I started from.

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Decision made. last chance today to post, will be on the road rest of the day and away from computer. Standing pat on earlier allocation, looking to get back to even and maybe gain a little. time to get in/add to allocation was on Friday, since the buy signal came end of day on Thursday. story of my life-procrastination. my personal goal this next year (NY resolution coming early)-procrastinate less and less when see a credible signal that it's time to act. that's what this system is designed to help me with, so watching signal behavior this year has been getting to point of truly trusting the signals, even if they aren't perfect, they are right more often than not.