Re: Afisheggs account.
Wrong video below heres the right one.
Wrong video below heres the right one.
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Yes, we sure got change we can count on - the organizer is destroying the economy and the country. But he and his kind will be shut down soon enough - I'll take gridlock and be happy.
Bloomberg:, People, we are so screwed!
"The Federal Reserve’s statement yesterday that the recovery is weakening and would require fresh stimulus was followed by an announcement that China’s industrial output rose the least in 11 months, adding to signs that the world’s third-biggest economy is slowing. The selloff today halted a rally in stocks that restored almost $4 trillion to global equity markets between July 5 and yesterday."
“We’re in a worldwide soft patch and investors wonder why the Fed didn’t do more,” said James Swanson, chief investment strategist at Boston-based MFS Investment Management, which oversees about $197 billion. “People are dumping stocks because they’re afraid earnings will decelerate and the economy is losing steam.”
Aug. 11 (Bloomberg) -- Let’s get real. The U.S. is bankrupt. Neither spending more nor taxing less will help the country pay its bills.
It's this second article that gets my attention. Especially this statement:
Herb Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under U.S. President Richard Nixon, coined an oft-repeated phrase: “Something that can’t go on, will stop.” True enough. Uncle Sam’s Ponzi scheme will stop. But it will stop too late.
And it will stop in a very nasty manner. The first possibility is massive benefit cuts visited on the baby boomers in retirement. The second is astronomical tax increases that leave the young with little incentive to work and save. And the third is the government simply printing vast quantities of money to cover its bills.
Worse Than Greece
Most likely we will see a combination of all three responses with dramatic increases in poverty, tax, interest rates and consumer prices. This is an awful, downhill road to follow, but it’s the one we are on. And bond traders will kick us miles down our road once they wake up and realize the U.S. is in worse fiscal shape than Greece.
Some doctrinaire Keynesian economists would say any stimulus over the next few years won’t affect our ability to deal with deficits in the long run.
This is wrong as a simple matter of arithmetic. The fiscal gap is the government’s credit-card bill and each year’s 14 percent of GDP is the interest on that bill. If it doesn’t pay this year’s interest, it will be added to the balance.
Demand-siders say forgoing this year’s 14 percent fiscal tightening, and spending even more, will pay for itself, in present value, by expanding the economy and tax revenue.
My reaction? Get real, or go hang out with equally deluded supply-siders. Our country is broke and can no longer afford no- pain, all-gain “solutions.”
Anyone who thinks the dow will hit 20 grand or even go back to 11 grand this year is sorely mistaken, we are lucky we haven't still hit rock bottom yet. I know, I know doom and gloom, doom and gloom, but if the shoe fits WEAR IT! Exactley my sentiments, the government has been running a "PONZI scheme" for far too long and it is high time to pay the piper folks, hang on to your AS*SES cuz it's about to get bumpy!"
you got me by a bit on the time stamp, but i like the way you think. and you even manage to keep it somewhat finacially related. but your posts have just a bit of a political side to them, for someone who doesn't care enough to vote. if you get bored or start offending the pure finance types here, there may be another venue you might be interested in to adress some of the more sensitive issues.
where do you guys stand for september?
where do you guys stand for september?/QUOTE]
Out, then in, then out.....repeat as necessary.
where do you guys stand for september?![]()