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It's an exciting afternoon when you get off the phone with your mom, talking about finally getting down to downsizing their multi-story home that they are 95% of the way to not being able to live in safely anymore due to infirmities, and start to go outside to finish cutting the lawn in the front yard only to discover 7 fire/ambulance/electric company vehicles parked directly in front of your house and smoke billowing from the back of the house on the corner, 1 diagonal across the street from you. Next thing, I notice backyard sprinkler not sprinkling like I had it doing, and then the alarm starts beeping to tell me there is a power outage. Smoke billowed from back of the neighbor's house for next 2 hours, the emergency workers left a little bit ago, I'm back to finishing cutting the lawn. 2d fire in a year within 1-2 houses of me, the other one burned beyond repair next door a little over a year ago. I know what caused that fire, don't know yet what caused this fire. Older couple, several younger family members showed up to lend moral support after the fact, I don't know the neighbors very well, they stick to themselves. The husband and I have talked a couple times over the fence in years past. Just another magic Monday.
has it really been that long since I did any dusting in here? kinda resembles the real house. I resemble PO's commentary in his account thread at this point. static allocations, no time or energy to put into moving the furniture. wearing 3 hats at work this year, plus a small piece of a 4th hat that is currently without a head to wear it. Multiple family members with serious medical conditions including an 85yo parent or two. all long distance. Been trying to free up my July-August for intermittent work travel, but that time may get diverted to family travel necessities.
Family leave may be an option to integrate with temporary work relocation possibility. rather up in the air at this point. garden? I'm planting it this weekend, the hopeless hapless optimist in me says if I don't, well, that's a pessimist's choice, even though more seeds and plants where those come from, a waste of time and energy this year? remains to be seen, no guarantees in life. I'm going ahead and planting for the just in case. Options are always good, keep them open. Optimism says maybe the family leave won't be needed after all.
It's time I dusted off this verrry dusty account. Life went kinda sideways/downhill these past few years, lost brother in 17, dad in 18, mom at Christmas last year, difficult stories behind each of their passings. I'm finally at the doorstep to retirement. Just in time to not face ultimatums coming from on high. The tsp account has been pretty inactive these past few years, not enough emotional/mental energy to spare due to longdistance eldercare and subsequent estate resolution matters while still working. I have to say that being allowed/required to work from home has not been a bad thing for me, certainly helped with eldercare for 3 of the past 4 years, being able to have parent in my home or me in their home, depending on the year.
time approaches in next few weeks of pulling some funds prior to retirement to ensure that any shutdowns or delays at OPM dont find me in a shortterm financial bind. Still searching for the right retirement property that I can actually afford given screaming real estate prices these past few years while I was trying to save for a 20% down, early retirement cushion and still max out tsp funding from paychecks, not to mention a few other out of the ordinary ongoing expenses that I consider investments in human capital now and future-family related.
Meanwhile some food for thought to sample and possibly digest.