Afisheggs Account Talk

You're going to stay out of stocks the whole month of September - a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Looks like september started off well, I'm glad I jumped in (wed) I got some good gains off of fridays close. I'm in the stocks again but of course after listening to peter schiff I'm skeptical about the rest of the year, hoping the holidays will pull in some good numbers cuz as far as I'm concerned thats the only thing that could really get things moving in a positive direction till 11' then who knows, Alas what to do! Gonna stay in for now G 30% F 30% S 30% I 10% (prolly gonna scale back on the F fund though this month) PEACE -Fish egg-
Well I'm baaack! My computer had a blowout.:D I jumped into the S fund 100% last friday and boy howdy great move. today looks like the market wanted to keep pushing upward but i dunno what happened? Maybe tommorow, but I'm definately into the market all the way for september, I might scale back into the G fund a bit though. What about you guys out there, what are your plans for september? I need to check my tsp account but I KNOW I'm up atleast 3 or 4 % at this point.

Good to be back, I've been keeping up on the computer at work though, as this is about the only website other than cnn or usatoday that I can look at, don't wanna be perusing around to much on a goverment network, THAT can cost you big time, HA, common sense right? well I have seen folks do some stupid stuff on a government computer! :laugh:
Wow I'm glad I'm 100% S fund right now, but I'm wondering if it's all too good to be true, maybe this could be the start of something beautiful! :D I believe I'll just stay in and swim around and revel in it awhile.......This quote from bloomberg.

“The double-dip seems to be off the table,” said Eric Mintz, who helps oversee $3.3 billion at Eagle Asset Management in St. Petersburg, Florida. “The durable goods report was strong, it supports the idea that companies are spending money, which is important for overall economic growth. So it’s another bullish indicator.”

I would say that if your not into stocks yet to hurry up and make the plunge, I can't see why we would tank now going into the holiday season, especially since the decision will be coming after nov 2 about whether to extend the bush tax cuts, I think the market will make another good push then as well.
The word on the street is last friday's push will crash this week sometime (check poolmans account out) (what goes way up must come back down?) I'm out till I get My brand spankin new shiny ift's come fri.......I might be kickin' myself tommorow though, going with my gut on this one, however I gotta good "bump" all last week so.... what are you guys thinking as far as October goes?
I'm hedging a little for the 4-year cycle to bottom in the middle of October - I hope it has already passed back in July. But if not you can be assured that there will be trouble. I'd like to buy into the S fund at $17.75.
I'm up %14.56 for the year and I am now %100 S fund. I just hope now the Tax bill gets passed, we are at a crossroads right now, It passes we make money, they fumble the ball we all get sunk, unless your standing on the "lillipad"? Birch? Good luck to everyone and here's to a happy new and prosperous 2011....

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I've made my decision as to what investment method I'm using this year and it is this. I am going to use the "Buy and Hold" method and I am going to invest half into the S fund and Half into the I fund. After last year (2010) I realise this is the ONLY method that will produce "substantial gains for a majority of people" Face it!, Few people who use the jump out jump in technique actually move above %10 gains UNLESS they have a "system" which tells them when to move. Well see what happens but I ...."believe"...Hehehehe..mWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! BRING IT ON 2011!!!!!!
Can someone post the links to where you can track the TSP funds performance throughout the day, I saw them on here before but can't seem to find them. Thanx
Can someone post the links to where you can track the TSP funds performance throughout the day, I saw them on here before but can't seem to find them. Thanx

Here are the ones I use. Just remember these are not the TSP funds just funds which approximate the TSP funds. Especially the EFA because the I fund is cut off during the day and Barclays makes fair value adjustments (verry verry rough estimate).$US:DWCPF+$inx+efa+agg

S,C,I, F in order.